At Halling School, children, teachers, teaching assistants, play supervisors, dining hall supervisors and kitchen staff work together to make playtimes and lunchtimes happy and safe for everyone. Our playtime policy has been developed to create a caring ethos which is in line with our behaviour and anti-bullying policies.


  • To ensure that pupils are safe and happy
  • To give pupils opportunities to develop their social skills through play and interaction in a stimulating and caring environment

The school gates are opened from 8:40 and at least two members of staff are present on the playground

Morning playtimes

There are four members of staff on duty on the playground each morning. Occasionally, it will be necessary for some staff members to monitor and observe the behaviour of individuals or groups of children during playtime. Staff are expected to be on the playground promptly and to arrange cover if they are aware that they will be absent.

Key Stage One afternoon playtime is flexible and takes place when the class teacher feels that a break is needed.

When bad weather prevents children from playing outside, they are supervised in their own classrooms by the staff who would have been on the playground. In addition to this, Key Stage One and lower Key Stage Two classes also have wet play monitors from Year 6. Suitable wet playtime activities are provided in each class.

To encourage children to keep to the rules, we have developed a clear system of rewards and sanctions that are used by all staff (see behaviour policy).


At Halling School, we recognise that lunchtimes are an important part of the school day where children have opportunities to develop e.g. good manners, social skills and team work. There are three play supervisors on the playground at lunchtime. Playsupervisors and the majority of dining hall supervisors are trained teaching assistants who work in class with children. This ensures that they have the status, respect, authority and training to meet the needs of individuals and to develop purposeful, happy lunchtimes.

Year 6 children who have completed their Young Leaders’ Award, support play supervisors in a number of ways e.g. supporting younger children in the dining room, organising games and other activities on the playground or the school field.

A range of activities are on offer during lunch hour e.g. hockey skills; football; giant building blocks and other construction toys; parachute games; skipping.

Problem solving

All staff try to help pupils to sort out any problems in a fair way, encouraging pupils to take responsibility for their own behaviour. They will listen to all parties involved and encourage pupils to find a fair solution that both parties can agree to.


If children are unable to sort out their problems in a fair way, continue to break the rules, use aggressive or bullying behaviour, the sanctions outlined in the Behaviour Policy apply.


All children who have not been subject to any kind of sanction during the week i.e. who have not received a green slip or internal exclusion, have Golden Play on Friday afternoon.

This policy was agreed in a Policy Reviewmeeting held in May 2016 and will be reviewed in 24 months.

Signed on behalf of Halling Primary School: ______

Signed on behalf of Governing Body: ______