ON LINE LESSON Questionnaire

I realize there are a lot of questions here. That’s because I want to do as good a job as possible in helping you!

Please answer what you can. Use N/A if you don’t know

The more information I get the better

Natural Hand Usage—(eating, throwing,—L/R/Ambidextrious)______

Putt LH or RH______


Putting Instruction in the Past?______

With Whom______Likes/Dislikes______

How Often______When?______



Avg. Score or Handicap______

Avg. Rounds per year______

# Years playing______

List any putting stats of yours______

Putting Goals______

Typical Miss (R or L)______

Typical Miss (Short or Long)______

Rate yourself 1(Poor) to 5(Great)

Speed/Distance Contol______

Short Putts(4’ or less)______

5’ to 12’______

Green Reading______

How many hours per week of putting practice______

Putting training aids you use (list)______

Was your putter fit for you?______Where?______

What is length of your putter?______

How many inches from your crease in your wrist to floor with arms hanging down?______

What Brand/Model Putter do you use the most?______

Grip type and size______
How many putters do you own?______Use?______

Tend to Decelerate, Overaccelerate or about right?______

Do you have the yips often, always, rarely or never?______

If so are they on short putts, long putts, all putts?______

Putting styles of gripping used (Yes or No)


Opposite hand Low?______


Thumbs side by side______


Green Reading (Yes or No)

AimPoint Express ______

Eyes/Visual from behind the ball______

Eyes/Visual from behind the hole______

Eyes/Visual from the side______


Experience playing the course______


Do you consider yourself a good green-reader?______

Imagery, mental and visual

Do you see a curved line where you expect the putt to roll on?______

Do you visualize the putt going in the hole?______

Positive or Negative before putting?______

Don’t have any thoughts______

What is the weight balance between L and R Feet? (50/50, 60/40 front, etc.______

Where do you feel you are balanced from toe to heel?______

Do you use a forward press?______

If so is it a trigger to take the putter back?______

Do you have another trigger to take the putter back?______

Ball Position 0-10 (0 = ball even with front foot, 5= Middle of stance and 10= ball even with back foot)______

Do you grip down on the putter?______How much?______



Hold Breath______

Nothing Conscious______


Been on SAMPUTT before?______

Been on Tomi before?______

Blast Motion?______


Results on any of them______

(please email reports if you have them.)

Do you use a line on the ball aimed at the target? ______

See a curve when you putt or aim at a spot?______