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Demonstrate knowledge of and operate electronic equipment as a security officer



planned review date:March 2007


purpose:This unit standard covers the use of electronic equipment for security officers.

People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of and operate:

–electronic communications equipment;

–electronic security systems and equipment; and

–computer system equipment.

entry information:Open.

accreditation option:Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA and industry.

moderation option:A centrally established and directed national moderation system has been set up by the ElectroTechnology Industry Training Organisation.

special notes:1This unit standard has been designed for learning and assessment in any relevant and appropriate context.

2Persons working or intending to work as a security officer or in related security employment may require a Security Guards Licence, or if an employee of a Security Guard Licence holder, a Certificate of Approval to be the Responsible Employee of a Security Guard. These licences are issued by the Registrar of Private Investigators Security Guards.


Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992;

Privacy Act 1993;

Telecommunications Act 2001; and

other relevant Acts and regulations and their subsequent amendments and replacements.


assignment instructions – orders and/or instructions issued to govern the performance of security tasks, duties, and responsibilities on a specific assignment.

best practice – an approved current method or way of doing something that, in the circumstances, achieves the required outcome.

equipment operating instructions – instructions and procedures governing the operation of equipment and operator servicing and maintenance requirements.

organisation instructions – policies, procedures, and instructions issued by the employing company, enterprise, or organisation.

site instructions – operating guidelines and information given to security officers assigned to protect a specific site.

5The phrase any one (etc.) specified from – as used in some range statements of this unit standard indicates that the candidate should have knowledge of all items in the range but assessment should be of the number specifically selected by the assessor at the time of assessment.

6This unit standard covers some of the skills and knowledge previously covered by unit standard 17233.


aAll activities assessed under this unit standard are conducted within the law.

bHealth and safety legislation applies to all security industry activities and assessments should reflect this requirement.

cRelevant instructions may include but are not limited to: assignment instructions, organisation instructions, equipment operating instructions, site instructions.

dAll activities and responses are in accordance with relevant instructions and best practice.

Elements and Performance Criteria

element 1

Demonstrate knowledge of and operate electronic communications equipment in a security context.

performance criteria

1.1Radio-telephone, telephone, mobile phone and text messaging communication is described in terms of use within the security industry.

Range:open and close communications, routine messages, communication checks, safety or welfare checks, emergencies, phonetic alphabet, twenty-four hour clock time references, security and brevity codes, communications discipline.

1.2Radio-telephone, telephone, mobile phone, and text messaging equipment is operated in accordance with compliance requirements, if any.

1.3Communications procedure conforms to industry compliance requirements.

element 2

Demonstrate knowledge of and operate electronic security systems and equipment.

Range:electronic security systems and equipment includes but is not limited to – alarm control panel, intruder and emergency alarm systems and sensors, electronic access control systems keypad, token reader, hand-held electronic verification and identification system;

standard intruder and emergency alarm system and sensors, closed circuit television, monitoring, insofar as site security officers and mobile patrol security officers interact with them;

any one from – security, building operations and maintenance, information management, or similar systems with personal computer interfaces operated by a security officer;

personal responsibilities and accountabilities, care and maintenance, health and safety, operating conditions, malfunction or failure, damage and loss.

performance criteria

2.1Systems and equipment are described in terms of their purpose, function, and user-related operating characteristics.

2.2Conditions of use, operating practice, and related procedure are described in accordance with compliance requirements.

2.3Systems and equipment are operated in accordance with compliance requirements, if any, appropriate to the system and/or equipment.

element 3

Demonstrate knowledge of and operate computer system equipment.

performance criteria

3.1Computer system equipment is described in terms of component and functions.

Range:keyboard, mouse, visual display unit, processor, disk drives, printer, common faults.

3.2Computer system equipment is operated to perform routine security-related tasks.

Range:open, data entry, storage, send and receive email, create a document, save a document, retrieve a document, open a document, print a document, maintain security, close.

Comments on this unit standard

Please contact the ElectroTechnology Industry Training Organisation you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard.

Please Note

Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority or a delegated inter-institutional body before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards or deliver courses of study leading to that assessment.

Industry Training Organisations must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards.

Accredited providers and Industry Training Organisations assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards.

Accreditation requirements and an outline of the moderation system that applies to this standard are outlined in the Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP). The AMAP also includes useful information about special requirements for providers wishing to develop education and training programmes, such as minimum qualifications for tutors and assessors, and special resource requirements.

This unit standard is covered by AMAP 0003 which can be accessed at

 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018