Player Development Meeting 7-18-16
Present: Kevin Mooney, Dan Selander, Steve Lemke, Jack Freeman, Ben Griffin, and Mike Tangen. Also present Mitch Sweep, Dion Hansen, and Cory Zeir.
Non Parent Coaches Discussion: Many non-parent coaching candidates were contacted since the last meeting. So far we have not received a full positive commitment from anyone. Dylan Jude, Robert Riechel, Jim Caron, Pastor Adam, have all stated that they would like to be a part of our organization, but none want a head coaching position. We will continue to look for outside coaching. Mitch Sweep wants to again coach the 12U team if the GirlsHigh School position isn’t offered to him.
Parent Coaches: We brainstormed the parent coaches at each playing level, and have the following list of coaches. We know we may have missed some coaches.
Bantam – Henry Blattner, Aaron Stellmach, Chris Stanley, Matt Olson, Matt Bullard, Kevin Dietrich, Mike Tangen, Gary Schwagel, Jude Dunnick, Joel Baumgarten, Chad Woefel.
Pee Wee –Chris King, Aaron Scultz, Melissa Wientland, Kirby St.John, Mike Meyers, Scott Hansen, Chad Schultzenberg.
Squirt – Kevin Mooney, Noah Bruntlet, Ben Griffin, Josh Stern, Tenant, Aaron Schultz, Chad Schultzenberg, Matt Hansen.
12U – Jeremy McDoungh, Rand Ronske
10U – Rand Roenski, Kirby St. John, Paul Schrieber, Ben Dutton, Al Mueller, Chris Stanley
Away Tournament Selection:
Bantam A DuluthDec. 16-18
Eden PrairieJan 27 – 29
Bantam B1Fergus FallsDec. 10-11
FargoJan. 20-22
Bantam B2Albert LeaNov. 18-20
Breezy PointDec. 16-18
Pee Wee AFergusFallsDec. 17-18
MarshallJan. 16-17
Pee Wee BBrainerdDec. 16-18
MarshallJan. 16-17
12UMankatoNov. 18-20
DetroitLakesJan. 20-22
Squirt ADuluth-PortmanNov. 18-20
DetroitLakesDec. 9-11
Squirt BWorthingtonNov. 18-20
DetroitLakesDec. 9-11
Squirt CBemidjiDec. 2-4
MankatoFeb. 3-5
10UMankatoNov. 18-20
BrainerdJan. 27-29
We understand that the association away tournament contributions are $1000 – Bantams, $900 – Pee Wee/12U, and $800 – Squirt/10U. The association will pay in full for the 1st tournament listed and then contribute the remainder of the balance toward the 2nd tournament.
Coaches Training: The committee decided to forgo the normal fall coaches meeting and try something new. On Monday September 19th, during our regular PDC meeting, we will host a season planning clinic for all coaches in the association. This clinic will encompass all aspects of a season, and cover topics such as, practice/game planning, team meetings, team organization, player/parent interaction, etc… Kevin Mooney and Mitch Seep will plan and execute this clinic.
October on Ice Clinics will be as follows:
Power SkatingJack Freeman and Steve Lemke
Stick Work Kirby St. John, Jeremy McDonagh, and Brian Nelson
Next meeting will be Monday August 15th, 7:00 pm, Fire House Grill, Richmond.
Items for discussion are: Player Evaluations, Fall Coaches and Player Clinics, Ice Scheduling, More Team Declarations, and Skills Nights.