Player & Parent Expectations
Welcome to the Liberty Middle School Football Family!
Program Philosophy
“Effort, Toughness, and Know What to Do” is the foundation of Liberty Middle School’s football philosophy. Football is demanding. It is a sport of discipline and will,requiring commitment and hard work. It takes a dedicated athlete. Football is not for everyone. However,playing football will give back to you far more than it will demand. Football provides a tremendous sense of accomplishment and pride. It fosters confidence, courage, andcultivates lifelong friendships. Being a football player is a state of mind, and it is an honor that only a fewshare. Although winning is always an objective and is important, we believe in taking care of the little things. If we take care of the little things, winning will take care of itself. At the beginning of eachseason, players should make a commitment to strive for victory.“How can I make the team better?” should be the question regularly asked throughout the season. Hardwork, discipline, commitment, and sportsmanship are imperative. They are how we define a successfulseason and football program.Being a committed member of the Liberty Middle School football team translates directly to behaving as a responsible member of Liberty Middle School and the community. We must always remember whom werepresent. Each player and player’s parents/guardians must sign the Player/Parent Contract, created bythe Liberty Middle School football program, located at the back of this handbook.
It is a privilege to be a member of this football squad and to be a Patriot. The time, effort, and energywe all spend in making our program a success is based on a strong conviction that football and aneducation will provide some of your greatest values and most rewarding moments. Take pride ineverything you do as part of our program, for in football as in life, the success you enjoy will result fromthe effort you are willing to give to be a winner. Liberty Middle School Football has committed to THE TIME IS NOW. Remember the players who came before you every time you walk into the locker room,weight room, step on the field, or wear a Patriotuniform. Remember you are setting theexample for those who will follow in your footsteps. You are a Patriot all the time and forever.
Program Alignment
Purpose: Teach players the intermediate rules of football and the strategies of LMSfootball.
Emphasis: Prepare the players, both mentally and physically, for Varsityfootball.
The largest difference between a JV player and a Varsityplayer is theiraggressiveness. JV players tend to be timid for one of two reasons:
(1) they do not understand the game and they play confused or,
(2) they do not have the size, strength, and agility to play aggressively.
The focus of JV to overcome these shortcomings and develop players that are ready for VarsityFootball.
Weight room: Develop proper lifting techniques, agility, quickness, and endurance through a structured lifting, agility,and conditioning program designed to make the players bigger, faster, and stronger. Thiswill allow players to meet the physical demands of playing middle school football.Increasing the strength, speed, and agility of the JV players will improve their ability toprepare them for Varsityfootball.
Purpose: Teach players the advanced rules football and the strategies of LMSfootball.
Emphasis: Win games by fielding the best team of players possible, who are both mentally andphysically prepared to play football at the Varsitylevel. Prepare potential high school athletesfor the high school level.
Weight room: Continue to improve strength, agility, quickness, and endurance to physically dominateopponents.
Physical and Health Insurance Paperwork
All players must have an updated physical exam on Forsyth County forms in order to participate in games and/orpractices. All players are also required to have health insurance. If a family does not have healthinsurance, then a policy can be purchased through LMS to cover the student-athlete. Please see A.D. Todd Holbrook if interested in purchasing this policy.
Communication to Parents
The LMS coaching staff in conjunction with the LMS Booster Club will make every attempt to keepour players and their parents/guardians up to date on football program issues and events.We have three ways of communicating with parents and players. They are email, website, andhudl. Please be sure that your email is updated with the Booster Club President, Ms. Aucoin, se refer to the website regularly. Significant information is available including game
schedules, rosters, meetings, training schedules etc. The web address is
Player Expectations
We will operate the LMS Football Program in accordance with the rules, regulations, and policies as outlined by Forsyth County, and the administrative policies of LMS. Within that framework we will providea football program of the highest quality that meets the needs of our students, school, andcommunity.As Head Coach, I believe that our football program provides a vital link between the school and the community.
Student, parental, and community involvement in our program helps to enhanceschool spirit, develop sound minds and bodies, and develop skills and qualities which endure for life.As a general rule, all players are to conduct themselves with class and dignity, both on and off the field.Your behavior is a direct reflection of our school and football program. Any actions that will embarrassyou, your team, school, or parents isan action that should not be taken.All players in this program will recognize and respect the authority of all coaches, teachers,administrators, and support staff members or they will not be a part of the team.Any violation of one or more of the rules covered in this handbook is an indication that this footballprogram, and being a part of it, is not important to you. Any violation will be dealt with accordingly, ranging from PatriotReminders (PR) to dismissal from the team. Those who work hard and adhere to thesepolicies are showing that being part of this team is important and will be rewarded with success,satisfaction, and wins.
All players are expected to be present and on time to practice.
1. Any player who is late to practice will be held after practice to make up for the time they missed –PR (Patriot Reminders).
2. Any player who misses practice without notifying Coach Williams in person or by email ahead of timewill be dealt with accordingly.
a. 1st Unexcused absence = miss game time at Coach’s discretion (i.e. miss 1st quarter of thegame)
b. 2nd Unexcused absence = 1 game suspension
c. 3rd Unexcused absence = possible removal from team
3. In the case of an unforeseen emergency, parent must contact Coach Williams.
4. All illness and sickness absences need to have a prior approval or doctor’s excuse upon returningto practice to determine excused or unexcused. This does not mean that any time a player is sick orill they need to go to the doctor, but any major illness and sickness that causes players to misspractice should seek treatment. Not feeling good or too much homework is not an excused absence.
5. Any absence, regardless of excused or unexcused, will require conditioning to be made up uponreturning to practice. (This does not include players injured, determined by the trainer or medicalprofessional, but are in attendance for practice)
6. The LMS Athletic Dept. policy states that an athlete must be at school for the entirety of 4 classperiods to be eligible for practice or games on that day.
7. Any circumstances (Dr. visit, Dentist, etc.) that would be excused may ONLY be excused through the LMS administration.
Inclement Weather
When a practice is scheduled we will do something as a team regardless of the weather (obviously,extreme occurrences such as a tornado provide exceptions) so practice will always be on.When a situation arises where we have inclement weather (i.e. lightning) we will do one of the following:
1. Move practice to the gymnasium
2. Watch film and wait out the weather for an opportunity to go back outside
3. Go to weight room and wait out the weather
In a situation where we go inside to wait out the weather practice will end at the scheduled time.
2017 Player Fees
Booster Dues (Mandatory) / $Transportation Fee / $30.00
Equipment Fee / $45.00
West Camp / $75.00
Booster Dues / $375.00
Total / $525.00
Basic Patriot Package - $525 - covers the above mandatory dues.
Red Patriot Membership - $600 - Includes all mandatory dues plus two free tickets for all home games and a booster t-shirt with your player’s last name.
Blue Patriot Membership - $700 - Includes all mandatory dues plus four tickets to all home games, a booster t-shirt with your player’s last name, two free tickets to the end of season banquet and an “on-field” parking pass.
General Notes:
- Membership Fees are due byJuly 1, 2017
- If paid in full by May 6, 2017 total due $475 ($50 discount)
- You may make monthly payments starting May 5th ($175), June 2 ($175), and July 1($175)
- Player Fees can be discounted for Corporate Ad Sale (at a rate of 50% per add sold EX: $100 ad sold $50 off player fee) turned in by June 2
- If your child quits, you will not be eligible for a REFUND. If your family moves out of district, you will be eligible for a partial refund.
- Players do not get to keep their jerseys and will be assigned numbers according to size
- Game Jerseys and Player Pack will not be handed out until Membership Fees are paidPayment may be made by check “Liberty Football Booster Club” or cash directly to Coach Williams in Envelope with Players Name written on it.
2017 Player/Parent Contract
(Submission required for participation)
I, ______(player), and ______(parent/guardian), have read the 2016-17 Liberty Middle Football Player & Parent Expectations Handbook. By signing below,we acknowledge that we understand its contents and agree to the terms of the handbook. We understandthe guidelines for attendance, punctuality, playing time, etc. We understand coaches have the authority over who becomes a participant of the team and when the participant plays or is removed from the team. The coaching staff determines coaching strategy. Acceptance of a position on the team includes acceptance of this policy. Therefore, these issues are not appropriate topics for parent involvement and discussions with coaches. We will do our best to work together toprovide a positive experience. We are aware of the commitment it takes to be a part of the Liberty Middle School Football Program and are aware that all decisions that are made are for the betterment of the TEAM.
It is a privilege to play football at Liberty Middle School, NOT a right!
Athlete Date
Parent/Guardian Date