PINW CE Committee Recommended Children’s Resources

Listed below are on-line, printed, and video resources that you might find helpful in your Christian Education ministry. This is by no means a complete list of resources but just a sample of available resources utilized in the PINW. If there is something you would like to see added to the list, please post your recommendation on the PINW Christian Education web page’s bulletin board or contact Joe Bruce at Hamblen Park Presbyterian Church, or 509-448-2909.

Free Resources

Opening Doors to Discipleship; a free on-line series of courses that is designed for Sunday School teachers and others interested in learning more about their faith and their relationships with others.

Faith Quest; Faith Quest is a free site loaded with free Sunday School lesson plans from Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian Church, NC. These lesson plans are designed for the Rotation Model but could be adapted. Elementary and Middle School lesson plans.

Rotation Workshop; this site allows you to search for free Rotation lesson plans on specific topics,site includes a bulletin board.

Sermons 4 Kids; this site has a searchable index for complete Junior Sermons for those of you that do kids sermons.

Kids Domain Party Games; a list of fun games to play for icebreakers or recreation time during children’s programs.

Party Games Central; click on the elements of the games you want and a custom game will appear that fits the parameters checked.

Outer Space Preschool Activities and Crafts;

Bible Gateway;

A great resource for looking up Bible passages, many translations available.

Blue Letter Bible:

Very complete compendium

Blue Letter Bible Institute:

On-line Catalogs

(Presbyterian Publishing Corporation)

On-line Children’s Resources

(downloadable lessons/studies for cradle to grave spiritual formation)

(from the main page click on “Publications and Resources” to find what’s available in PC(USA) curriculum, resources for special seasons, POINT, etc.)

(faith formation material for parents to use with children to age 3 years)

(information and curriculum for workshop rotation model)

(instructions, information, and downloadable lesson plans for workshop rotation model)

(catalogs, information and even some lesson plans for Christian software for children through adults. This site evaluates the media available and allows you to order what you want as well. If they list it, it is good software, check out their newest creation “Jesus In Space” interactive CD)

(subscription service for software of children’s Bible games that families can access from their homes when their church holds a subscription)


Abraham and Sarah (Interactive multi-media lesson CD. Available through Sunday Software.)

Bible Basics; The Amazing Expedition Bible (Bake book House, Co.; for children 8-12 years)

Bible Champions; Education PC Video games available through church subscription from Third Day Games. Multiple levels of difficulty. A new game is released each month on the subscription.

Heavens Word Children’s Bible 140 Stories for ages 4 and up.

Holy Land 3D. Explore the land of the Bible like never before (Rohr Production, available through Sunday Software. Uses high-resolution satellite imagery of Israel; overhead and eye-level images. Good for older children and adults)


Kid Pix (

Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus (Parsons Technology)

Jesus In Space CD includes activities for Baptism of Jesus, Last Supper, Road to Emmaus (Sunday Software, FUN, FUN, FUN


ABRAHAM AND SARAH CD: 3 important stories told through 3D animation, lots of interactive background notes, discussion starters, cool video, and music & lyrics to reflect on. The Call, The Covenant, Sarah’s Laughter, The Near —Sacrifice of Isaac, Counting the Cost. One of my personal favorites. Ages 7- teen. Windows 98/Me/XP/Vista, Mac 8/9/X. 266mhz, 64mb Ram,

8 mb videoram.

  • 1 copy $23; 2-4 $20 ea; 5+ $17 ea; 8+ $14-ea

Spotlight: I love this CD’S music and lyrics that teach the story. Lots of great discussion starter potential and activities. Funky interface too.


Six Major stories on one great CD: Creation, Adam & Eve, Jacob & Esau, Esther, Zaccheus, Parable of the Talents. Features animated interactive stories, content oriented games, quizzes and reflection activities. For ages 5 to teen. Windows 98/Me/XP/Vista or Mac OS X. 333 mhz, 64 mb Ram, 8 mb videoram.

  • 1 copy $25; 2-4 $23 ea; 5+ $20 ea; $8+ $18 ea

Our most popular CD. See our new free STUDENT WORKSHEETS for this program at

BONGO LOVES THE BIBLE CD: a collection of 4 fun 3-D video-game-like adventures that teach Bible Basics, Books of the Bible, and “About the Bible” to children and youth. Includes a four level Bible quiz to gauge your student’s knowledge of major content in the Bible. Includes a game about “How the Bible Came to Be.” Ages 8 to teen. Windows 98/Me/XP only. Requires minimum 500mhz processor, 96mb ram and 8mb videoram minimum. See online for site license. Bongo is ‘our most popular game for good reason: IT’S A BLAST. Teachers, don’t forget to download the latest Bongo Guide and Student Handouts.

  • 1 copy 25.00; 2-4 $20.00 ea; 5+ $18.00ea; 8+ $16.00ea

CAL AND MARTYS SCRIPTURE MEMORY GAME CD: A FUN Scripture Memory Game with verse editor so you can make your own. Games hosted by two cool dudes: Calvin and Luther: We recommend letting the kids input the verses as part of their learning process. A great end-of-the-lesson program. Ages 7 to teen. Windows 98/Me/XP/Vista only. 266mhz, 64mb Ram, 6 mb videoram.

  • 1 copy $24.00; 2-4 $20.00 ea; see online for 5+ PC site license pricing.

ELIJAH & JONAH: important lessons told through a creative interactive comic-book-style interface: Elijah & ‘

The Widow of Zarephath, Elijah and the Still Small Voice, Elijal & Elisha and the Chariot of Fire, Jonah —the Reluctant Propehet

Whole Tale. Each story i fully narrated. Games “on content” are found throughout the CD to reinforce key concepts. One of my favorite things about this CD is that it introduces the great character and stories of Elijah to our students. Windows 98/Me/XP/Vista and Mac OS X. 333 mhz, 64 mb Ram, 8 mb videoram. Ages 5 to 16.

  • 1 copy $25; 2-4 $20ea; 5+$18ea; 8+ $l6ea

Exodus Adventure: New from Sunday Software! Students explore the 3D terrain and story of the Exodus through adventure-game lessons.

They navigate “Robin,” a young teenage archaeologist, across the Sinai landscape on foot

and in the air. In the opening game, students fly to Goshen in Robin’s helicopter, then off to

Midian to find the burning bush. After visiting Pharaoh’s Palace and learning about the

plagues, Robin returns to base to learn more about the story’s meaning for her life. In a

second adventure, Robin discovers the secret Red Sea room at the Mt.Sinai Monastery,

masters the Miriam’s Song Game, then discovers the trail to the Well at Marah, the Manna

Cave, and Rock of Horeb before returning home. Games feature scripture and video,

background content and discussion questions. Each lesson is a richly detailed 3D game that

can take up to 45 minutes. A third “post-Sinai” game will be released online for free in

Spring 08. EXODUS GAME GUIDEand Two New Student Guide Handouts for Exodus CD online at Windows 98/Me/XP/Vista. 700 mhz, 128 mb Ram, 16mb

1 videoram mim. Ages 6 (with help) to teens.

  • 1 copy $27; 2-4 copies $24 ea; for 5+ copies see online for site license.

FLUFFY & GODS AMAZING CHRISTMAS ADVENTURE: Fluffy’s interactive animated stories include: Mary, Joseph and the Angels; Shepherds & the Birth; the Magi; and the Prophets’ hope for a Messiah. Designed for use over several advent seasons. Ages 5 to 14. Windows 98/Me/XP/Vista or Mac OS 9/x 333 mhz, 64 mb ram, 8 mb videoram.

  • 1 copy $25; 2-4 22 ea; 5+ $20 ea; 8+ 17.50 ea

A super popular CD rich in fun Bible content.

GOOD SAM THE SAMARITAN: some of our customers have called Good Sam the best CE software they’ve ever used. Come see why one of Jesus’ most important stories has its own CD. Ages 5 to teen. Windows 98/Me/XP or OS 9/X.

266 mhz, 64mb Ram, 6 mb videoram.

  • 1 copy $24; 2-4 $20 ea; 5+ $19 ea; 8+ $17

JOSEPH’S STORY CD: a 3D style game in which students explore the underground ruins of Joseph’s Egyptian palace to discover his story. Ages 8 to teen. Windows Me/XP/Vista only. 700 mhz, 96mb ram1 8 mb videoram mm.

  • 1 copy $22; 2-4 $17 ea; for 5+ copies see online order form.

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS: a virtual hike and learning journey up Mt.Sinai. The most unique interface in our catalog. Learning activities are embedded as hotspots in three 360 degree navigable images shot on location on Mt.Sinai. Lesson activities and reflection content found as you climb the mountain. Yes! That really is Mt.Sinai in the program. This CD has a BIG “Wow Factor.” Ages 7 to-adult. Windows 98/Me/XP/Vista or Mac OS 9/X. 333 mhz, 64 mb Ram, 8 mb videoram.

  • 1 copy $25; 2-4 $22 ea; 5+ $18 ea; 8+ $16 ea


Email Neil your lesson subject and he will send back lesson ideas. ,

or check their online Bible story cross-reference.

Curriculum and Reference books

Power Xpress (Elementary graded curriculum from Abingdon Press for Rotation Workshop Model)

Faith 4 Life (for different ages) Reproducible studies with handouts.

Pulse: God’s Word for a Junior High World (Gospel Light)

Rose book of bible Charts, Maps and Time Lines (Rose Publishing, Torrance, CA, 2005)

Sunday School Specials: Quick and Easy bible Lessons for Combined Ages (Group Publishing, 1994)

Walk With Me curriculum (Faith Alive)


Last Updated 2/28/08