Pleasant HillRamblings

Jean Clark


Kimberly Dunn,Wharton Association Joseph Bogle Scholarship winner joins with Lisa Norris, theveryfirst Association Scholarship recipient in checking a patient’s bloodpressure.

Al Dwenger, President of the Wharton Associationin Pleasant Hill joins Janet Lake Miller in announcingthe establishment of anew medical scholarship in memory of her parents’ Eleanor and Robert Lake.Coordinators of the Scholarship program, Sharron Eckert and Carol Sheeley joinin the announcement

In 2000when the Wharton Nursing Home’s Wharton Auxiliary, established in 1972, morphedinto the May CravathWharton Association it began programs of communityoutreach to cover the area that Dr. May Cravath Wharton served inwestern Cumberlandand eastern White Counties. One such program is the awarding of scholarships tothose peopleseeking advancement through higher education. The WhartonAssociation sponsors four and sometimes five sales a yearto fund this andother community services. The very first Wharton Scholarship recipient was LisaNorris, who came to workfor Uplands Retirement Village in the early 1980s.In 1996 she became the first Uplands’ employeeto complete an L.P.N.through its scholarship program. Later with the aid of aWharton Association scholarship, Lisa returned to school and in2000 graduatedfrom Roane State with an Associate's of Applied Science. She passed theNCLEX to become an R.N. inthe State of TN. Today she is the Manager of Uplands’ HomeHealth Services and a Certified Eden Instructor.

The Rev.Joseph R. Bogle was a Methodist Minister, serving churches in Illinois,California, New York, NorthCarolina, Hawaii, Kansas, Iowa, and thePhilippines. He retired in 1978 moving to Uplands Retirement Village in PleasantHill passing away in 2007. In keeping with his life-long love of learning,Bogle left a bequest to the M. C. WhartonAssociation specifically tofinancially help those in this area be able to continue their education. KimberlyDunn of Spartahas been receiving this special Bogle Scholarship each semestersince fall 2014. She has her CNA, attending Roane StateCommunity College,Harriman TN, accepted into the RN program and will graduate in May 2016 with "GoodAcademicStanding". She is currently employed at Cumberland MedicalCenter, working 32 hours a week in ER as well as attendingschool.More recently, the husband of a WhartonHomes’ elder funded the Keisling Scholarship,specifically for employeesof Uplands Village who are registeredin a degree or certificate program. This year’s Keisling awardees are EsterCooper,Anna Marie Gibson, Brittany Shelley, Selinda Bryant, Linda Bolin, GloriaHinton, and Betty Jane Waldo.
The newestScholarship, which was just announced last month will honor the memories of Dr.Robert Lake andEleanor Lake funded by their family. Dr. Lake had been medicaldirector of Wharton Nursing Home during the years 1988through 1997. Lake Homein the new Wharton Homes is named in his honor. Eleanor Lake taught at the TNTechnologyCenter of Crossville guiding young people to receive their LPNcertification while sometimes called on for nursingconsultation during Dr.Lake’s tenure. The Lake Scholarship will be for someone advancing in themedical field.
OtherWharton Association scholarship recipients this semester and their courses ofstudy are: Brittany Shelley,LPN, TCAT Crossville; Linda Bolin, RN, RoaneState Harriman; Janie R. Bristol, RN, Roane State Harriman; SelindaBryant, PA, Roane State Crossville; Taylor Green, Agriculture, TTU, Cookeville;Gloria Hinton, RN, TTU Cookeville; andBetty Jane Waldo, Business, Roane State Harriman. Scholarshipapplication forms may be obtained in the Uplands Villageoffice in HeritageHall in Pleasant Hill.

This week in Pleasant Hill:

Tues,April 12, 6 pm Pleasant Hill Town Council meeting at PHTown Hall, 351 E. Main St., PH 277-3813.

Wed, April 13, 9 am – Noon, volunteers prepare for the Trash andTreasure Sale in the Blue Barn off of Lake Rd,behind Uplands Wellness Center.Many needed. No more donations accepted.

Wed, April 13, 5:30 pm, Adshead Hall ofFletcher House, Share finger foods, Program: Michael Dowd presents,“TenCommandments to Avoid Extinction: Religion as if Survival Mattered“. Free andopen to the public.

Thurs, April 14, 10 am inHeritage Hall. Memory Care Support Group. All welcome.

Thurs, April 14, at 4pm tour of Wharton Homes - a 45-minute tour and talk/training about the EdenAlternativemethod of care and how ELDERS participate with volunteers.

Thurs, April 14, 7 pm,Community Bridge, Fletcher House Dining Room, all welcome. Call 277-5005.

Sat,April 16, 8:00 a.m. - Pioneer Hall Museum workday. Everyone is welcome to lend a handto cleaning upinside and outside.

Sun,April 17, 2 p.m. - Museum tour for newcomers to the area. Allnewcomers are welcome.