Plateau Area Writers’ Association
General Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2013
- $16 for a year
Brainstorming ways to support writers, promote PAWA and encourage membership:
- is a place for writers to post about writing and publishing.
- Gives feedback to writers
- We will critique writing for free; see Lois.
- Promote writers’ personal pages.
- Put up flyers: “You write it, we’ll critique it;” encourages people to write and promotes PAWA.
- The Patch is asking for submissions and is willing to post newly published books:
- Buckley newspaper
- Enumclaw street fair booth
- Websites for writing tips/contests/help:
- COMMON ERRORS IN ENGLISH USAGE(This is correct, not "Mistakes in English Laguage")
- Bulwer-Lytton bad writing contest is The Worst beginning lines “It was a dark and stormy night.”
Editor’s Report:
- Plenty of material for the Quarterly
- Paul would like to have more of a variety of people writing for the Quarterly:
- 800-1500 words
- Deadline for June issue is no later than April 25th.
- If you have authored a book, send a picture of the book cover and a blurb and Paul will promote it in the Quarterly.
- Next Contrast Anthology in the planning phase:
- Suggested themes: contact Paul Jackson to vote for your favorite:
- One or Another
- Now or Then
- Paper or Plastic
- Up or Down / Up and Down
- Coffee and Tea / Coffee or Tea
- Sweater and Coats
- Milk and Cookies
- Spring or Fall
- Summer/Winter
- Round or Square
- Mother and Father
- Cars and Trucks
- Brothers and Sisters
- Walk or Ride
- Can or May
- Change or Remain
- Beginning and Ending
- Wordplay or Playword
- Men and Women
- Run or Walk
- Walking and Riding
- They and Them
- Miserable – Comfortable
- Waffling or Spinning
- Energetic or Vigorous
- Expose or Conceal
- There is no word limit.
- Poems need to be no wider than 4 inches, but can be any length.
- You may submit pictures, but they have to be your picture or you must have permission to publish the picture.
- Editor opportunity: please consider whether you would be willing to step into Paul’s position as Editor of the Quarterly and Anthology if he takes a full time job.
Treasurer’s Report
- Please let Lois know if you’ve paid your dues with cash.
- Treasury report available upon request.
- Wake up to Poetry:
- PAWA along with Buckley Library is sponsoring the program for Buckley school children.
- Let Lois know if you are available to volunteer for this program.
- She directs you in how to critique and brings you poems to critique.
Memoir class:
- Meets at high point on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month.
- 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
- Everyone is welcome.
Author Days:
- BonneyLake Library May 25th at 1:00pm.
- Bring your book and read an excerpt.
Workshop on self Publishing:
- How to publish on Amazon
- During next quarterly general meeting.