“Work like a Captain, Play like a Pirate!!”

Plato PTO Executive Meeting Minutes for August 18, 2016

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Missy Crimmins at 12:05pm. In attendance were the following: Leah Miller, Rene’ Swor, Brandy Peters, Aimee Greening, Mary Lowry, Nicole Punneo, Ginger Rowell, Marla Ridley, Angelita Stewart, Marla Hicks, Kimber Budowsky, Chrisie Young, and Jennifer Edwards.

Last Meeting Minutes (Mary Lowry)

The minutes of May’s meeting were reviewed by those in attendance. Marla motioned that the minutes be approved and Angelita seconded the motion, the motion carried.

Financial Report/Budget (Nicole Punneo)

Marla Hicks presented the proposed budget for the 2016-2017 school year and also reviewed how to obtain a P.O. Mary motioned that the proposed budget for 2016-2017 be approved and Angelita seconded the motion, the motion carried.

Committee Reports

Fundraising (All Board)

We reached our goal last year with our Giving Campaign!!  and are still gathering ideas for our Outdoor Classroom. A dance party was promised to the students if our goal was achieved and this still needs to be planned as a reward to our students. This year’s fundraising was discussed and it was decided that with the success of last year’s Giving Campaign we would, again this year, do a monetary donation fund raiser but with proceeds going towards beautification goals for Plato: “Plato Pride”, “ School Beautification”. Some ideas discussed were: the chain-link fence that surrounds the school, installing a walking track around the playground, updating the teacher work room (new laminator, die cuts, etc.), additional computer learning software, replacing the gym sound system, replacing the stage curtain, additional playground updates, school beautification in general, and additional supplies for the new archery program.


Spirit t-shirts (Kim Prince) - The designs are chosen and order forms will go out in Monday folders. The deadline for ordering will be September 1st. All staff will receive one free shirt (as last year).

  1. Spirit Activities (Kimber Budowsky)-Rustic Cuff Spirit Bracelets have been ordered and are expected to be here sometime around Labor Day. They will be red and white in color with the silver and gold fundraiser charm. 75 total bracelets were ordered (half in adult sizing and half in child size); they will be sold at $32 per bracelet with $6 profit/bracelet. Baseball caps will also be ordered white in color with a blue anchor on the front. Prices for those have yet to be determined.
  2. Pirate Pride Treat Day (Ginger Rowell & Amanda Powell)- Reviews (pros and cons) of the pre-pay system offered last year for treat day was discussed and we decided to once again offer this to our students. The changes that will be made to this year’s Pride Treat Day are instead of Dr. Pepper we will offer Coke. So the students will have choices of popcorn, pickles, water, Sprite, and Coke. Also we will be moving the Pirate Pride Treat Day from Tuesdays to Fridays, with the first one being held on September 2nd.

Hospitality (Leah Miller & Jennifer Edwards)

Coffee cart was done for the teachers and staff at the morning meeting held on Tuesday, August 16th, the day before school started and once again the teachers and staff seemed to enjoy that very much. The Homeroom parent forms, class party sign-ups, and parent volunteer forms were given to teachers for handing out on Back to School Night; also “My Favorite Things” forms were distributed to all Plato staff.

Redemptions: Box tops (Angelita Stewart)

The Next box top deadline is tomorrow with the winner of this Summer Challenge receiving and iPod

Publicity (Rene’ Swor)

No report.

Yearbook (Jeana Meadows)

We need to ask for volunteers or helpers in each grade level ASAP!! We will have sign-up sheets at our general meeting on Monday August 22nd where those who are willing to help can sign up to help with this year’s yearbook.

Accelerated Reader (Marla Hicks)

Suggestions for changes to this year were discussed. There was a form on the website that was discovered; this way we can possibly get more tests added to our system.

STEM (Aimee Greening)

Aimee was asked if she had any suggestions for this year’s program. She would like to be able to know how many students and which students will be participating this year to be able to plan things and make things easier when doing bigger projects. It was discussed that this year parents will have the option to sign their 4th or 5th grader up for the STEM program when filing out the late start Monday forms. Parents will have the option to sign their child up for STEM, sign them up for the programming offered during late start Mondays offered by Plato, or opting out of both altogether and bringing their child to school at the 9:15 am late start time. This way Aimee will have an exact number of students that will be participating in the STEM program. Mrs. Peters also offered the use of the “Little House” to Aimee for STEM use.

Book Fair (Marla Ridley)

Our first book fair of the year is set to begin on September 12th and run until September 16th. We will set up for the book fair on September 9th. This year Grandparents Day will be separated into 2 different sessions or days. K-2 will be held on the Thursday the 15th and 3-5 will be held on Friday the 16th. This will hopefully make it easier for Grandparents and parents and ease the congestion on those days.

Teacher Representative (Chrisie Young)

Mrs. Young will ask the teachers and staff what they have as far as suggestions for this school year at the upcoming staff meeting, which is set for next week.

Old Business

“Back to School Night” Thank you to everyone who helped work at the PTO table it was appreciated!! We offered t-shirt order forms and a PTO sign-up sheet, as well as answered questions that parents had about our Plato PTO.

New Business

  • We established our monthly meeting dates and times as follows: September 12th, October 3rd, November

7th, December 5th, January 9th, February 6th, March 6th, April 3rd, and May 1st all to be held at 12:00, noon.

  • The PTO General Meeting will be held on Monday, August 22nd at 5:30 in the gym. During this meeting we will have sign-ups for committees, old t-shirt give away. Our next PTO General Meeting is tentatively set for some time in January. It was brought up by Jennifer that we may get more parent involvement if we had more meetings offered in the evening time. Hopefully with the addition of another General Meeting to be held later in the year and committee sign ups, with the help of Sign up Genius, we can get more parents involved in PTO.
  • Beautiful Day is a new program to our school and we are SUPER excited!! The first Beautiful Day celebration to be held here at Plato will be on August 25th, celebrating those who had birthdays during July and August.
  • ONE Duncan: Uniting all 5 area elementary schools. We are planning on have one centralized Land-Run for all the elementary schools at one time, and possibly partnering classes (example: Plato 1st grade partnered with Emerson 1st grade)
  • Coach Harris received a $1200 grant  and with grant he is starting an archery program along with some other things. He intends on taking 4th and 5th graders to archery tournaments later in the year. He was still in need of $1500 for other supplies to help with this program. Mary made a motion we give Coach Harris this money, Angelita seconded this motion and the motion carried.
  • Mrs. Peters asked if anyone would be interested in volunteering for the Safe and Healthy Fit Meetings that are held at 7:45-8:15am 3 mornings/year (September 7th, December 7th, and March 8th). These meetings are held to discuss school safety issues, illnesses, bullying, healthy living, etc.
  • Mrs. Peters also brought up that the dates for Plato Skate Nights have been set and will be held the 2nd Thursday of each month. Also she said that the owners of the skating rink stated that they are willing to donate items for gifts, rewards, basket auction items, etc.
  • It was brought up that the lot across the street from the north parking lot may be for sale at price lower than what was originally thought. Gina Baker is the current owner of this lot and Angelita said she would try to make contact with her to see what she is currently asking for that lot.


Mary moved to dismiss the meeting and Angelita Stewart seconded the motion. The motion was carried and the meeting was adjourned at 2:02pm.

Minutes recorded and transcribed by Mary Lowry