Dear Member,
I hereby give noticethat the Annual Meeting of the Council will be held in Stow Youth Centre, at6.30 pm on Thursday 14th May 2015. All Council members are hereby summoned to attend to consider the business agenda set out below.
Please note that under the Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12 p10(2) a Council can not lawfully decide any matter that is not specified on the agenda.
Please advise prior to the meeting if you require additional information on any agenda item.
Yours sincerely
Caroline Doran, Clerk to the Council.
/ Stow-on-the-WoldTown CouncilStow Youth Centre
Fosseway, Stow-on-the-Wold, GL54 1DW
01451 832 585
Annual Meeting of the Council
to be held on Thursday 14 May 2015 at 6.30pm in Stow Youth Centre
- a) To elect a Chair to holdoffice until the Annual Meeting 2016
b) For the newly elected chair to sign the declaration of acceptance of office
- To elect a Vice-Chair to hold officeuntil the Annual Meeting 2016
- Councillors to sign their Acceptance of Office
- Reminder to all councillors to complete register of interests: The register must be returned to Cotswold District Council’s Monitoring Officer within 28 days of taking office.
- To accept the present committee structure subject to review at June council. Prior to the next meeting consideration should be given to the Committee structure for the coming year and in particular whether to retain all existing Committees and add any new Committees. It is recommended that all Committees consider and agree Terms of Reference at their first meeting for approval by Council in June.
- To appoint members to the committees including any co-opted members. Pleasenote that under s.13 of the 1989 Local Government Act co-opted members do not normally have voting rights.
- To appoint representatives to the following bodies:
- Neighbourhood Plan
- Stow Maugersbury Action Group (SMAG)
- Silver Group
- Trustees of St Edward’s Hall
- Trustees of St Edward’s Almshouses
- Liaison with Gloucestershire Market Towns Forum
- Liaison with Gloucestershire Association of Parish & Town Councils
- To accept the existing Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
- To review an inventory of land and assets including buildings and office equipment
- To confirm arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insured risks.
It is recommended that the Councils assets are professionally valued
- To review the council’s and/or staff subscriptions to other bodies
- To establish a programme to develop and adopt the councils policies and procedures
- To determine the time and place of ordinary meetings of the full council up to and including the next annual meeting of the full council
/ Stow-on-the-WoldTown Council
Stow Youth Centre
Fosseway, Stow-on-the-Wold, GL54 1DW
01451 832 585
Council Meeting to be held on Thursday 14 May 2015
following the AGM at 6.30
in Stow Youth Centre
Public participation
Residents are invited to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any item of business included in the agenda. When directed to do so by the Chairperson each person wishing to speak will be allowed up to three minutes to question/discuss their point. Members of the public may not take part in the Town Council meeting itself unless invited to do so by the Chairperson and the Council cannot make a formal decision on any contributions.
Apologies To receive apologies for absence
Code of conduct & declarations of interest To receive declarations of interest
Formal announcements from the Chair
Approval of minutes
To approve, as a true record, the minutes of the Council meeting held on 30 April 2015
Matters arising from the minutes: Items not on the agenda or covered by the clerks report
- Representatives on Outside Bodies
To receive any reports from the following Outside Bodies:
- District Councillor
- County Councillor
- April Statement of Account
For council to approve the accounts for April 2015
- Delegated expenditure – for information
Purchase of office camera/phone – pay as you go. £40 (LGA 1972 s111)
- Spending Requests
To increase the cleaner’s pay to a living wage, currently set at £7.85/hr. This would be an additional cost to the council of £44.20 a year. (LGA 1972 s112)
- Reports from Clerk, Committees and Working Groups
Members to receivea report/minutes from the chair/committee Member of the following committee, to ask questions and to consider recommendations.
a)Planning Committee: To receive the draft Minutes of meeting 5/5/15
b)Staffing Committee: To discuss the recommendations of the staff appraisal. (in camera)
Correspondence - a file of correspondence is available for inspection.
Any other business - Items to be considered at the next council meeting
Future Meeting Dates
FinanceAnnual Town Meeting / Thursday 21 May
Tuesday 26 May / 7.15pm
Public Forum
Following the close of formal business there will be a period allowed for members of the public to speak on local matters. Councillors will respond briefly to speakers. All Council and Committee meetings are public unless private for personnel, legal or financial reasons. Any complaints in relation to Council plans or actions must be submitted in writing to the office.