Standard: (Write your standard here). Circle nouns/”box” verbs
Nouns (Phrases): (concepts) This is the primary content the students need to know/understand and what the teacher has to teach.
Verb(s) (These are the cognitive tasks students must perform) / Remember / Understand / Apply / Analyze / Evaluate / Create
Bloom's Web DOK / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 2/3 / Level 3 / Level 4
Remember: choose, describe, define, identify, label, list, locate, match, measure, memorize, name, omit, recite, select, state, tell, quote
Apply: apply, categorize, choose, dramatize, explain, generalize, interpret, judge, organize, prepare, produce, select, show, sketch, solve, use, survey
Understand: classify, defend, demonstrate, distinguish, explain, express, extend, give examples, illustrate, indicate, interrelate, infer, interpret, judge, match, paraphrase, represent, restate, rewrite, select
Analyze: analyze, categorize, classify, compare, determine, differentiate, distinguish, point out, select, subdivide, survey
Evaluate: appraise, compare, criticize, defend, determine, explain, interpret, judge
Create: combine, compose, construct, create, design, develop, do, formulate, hypothesize, invent, make, originate, organize, plan, produce
Implied necessary skills/understanding (This includes “easier” skills that aren’t explicitly stated in the standard, but still need to be taught to get to mastery.
Create student objectives using the nouns and verbs identified. (These become the #2 of your scale and can be written in increasing complexity)
Planning for Personalized Instruction
Skill / Instruction/Content / Student Activity (ies)(From the unpacked standard)
Unwrapping the Standard
Standard: (Write your standard here). Circle nouns/”box” verbs
LAFS.910.RST.1.2: Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; trace the text’s explanation or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept; provide an accurate summary of the text
Nouns (Phrases): (concepts) This is the primary content the students need to know/understand and what the teacher has to teach.
Central idea or conclusion
Explanation or depiction of a process, phenomenon or concept
Verb(s) (These are the cognitive tasks students must perform) / Remember / Understand / Apply / Analyze / Evaluate / Create
Determine (main idea) / X
Trace / X
Provide a summary / X
Bloom's Web DOK / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 2/3 / Level 3 / Level 4
Remember: choose, describe, define, identify, label, list, locate, match, measure, memorize, name, omit, recite, select, state, tell, quote
Apply: apply, categorize, choose, dramatize, explain, generalize, interpret, judge, organize, prepare, produce, select, show, sketch, solve, use, survey
Understand: classify, defend, demonstrate, distinguish, explain, express, extend, give examples, illustrate, indicate, interrelate, infer, interpret, judge, match, paraphrase, represent, restate, rewrite, select
Analyze: analyze, categorize, classify, compare, determine, differentiate, distinguish, point out, select, subdivide, survey
Evaluate: appraise, compare, criticize, defend, determine, explain, interpret, judge
Create: combine, compose, construct, create, design, develop, do, formulate, hypothesize, invent, make, originate, organize, plan, produce
Implied necessary skills/understanding (This includes “easier” skills that aren’t explicitly stated in the standard, but still need to be taught to get to mastery.
Before S can trace:
*they have to be able to identify the key ideas/main idea/conclusion
*they have to be able to sequence a process or concept
*they have to be taught how to write a summary (how to synthesize ideas into a summary)
*they need understanding of the concept being taught
Create student objectives using the nouns and verbs identified. (These become the #2 of your scale and can be written in increasing complexity)
SWBAT: Identify main idea in text
SWBAT: Draw a conclusion from text
SWBAT: Understand how to sequence a process or concept
SWBAT: Write an objective summary of content from a text
Skill / Instruction/Content / Student Activity (ies)
(From the unpacked standard)
Identify Main Ideas in text
Draw conclusions
Sequence: Beginning/middle/end
Write a summary (objective) / Identify key concepts in multiple texts
Differentiate between main ideas and details.
Find main idea in paragraphs then overall text
Model how information in text gets T to a conclusion. What clues are in the text?
Direct instruction.
Identify key words that demonstrate sequence (first, next, last)
Sequencing strategy/gist
Components of a summary
Guided writing sample of a summary of a process
Example of summary provided to students. Write aloud.
Key details and steps identified and modeled for students
Demonstrate how to use gist strategy to summarize / Watch video, ppt about main idea, practice with short text, conference with peers, conference with teacher
Student practice with short text, easier concept/process.
Student reads/listens to a sequenced process. Student identifies steps in the sequence. Student writes own sequence of a familiar process
Examine summary examples (linked to main text).
Practice summaries (rubric)