
Plate Tectonics, Volcano and Earthquake Webquest

Standard:S8.D.1.1.2Describe natural processes that change Earth’s surface (e.g., landslides, volcanic eruptions,earthquakes, mountain building, new land being formed, weathering, erosion, sedimentation, soil formation).

Objective:Learn and explore basic background information of Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes, and Earthquakes.

Instructions:Go to each of the websites indicated below. Answer the questions or complete the requested responses about each of those sites. Make sure your explanations to the answers as complete as possible.

Plate Tectonics

1.What are Plate Tectonics?

Read the follow article and use the space below to define and describe PlateTectonics.

b.Who proposed the idea of plate tectonics/continentaldrift?

c.What are the driving forces behind plate tectonics? Explain indetail.


2.What is an Earthquake? earthquake.html

a.Read the follow website and use the space below to define and describe what an earthquakeis.

b.Click “Next” and describe thefollowing:

i.Under Faults describeHypocenter:

ii.Under Faults describeEpicenter:



v.Ring ofFire:

c.Click “Next”. Fill in the gaps to learn how Earthquakesform.

i.Earthquakes developintheof the earth. The inner part of the earth containsmassive . Some of this energyescapesthrough and other volcanic activity, but the bulk ofitis within the earth’s inner part, contained in thecrust.

ii.The earth’s outer crust is held in place likeacompleted, with roughedgesandlines.Theenergystoredherecausesthepiecestoslide,glide,knockandmove around each piece. These pieces best describe what wecall‘ ’.

iii.After a period of time, the built up energy and movementcauseshugein the plates, and thereismassive on the fault lines. This intense pressure resulting from energy build up causes the fault lines give way, and plates move over, against or apart from each other.

iv.Thereisanat this point. In theformof(like water ripples) the escapingenergyradiates from the fault in alldirections.

The seismic waves shake the earthastheythrough it. When the waves reach the earth’s surface, theyshakethe and anything on it, tearingdown houses andstructures.

Lehman Lab © 2018

d.Click “Next. What are the types ofearthquakes?


Draw and describe each in the boxesbelow.

e.Earthquake Waves: What are the two types of Seismic Waves? Draw and describeeach.

P-Waves(PrimaryWaves)S-Waves (SecondaryWaves)

f.Click “Next”. Describe aTsunami.

g.Click “Next”. Describe how we can prepare for anearthquake.


3.What is a Volcano?

a.Read the follow website and use the space below to define and describe what a volcanois.

b.Where do volcanoesoccur?

c.Click “Next”. Describe Why VolcanoesErupt?

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d.Click “Next” Using the following boxes draw and describe the Common Types ofVolcanoes.



e.One the left side click “Inside a volcano”. Briefly describe the meaning ofeach

Magma Chamber:
Main vent:
Secondary vent:
Ashes, clouds and cinders:
Layers of ash and lava:

f.Click “Next”. The effects of volcanic Eruptions. Describe 3 ofeach.


1. / 1.
2. / 2.
3. / 3.

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g.Volcanic Hot Spots the space below to describe hot spots. What are they? Where do they occur? What are examples ofthem we have on earthtoday?

What are they? / Where do they occur? / Examples:

4.Lastly, go to the following website:

Click on the Volcano and Earthquakes titles and watch some of the clips on each. List the title and a brief explanation of each.







Lehman Lab © 2018