Dnr ISP-template: FAK 2012/239
Approved by the Dean Council: 2012-06-08
Dnr (this ISP):

Name Phd-student:

Planned time for licentiate degree (year, month):

Planned time for doctoral degree (year, month):

Individual Study Plan

An individual study plan should be drawn up for each doctoral student according to the Higher Education Ordinance.This plan should contain the undertakings made by the doctoral student and the higher education institution, and a timetable for the doctoral student’s study programme. The plan should be adopted after consultation with the doctoral student and his or her supervisors.

The individual study plan should be reviewed regularly (at least on a yearly basis) and amended by thehigher education institution to the extent required after consultation with thedoctoral student and his or her supervisors.

An individual study plan should describe how the programme is organised, how the work is planned, and how responsibility is shared between the doctoral student andthe supervisor(s). This agreement should be adhered to by all parties involved duringthe period in question. The individual study plan is of crucial importance for theassessment of accountability and the review of how either party has lived up to theircommitments. The planned timeframe should allow a student to complete theprogramme in four years (doctoral degree) or two years (licentiate degree) of fulltimeequivalent work. If changes to the programme's timetable in any wayjeopardize the programme length, the study plan must clearly describe how this riskwill be countered, who is responsible for this, and which measures will be taken toavoid that the programme length is extended.

If the parties involved in the establishment and revision of the individual study plancannot agree on its content, or on the description of how responsibilities and tasksare shared, or on commitments and/or follow-up, and if – as a result – any of theparties consider themselves unable to sign the individual study plan, the matter shouldbe treated in accordance with applicable decision-making procedures and delegationof authority.

A certificate from Ladok should be attached to the individual study plan

In connection with the yearly review of the individual studyplan the achieved degree percentage should be adjusted in Ladok.For those with doctoral studentship this also means adjustment of salary.

The Individual study plan is divided into six chapters

Chp 1: Basic information

Chp 2: Quick overview of accomplished studies

Chp 3: Completed studies and follow up from the previous individual study plan

Chp 4: Planned studies, courses and thesis work for the forthcoming period.

Chp 5: The proceedings of the studies and supervision

Chp 6: Signatures

Chp 1: Basic information

1. Period covered by the study plan (YYMMDD) to(YYMMDD)

2. Name 3. Birth date, civic ID-no

4. Address

5.Phone number 6. Emailaddress

7. Start date for the study programme

8. Intended degree:Licentiate degreeDoctoral degree

9. Department

10. General curriculum for third-cycle subjects (choose current curricula)

List over third-cycle subject (A-E)

List over third-cycle subject (F-H)

List over third-cycle subject (K-P)

List over third-cycle subject (S)

List over third-cycle subject (T-V)

11. Division between thesis credits and course credits according to the general syllabus (written with hp)

Thesis credits Course credits

12. Participation in reseach school or collaboration with other universities

Yes, which one No

13. Planned activity percentage in research education for the period covered in this ISP (see question 1)

14. Financial plan

Short description of the financial plan, for example year 1, 2, 3, are financed by VR, year 4 bythe Faculty. If the financial plan differs from the original plan this should be mentioned.

15. Employment

Doctoral studentships are intended for doctoral students employed byLinnaeusUniversity.Employment as 'adjunct' (lecturer) should only be approved if the research programmeis conducted within the terms of employment as lecturer.

16. Supervisor and examiner

Main supervisor, name, title and university
Assistant supervisor 1, name, title and university
Assistant supervisor 2, name, title and university
Assistant supervisor 3, name, title and university
Examiner, name, title and university

Chp 2: Quick overview of accomplished studies

17. Reported courses in Ladok (number of credits: hp)

18.Degree percentage fulfillment; courses and thesis work.

In connection with the yearly review of the individual study plan the fulfilled degree percentage should be adjusted in Ladok. For individualson doctoral studentships a fulfilled degree percentage of 50 % or 80 % means adjustment of salary. For some PhD-students admitted to the University of Kalmar a fulfilled degree percentage of 30 % also means adjustment of salary.

30 %50 %80%

19. Accumulated activity level according to the latest registration in Ladok

Chp 3: Completed studies and follow up from the previous individual study plan

  • Thesis
  • Courses
  • Other

20. Thesis format

MonographyCompilation thesis

21. Preliminary title and abstract of the thesis

22. Completed thesis work

Comment in accordance with the planned activities from the previous ISP – the content in the thesis, articles, conferences, reports etc.

Title, task etc. / Date / Task not completed in accordance with the last ISP / Comment (state the reason for why the task has not been completed in accordance with the last ISP, and what have been completed/done instead

23. Completed mandatory courses according to the general syllabus (ASP).
Completed courses must be reported in Ladok.

Title, hp / Planned date / Completed date / Not completed according to the previous ISP / Comment (state the reason for why the task has not been completed in accordance with the last ISP, and what have been completed/done instead

24. Completed eligible courses

Completed courses must be reported in Ladok.

Title, hp / Planned date / Completed date / Not completed accordint to the previous ISP / Comment (state the reason for why the task has not been completed in accordance with the last ISP, and what have been completed/done instead

25. Completed seminars or equivalent

For example half-time seminars, licentiate seminars, state year and month.

26. Have ethical aspects or standpoints been made of importance to the thesis work?

YesNo Not relevant

27. Presentation of completed departmental tasks or other employment, commission of trust within the university, sick leave, parental leave, etc the previous period.

State type of task (for example administration or teaching)
Departmental tasks or other employment with other company/institution / State in %:
Commission of trust / State period (if not the same as previous period) and body:
Sick leave or parental leave / State period (if not the same as previous period) and body:
Other commitments that have had an influence on the progress of study / State period (if not the same as previous period) and percent:

28. Other activities of importance or merit for the third-cycle education programme

For example completed compulsory course in teaching and learning in higher education

Chp 4: Planned studies, courses and thesis work for the forthcoming period

29. Planned thesis work for the forthcoming period

Description of planned activities in the thesis work, content, articles, conferences, reports etc. for the forthcoming period. The text should be abbreviated and form the basis for follow-up in future study plans.

Title,task etc. / Planned completion date / Comment

30. Planned mandatory courses according to the general syllabus

Title, credits / Planned completion date / Comment

31. Planned eligible courses

Title, credits / Planned completion date / Comment

32. Planeradeseminars or equivalent

For example half-time seminars, licentiate seminars, state year and month.

33. Presentation of planned departmental tasks or other employment, commission of trust within the university, sick leave, parental leave, etc for this ISP:s period.

Planned departmental tasks/work for other employer, commission of trust etc.

State type of task (for example administration or teaching)
Departmental tasks or other employment with other company/institution / State as percentage:
Commission of trust / State period (if not the same as this ISPs period) and body:
Sick leave or parental leave / State period (if not the same as this ISPs period) and body:
Other commitments that have had an influence on the progress of study / State period (if not the same as this ISPs period) and percent:

Chp5. The proceedings of the studies and supervision

34. Doctoral students' comments:

The studies

are proceeding according to plancould be modifiedare not proceeding according to plan


(regardless of how the studies are proceeding this should be commented below

The supervision

is satisfactorycould be modifiedis not satisfactory


(regardless of how the studies are proceeding this should be commented below

36.Supervisor's comments

is proceeding according to plancould be modifiedare not proceeding according to plan


(regardless of how the studies are proceeding this should be commented below

The supervision

is satisfactory could be modified is not satisfactory


(regardless of how the studies are proceeding this should be commented below

36. Supervisor's activities that could have a negative influence on the extent or quality of the supervision.

Could for example be leave of absence, sick leave, parental leave, residence abroad, change of employment. If the activities are expected to influence the extent of supervisor or the quality of the supervisiong it should be commented how and which measures are taken in order for the doctoral student to get adequate supervision.

37. How is the supervision divided between the main supervisor and assistant supervisor as a percentage of fulltime, and supervisor tasks?

State hours or percent (in relation to fulltime work)

38. Performance review(for doctoral students employed at LNU)

A performance review is a conversation taking place to address the study situation, environment etc with a person who is not the head supervisor, assistant supervisor or examiner.

has taken place with the head of department, or a person appointed by the head of department.date:

has not taken place

39.Have you had a conversation about your future career?

Yes No

40. What is important for the forthcoming period for this ISP to work?

41. I would like this ISP to be reviewed by higher authority at the University

This can be requested by the doctoral student, head supervisor, examiner, chairman of board or assistant supervisor.



Block letters

Chp 6. Signatures

Normally the ISP is signed by the doctoral student, main supervisor, examiner, head of department and chairman of the board (handledarkollegiet). Should a conflict arise, based on the fact that any of the parties disagree with the details or plan stated in this ISP, the establishment of this plan will be handled by higher authority at the university.

Doctoral student

The doctoral students certifies with his/her signature that the content is correct


SignatureBlock letters

Main supervisor

The head supervisor certifies with his/her signature that the content is correct and that the assistant supervisor has been informed about its content


SignatureBlock letters


The examiner certifies with his/her signature that the content is correct


SignatureBlock letters

Chairman of board in body of decision

The chairman of the board in the approving body certifies with his/her signature that he/she has read the ISP and that it is established by the approving body/or equivalent. Date:


SignatureBlock letters

Head of department/school

Head of Department/School certifies with his/her signature that he/she has been informed about the contents of this ISP.


SignatureBlock letters