YouthBuild USA

Data Sharing Agreement Sample

Data sharing agreements need to reflect the unique needs and conditions of your YouthBuild program and postsecondary partner(s). Therefore, this data sharing agreement should only be used as a general guide. Developing a data sharing agreement with postsecondary institutions usually entails developing legally ratified agreements and protocols in collaboration with the postsecondary institutions’ general council. As stated in this data-sharing agreement, programs will also need to gain formal, legal permission from students to obtain data and therefore should ask students to sign a waiver that allows access to data reflecting their progress in the postsecondary institution. A sample waiver can be found at this link:



Academic Data Access Agreement


This Academic Data Access Agreement (hereafter “Agreement”) is made between [NAME OF YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM] and [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTION] to provide assistance and support to the staff who are supporting, tracking and providing resources to graduates of [NAME OF YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM].

WHEREAS, [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTION] has agreed to participate in the [NAME OF YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM] Postsecondary Education Initiative (hereafter “Initiative”), a program coordinated by YouthBuild; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of the of the Initiative is to improve instruction and support to ensure the success of students who are under-represented in higher education; and

WHEREAS, the Parties, with student consent, will provide access to academic information and progress (hereafter “Student Data”) of YouthBuild graduates actively enrolled in the Initiative and attending [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTION] (hereafter “PSE students”); and

WHEREAS, personally identifiable Student Data is confidential and is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (hereafter “FERPA”); and

WHEREAS, the Parties in this Agreement wish to memorialize their agreement with respect to the confidentiality and security of Student Data provided by both parties;

NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

  1. [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTION] will provide Student Data to YouthBuild for the purposes of the Initiative, for all PSE students. YouthBuild will work with [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTION] on specifications for the data and procedures for data transfer. [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTION] will update YouthBuild periodically throughout the current semester and following the completion of each academic term.
  1. YouthBuild will use the Student Data exclusively for Initiative-related activities only and for no other purpose. The Student Data will be stored in a physical area and/or on a computer to which only the designated YouthBuild staff member will be authorized to access. YouthBuild share not re-disclose Student Data to any other party without [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTION] express, prior, written consent.
  1. YouthBuild will maintain a fully-executed Consent Form on file for each student to ensure Student Data may be shared between [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTION] and YouthBuild. This Consent Form has been approved by [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTION] and YouthBuild.
  1. YouthBuild will provide Student Data on PSE Students, at the request of [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTION] for the purpose of evaluating the academic success of PSE students and for the measuring of Initiative outcomes.
  1. [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTION] and YouthBuild will coordinate referrals of PSE Students to Student Support Services Programs while they attend [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY PARTNER]. These programs will be [INSERT NAME OF PROGRAM]. A YouthBuild Post-Secondary Education staff member will provide and maintain copies of each PSE student’s Consent Form to keep for their files. (NOTE – One consent form per student should be maintained at [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY PARTNER]. Distributing multiple copies of the consent form is not recommended.)
  1. For students who do not qualify or transfer from aforementioned programs, [NAME OF DESIGNATED STAFF PERSON/STAFF ROLE], will be assigned as their advisor during their time at [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY PARTNER]. [Name of key contact] shall be provided with a copy of each PSE student’s data release Consent Form to be maintained in her files.
  1. One representative from [NAME OF STUDENT SERVICE OFFICES] will be designated to obtain information as needed from their respective departments for YouthBuild representatives. These representatives will be:
  1. [Name of PSE staff person or designated office] must meet with one YouthBuild Postsecondary Education staff member at scheduled times at the request of either party to discuss PSE students’ progress. In addition to Student Data, it is important to get the observations and advice from [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTION] staff in order to be as proactive and as pre-emptive as possible with the PSE students’ college education.
  1. Within one (1) year following a PSE student’s completion of the Initiative, YouthBuild shall destroy all Student Data in its possession related to that student and provide written confirmation of said destruction upon request from [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY PARTNER].
  1. This Agreement is subject to the approval of YouthBuild and [NAME OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTION] and shall not be binding upon either party unless approved by both.


Signed: ______

Name: ______

Signed: ______

Name: ______

Signed: ______


Graduate Support Website Resources1

YouthBuild USA

Graduate Support Website Resources1