Freedom of Information Act 2000 – National Hate Crime

Your request for information has now been considered. The Council holds the information requested.

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Questions are organised into eight areas covering; policies, staffing, reporting, resources, advocacy, funding, working with communities affected by hate crime and participation in National Hate Crime Awareness Week #NHCAW.

Council Details

1. Name of Council

Leicester City Council

2. FOI Reference Number


3. Name of Person responding to FOI

Daxa Pancholi – Head of Community Safety

4. UK Region council is located in.

East Midlands

Hate Crime Policy

1a Is hate crime included in the councils current community safety plan?

No, but there are plans to include it in the 2017-18 Plan

1b Does the council have a separate hate crime policy?

Yes, the Council is one of the partners in delivering the “Leicester, Leicestershire, Rutland and Police Strategy Statement for Tackling Hate” to ensure a co-ordinated approach is adopted across the county.

1c If no current plans are available - which year did the last plan end?


1d Can you send a PDF copy of the above documents? Please see Plan attached

Hate Crime Staffing

2a Does the council have a designated hate crime lead/team?


2b If 2a = yes, what is the name of the designated hate crime lead/team?


2c Does the council employ designated hate crime officer?

No, but funding from national government for a Community Co-ordinator post will mean that the postholder will undertake a greater, proactive role in taking this agenda forward.

2d If 2c = yes, how can we contact them?


Hate Crime Reporting

3a Does the council facilitate hate crime reporting in its area?


3b What methods of reporting does the council support?

We have a hate crime page on our website and for reporting. We have a link to the “stamp it out” website for reporting.

Hate Crime Resources

4a Does the council have a designated page on its website for hate crime information?


4b If 4a = yes - what is it's URL website address?

4c Does the council produce any hate crime materials (Posters, Leaflets, Cards, Campaign materials, training resources etc.)?


4d If 4c = Yes - can you send us PDF copies of any of these resources?

We use the “stamp it out” posters. Attached stamp it out posters.

An e-learning training module is in draft which has been produced with Leicestershire County Council.

Hate Crime Advocacy

5a Does the council provide direct hate crime advocacy services to people affected by hate crime?


5b If 5a = yes - how many hate crime advocates does the council employ?


5c Does the council refer people affected by hate crime to external hate crime advocacy services?

No specific advocacy service available, but the Leicestershire Police & Crime Commissioner funds a victim support service called “Victim First” for all crime and anti-social behaviour issues and any victims of hate are referred to this service.

5d If 5c = Yes, please can you provide a list of hate crime advocacy services that the council refers people to?


Hate Crime Funding

6a How much did the council budget to tackle hate crime in 2017/18?

None (no funding available for this area of work)

6b How much did the council budget to tackle hate crime last year 2016/17?


6c How much did the council budget to tackle hate crime in 2015/16?


6d Can you provide a list of organisations funded by the council to tackle hate crime?


Working with Communities affected by hate crime

7a Does the council facilitate or participate in a hate crime forum?

No, but we have a quarterly “Community Gold” meetings where we meet with representatives of local community groups where we raise issues related to hate on an adhoc basis.

7b If 7a = yes - what is the name of the hate crime forum?

See 7a above

7c if 7a = yes - how often does the hate crime forum meet?

See 7a above

7d if 7a = yes - what other local authorities attend the meetings?

See 7a above

7e If 7a = yes - what voluntary sector organisations are represented on the forum?

Mostly faith and religious groups e.g. Federation of Muslim Organisations

National Hate Crime Awareness Week #NHCAW

8a Does the council intend to take part this year? (14th-21st October 2017) Y/N Maybe?


8b If 8a = yes - what is the council planning to do?

Launch the new Hate Crime e-learning module for staff

Promote the campaign wider within the council

Possible other activities still being planned

8c Which years has the council taken part in #NHCAW? 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. 2016 (please check each year participated)

The council has participated in the national hate crime awareness week in 2016 although we did not undertake any social media work around this.

8d If the council has not participated in #NHCAW before - can you give us a reason why?


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Information Governance & Risk Team

Leicester City Council

Legal Services

4th Floor, City Hall
115 Charles Street

Leicester LE1 1FZ
