Please refer to the SAL Rule Book, as the Official Rules for Slow Pitch Softball will be used in this competition. The following are the main points for this competition, along with variations to the Rule Book.


1. Base Paths - Base paths shall be 65 ft (19.81m).

2. Pitching Distance - The pitching distance shall be 48 ft (14.62m).


1. Gloves - No colour restrictions.

2. Helmets - Not mandatory but may be worn if desired.

3. Masks - Are required to be worn by all catchers.

4. Protectors - Not mandatory but recommended for female catchers.

5. Uniforms - 1. All players on a team shall wear uniform tops (e.g. T-Shirts) alike in colour. The tops may be either short or long sleeved and they may be mixed.

2. Caps are optional for all players.

3. Players may wear knickers, shorts or tracksuit pants and they may be mixed.

4. All players must wear suitable shoes.

6. Match Balls - Will be provided by the Association. The umpire will maintain control of the balls at all times. At the completion of the game the umpire will return the balls to the competition coordinator.


1. All players must be at least 14 years of age at the time of competing.

2. A team shall consist of players in the following positions:

a). Ten players - Pitcher, Catcher, 1st Base Player, 2nd Base Player, 3rd Base Player, Shortstop, Left Fielder, Centre Fielder, Right Fielder and a Short Fielder who may play anywhere in the outfield.

b). With “Extra Players” - Twelve players. The twelve players are the same as (1) above, plus 2 EP’s who bat in the line-up.

3. Rosters must be mixed with at least 5 males and 5 females in the game and the line-up must alternate between male & female.

4. Players must be stationed as follows:

a). The pitcher & catcher must be a male & a female, or vice versa, and

b). Infielders must consist of 2 males and 2 females, and

c). Outfielders must consist of 2 males and 2 females.

5. A game may start or finish with a minimum of eight (8) players, unless “Extra Players” are being used, in which case twelve (12) players are required to start and finish the game. NOTE: If playing short, there may only be one additional male or female in the line-up, i.e. teams may play with 4 males & 5 females, or vice versa, but not with 3 males & 5 females, or vice versa.

6. When a game starts or finishes with less than the required ten (10) players, all players may take the field even though there may be less males than females, or vice versa; however, while batting an automatic out must be taken for the missing player when two players of the same sex bat back-to-back in the lineup.

7. “Extra Players”

a). The use of “Extra Players”, referred to as “EP’s”, is optional, but if used it must be made known prior to the start of the game. One “EP” must be male & one must be female and they must be listed on the line-up card in the regular batting order.

b). The “EP’s” must remain in the same position in the batting order for the entire game.

c). If “EP’s” are used, all twelve must bat and any ten (10) can play defence. Defensive positions can be changed, subject to (4) above, but the batting order must remain the same.

d). An “EP” may be substituted for at any time but the substitute must be the same gender as the player leaving the line-up. The substitute must be a player who has not yet been in the game.

e). Failure to complete a game with twelve players when using “EP’s” shall warrant a forfeit to the team not at fault.


1. The first named team shall occupy first base bench and bat first.

2. A regulation game shall be played to seven (7) innings, or 75 minutes, whichever comes first.

a). In the event that the 75-minute time limit expires before the 7th innings, the innings in progress must be completed. The team batting second must complete the even inning, unless that team leads the other team at the completion of the top of the inning, or takes the lead in their half of the inning before 3 outs are made.

b). No new innings shall commence with less than five (5) minutes remaining to play.

3. The winner of the game shall be the team that scores more runs in a regulation game.

a). A team may only score a maximum of seven (7) runs per innings. The umpire will declare the inning closed if seven (7) runs are scored before the third out of the inning.

b). The umpire shall declare the game finished at any time when there is insufficient innings remaining for a team to score the required number of runs to draw level with, or to go ahead of, the other team.


1. Contact with Plate - Only one foot needs to be in contact with the pitcher’s plate at the start of the pitch (can be both). The pivot foot must remain in contact with the plate until the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand.

2. Ball in Hands - The ball must be held in one or both hands for 1-10 seconds, during which time the body must come to a full and complete stop prior to releasing the pitch.

3. Pitch Starts - The pitch starts when the pitcher makes any motion that is part of the wind-up after the required stop.

4. Wind-up - The wind-up must be a continuous motion. The ball must be delivered on the first forward swing of the pitching arm past the hip.

5. Step - No step is required on the pitch. If a step is taken, it may be forward, backward or to the side and outside the 24” (61.0cm) width of the plate.

6. Speed of Pitch - No excessive speed may be used. It must be a moderate speed.

7. Arc on Pitch - The ball must have a minimum 6 ft (1.83m) and maximum 12 ft (3.65m) arc on the pitch.

8. Illegal Pitch Penalty - The penalty for an Illegal Pitch is a ball on the batter but runners DO NOT advance.

9. Illegal Pitch Nullified - An Illegal Pitch is nullified if the batter swings at the pitch.

10. Warm-up Pitches - Only three (3) warm-up pitches are allowed at any time.

11. Intentional Walk - The pitcher may intentionally walk a batter without throwing a pitch. However, the umpire must be notified of the intent to do so before the batter enters the batter’s box. NOTE: A walk to a male batter, intentional or otherwise, will result in a two base award. The next batter, a female, will bat unless an automatic out is taken as per ‘C-6’ above.


1. Strike Zone - The strike zone is that space over home plate between the batter’s back shoulder and his knees when he assumes his natural batting stance.

2. Pitched Ball Hits Ground - A pitched ball contacting the ground in front of home plate, or touching the plate, cannot be swung at. It is simply a ball, even if the batter hits the ball.

3. Batter Hit by Pitch - If a pitch hits a batter it is a ball on the batter, provided the pitch is not in the strike zone, in which case it would be a strike. The ball is dead and the batter DOES NOT ADVANCE to first base unless it is ball four.

4. Strikes/Balls - The ball is dead after every pitch that is not hit.

5. The Batter is Out - a). If he hits a foul ball on the 3rd strike.

b). If he bunts or chops down on the pitch.

c). After the 3rd strike, even if the ball is not caught by the catcher.


1. Leaving a Base - A runner may not leave his base until the pitched ball reaches home plate, or the ball is hit.

2. Base on Balls - The ball is dead and runners may not advance unless forced.

3. Stealing a Base - Base stealing is not permitted. Runners may only advance when the ball is hit, or they are forced when the batter becomes a batter-runner.


“Time” shall be called by the umpire, when the ball is held by a player in the infield area and, in the opinion of the umpire, all play has ceased.