Year 9 Data Handling Project:
Total Unit Duration: 5 - 8 hours.

Project Brief

You have been asked by a major software company called
"2Tone Music" to design a music data handling system for your Team’s use.

The system must:

P  Include a form so you can easily store the details of your music.

P  Let you question the data that your are storing.

P  And let you output (create) at least one useful report.

What your team must do:

P  Design an appropriate system using this documentation.

P  Plan the project – your teacher will tell you how long you have got.

P  Work as a team of 2 or three.

P  Implement (set up) the database.

Plan the Project Outline

Here you will need to explain what your database will do (the purpose).

You will need to think about this very carefully as this is a big project and will expect you to put into practice everything you have learnt since the beginning of term.

P  Write a paragraph briefly explaining your team’s ideas then

P  Complete the IDENTIFY, ANALYSE AND DESIGN sections of the System Design template on the next page.

P  Some of the sentences have been started for you – work as a team to complete them.

P  IMPORTANT: You must complete this planning as thoroughly as possible as this will be assessed.

Explain what you hope that your system will do here:

Designing a data gathering system using the system life cycle.


Design Stages /

What will I need to think about, what will I do?


Outline of the problem / §  We have been asked to ….
§  The database will be able to store data about our CDs for 2tone. We will be able to do the following with the database …
§  We will find the database useful for …


The needs of the system / §  The items of data that the CD System will need to store are:
-  CD Reference Number
-  CD Title


Planning all parts of the system / §  We will need to plan the design of the database T____.
§  We will need to decide on the F____ names.
§  We will need to decide what D___ T____ the fields will be.
§  We will need to decide on a P______K__.
§  We will need to set up some Q______.
§  We will need to design a F___ so we can input data easily.
§  We will need to design a useful R______.
§  We will need to design and set up a Q______so we can collect ____ from our Team so we can input that ____ into the database.


Creating the system / Here is where you start creating what you have planned – this should actually take less time than the preceding stages!! Wait for your teacher to guide you before doing this.


Making sure the system works / You will need to produce a Test Plan and get feedback from others. Again, wait for your teacher’s guidance.


Refining the system / Looking back at what you have done, what could you have done better and what would you have done if you had the time?

Project Planning – Gantt Charts (Planning Chart)

(Your Teacher will help you with this.)

P  Complete a Plan for your project. Your teacher will run through this with you.

P  Use this Plan to check how you are progressing with your project.

Design an Electronic Database

P  Answer these questions and complete the grids.

The purpose of our database will be to?

Planning Our Database Table

Field / Data Type / Description

What problems will we be able to solve once we have our database?

Remaining Tasks We need to complete

(Remember to refer to your System Design Template).

P  Design your questionnaire/data collection form.

P  Collect data. You may email other pupils in the class so they may complete your questionnaire on their computers. Send your questionnaire as an attachment and they will return a completed questionnaire to you.

P  Build your MS Access Database. Set up your table and form.

P  Test it with some test data.

P  Input your questionnaire data using the input form.

P  Build your queries and reports.

P  Create artwork for the database CD cover (optional).

P  Write an evaluation of your project (look at your System Design template).

P  Make sure all your documentation is in order for assessment!

P  Take full part in the Team Presentation to the Managing Director of 2tone.

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