MEETING: Research Committee DATE: February 11, 2016
PLACE:Virtua Center for LearningTIME: 1815
PRESIDING:Holly Rodgers
RECORDING: Holly Rodgers
PRESENT:Linda Bucher,Barbara Chamberlain (phone), April Chmielinski, Kathy Durning,Bea Leyden, Janet Riggs, Holly Rodgers, Rose Shaffer, Veronica McEvoy
EXCUSED: Elly Fitzpatrick, Jennifer Lewis, Stephanie Maillie, Kathy McCauley, Jessica Johnson
I. Welcome /- Meeting called to order by Holly Rodgers at 1815
II. Approval of meeting minutes /
- Minutes fromNovember 5, 2015 reviewed
- November minutes approved by Linda Bucher and seconded by Kathy Durningwithout changes
III. Review of Calendar
- Research Journal Club
- Research Methods Lecture
- Research Dinner Program
- June Planning Meeting
- Tonight!
- March 3, 2016 at the Virtua Center for Learning (Snow date is March 10, 2016)
- April 14, 2016 at the DoubleTree by Hilton at the Philadelphia Airport
- June 16, 2016 at The Restaurant School of Philadelphia
- Please mark your calendars for all of these future meetings and programs!
IV. Subcommittees
- Research DinnerProgram (RDP)
- Research Poster Presentations/Abstract Reviews
- Research Grant Awards
- Research Education
b)Methods Lecture /
- Lead, Kathy Durning, submitted the contract from the DoubleTree by Hilton at the Philadelphia Airport to AACN and received approval to move forward
- Guest speaker - Rebecca Trotta, PhD, RN
- Title - “Improving Communication with Non-Vocal Critical Care Patients: Implementing SPAECS’s Protocol”
- Date and time - April 14, 2016 - registration begins at 5:30 pm, presentation at 7:00 pm.
- John Harper has retired and stepped down as Lead
- Kathy McCauley has offered to review and update the call for abstracts and review criteria, considering expanding research synthesis or integrated literature reviews to TRENDS
- TRENDS posters
- Due date July 15
- Response date is August 15
- RDP posters
- Due date was February 15 - extend to March 1
- Response Date March 15
- Lead is Kathy McCauley
- Members met on January 11th to review two proposals that Holly blinded:
- $1000 from Robyn Strauss and colleagues at HUP, “Deep Tissue Injury Risk Factors Among Cardiac Surgery Patients in the Early Postoperative Period” fully approved
- $1000 from April Chmielinski and colleagues at HUP, “Improving Heart Failure Education Across the Care Continuum” requested clarification and resubmission
- Tonight! Thank you to Janet Riggs for leading the discussion on “Usefulness of Cognitive Dysfunction in Heart Failure to Predict Cardiovascular Risk at 180 Days”
- Date: March 3, 2016 at 7:15 pm (meeting at 6:00 pm)
- Location: Virtua Center for Learning
- Speaker: Linda Bucher, PhD, RN, DNE, CEN
- Title: “Evidence-Based Projects – Roadmap to Dissemination!”
- Sue Politsky has almost received all of the required documents for joint-providership and contact hours through Virtua, she will inform Holly Rodgers when able to begin advertising
- Registration will be set up through Nursing Network
- Everyone is encouraged to share the flyer throughout their work environments
- Holly will reach out to Velano Vascular and Rose will reach out to AstraZeneca as potential sponsors
- Lead position is open, if you are interested inform Holly and Rose
- Rose will follow up with Kathy and then Holly will upload the updated information on the Nursing Network website
- Should advertise the RDP call in the TRENDS brochure and the TRENDS call in the RDP program
- Holly will contact Deb Becker from UPenn regarding NP student posters – will request at least 8
- Kathy will review/update the call and review criteria and then Holly will upload the updated information to Nursing Network
- Holly and Rose to follow up with TRENDS planning committee about opportunities to advertise grant awards in the brochure
- Grant awardees will be invited to the April RDP free of charge to be recognized for their achievement
- Sue Politsky has almost received all of the required documents for joint-providership and contact hours through Virtua, she will inform Holly Rodgers when able to begin advertising
- Registration will be set up through Nursing Network – free for all!
- Everyone is encouraged to share the flyer throughout their work environments
- Rose will arrange for food delivery
V. Goals and Objectives2015-2016
/- Goals and Objectivesupdated and submitted to the Board
- No action
VI. Policy and Procedure 2015-2016 /
- Policy and Procedure updated and submitted to the Board
- No action
VII. Budget /
- Budget approved by the board
- No action
VIII. Board Report
/- Barbara Chamberlain discussed the following: SePANotes, Certified Nurses Day March 19th, Deb Paschal has assumed the President-Elect position, Sam Delaney has assumed the Education Chair-Elect position, speaker committee meets February 20th,Clare-Marie is updating the point system/awards/scholarships
- All are welcome to attend or call in to the next Board meeting on March 8th at Virtua
IX. New Business /
- No discussion
- No action
X. Old Business /
- No discussion
- No action
XI. Adjourned /
- Meeting adjourned at 2000
Submitted by: Holly Rodgers