Pinhoe CE VA Primary School
Curriculum Statement; Our Pledge
At Pinhoe CE VA Primary School the curriculum, underpinned by our Christian foundation, will prepare you for a constantly changing world, providing you with the necessary skills to contribute to society and lead happy, healthy lives. Our Core Values of respect, love, thankfulness, honesty, perseverance and forgiveness permeate all that we do.
We promise that your learning will be exciting and creative; a magical adventure with infinite possibilities!
Pupils will:
  • Develop a love of learning that will remain with them throughout their lives
  • Learn to value others, their views, cultures and beliefs
  • Celebrate the uniqueness of everyone, treating each person with care and respect
  • Develop a wide range of skills and the confidence to apply them in a rapidly changing world
  • Learn to actively listen and engage effectively
  • Become inspired through learning about our wonderful world and make a positive contribution to our school, local and wider communities
  • Enjoy the challenge of learning in a variety of ways, making full use of every available resource and opportunity inside and outside school
  • Become a reflective learner who has a sense of responsibility for their own learning
  • Learn independently, with and from others

Curriculum Map 2016- 2017
Year:Foundation Stage
Autumn / Spring / Summer
Theme / My Big New Adventure / All Around the World / Creeping & Crawling & Flying
Starting school
(5 weeks) / Elmer
(7 weeks) / Africa
( 6 weeks) / Growing
(4 weeks) / Pirates & Beaches
(7 weeks) / Mini-Beasts
(7 weeks)
Key Questions / What am I learning?
Can I use the PLS to help me become a good learner? How do we behave? Why am I special?How are we the same/different?
Can I tell you the corevalues? / How do we get on together?
What makes me special?
What skills do we have?
What makes us a Christian school? / What is it like to live in Britain? How is life in Britain the same and how is it different?
What does traditional music of Africa sound like? / How do plants grow?
What do I need to grow and stay healthy? / What is at the bottom of the deep blue sea?
What would I see at the beach? / What can I find living in our school garden?
What makes an insect an insect?
How do caterpillars turn into butterflies?
Key Outcome shared with parents
  • Quality art exhibition
  • Multimedia presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Website
/ Look how well I’m doing event! Celebration Assembly(Hall) End of First Half Term / Christmas Performance (Hall) / End of term EA &D extravaganza!
Including art exhibition & dances from
U the W focus. (Hall) / End of Year Celebration of Learning
Website Update
Blog / Website Update
Blog / Website Update
Wow moment / When children are in full time: Dinosaur WOW day! Hidden eggs, strange footprints, slime and odd bones. What are they? / Elmer Day –colour day (Science focus) / Airport Day.
Children ‘travel’ to Africa/SAFARI in the afternoon – Yr 6 as animals)
HALL required.
African drumming workshop / Gardening day - parents in to plant and dig. / Pirate day / Mini-Beasts @ Shaldon travelling zoo
Minibeast celebration day.
Enrichment including Visitors/Visits / Dinosaur hunter extraordinaire!?! / Visit to Beach or W of CL
Non-negotiables: / Outdoor learning, EA & D, ICT will be planned through Continuous Provision (see plans). Provision will link closely to topics, skills and needs of children. For termly foci see subjects below.
Pinhoe Learning skills / Independence
Risk Taking / Reflection
Working with Others / Creativity & Curiosity
Problem Solving
Core values / Respect
Forgiveness / Perseverance
Thankfulness / Love
Ready Steady Write
Maths / Daily maths (number) sessions for 5/10 mins e.g. around dinner bricks
mental maths.Daily guided/practical group sessions based on number statements.
Guided SSM will be blocked within short-term planning.
Aim for blocked planning to link with topics and themes where appropriate, but also stand-alone skills will be taught and practised through Independent Learning. / ELG: Children count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20 (+) and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities & objects, they add & subtract 2 single digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving & sharing.
We recognise that some children will exceed these aims and extension/differentiated activities will be planned for throughout the year. Those children needing additional support will be identified.
Literacy / Reading: Daily Phonics – following Letters and Sounds Structure using Jolly Phonics as a multi-sensory approach.
Regular decode-able words & Tricky words are included in the Reading Journal for home support. (to go home following Reading Workshop October 6th)
Regular shared reading (Big Books) will focus on skills.
Individual Home Readers- depending on ability & baseline assessments will initially be either non print books, pink level or above.
To promote reading at home Book Bags will be given to each new reception child.
Writing: Daily Phonics. Guided & ILearning fine motor & imaginative opportunities for mark making/writing / Reading: Differentiated phonics across year group.
Through topics – Fiction/Non-Fiction will be blocked.
Topics and themes will enhance teaching of the basic literacy skills with continuous provision activities supporting both reading & writing.
Continuing Individual Reading.
Writing: emphasis on sentence writing, labelling, lists. / ELG: Children read & understand simple sentences. They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words & read them aloud accurately. They also read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.
ELG: Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sound. They also write some common irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly & others are phonetically plausible.
We recognise that some children will exceed these aims and extension/differentiated activities will be planned for throughout the year. Those children needing additional support will be targeted and interventions planned.
Texts / Harry & Dinosaurs series
Charlie & Lola Books / Elmer series
Nativity Story Texts / Non-Fiction Texts – Africa /Airports
Fiction- stories from around the world
Giraffes can’t dance / Non-Fiction on growing plants
Fiction Stories e.g. Jaspers Beanstalk
Enormous Turnip
Jack & Beanstalk / Pirates love underpants
The Night Pirates / The Hungry Caterpiller
Eric Carle Series
Communication & Language. / Vocabulary of Learning (PLS)
Core Values
School Role Play
Dinosaur Cave/Landscape Role Play / Vocabulary of School
Elmer Forest Role Play
Nativity Role Play
Santas Grotto RolePlay / Vocabulary of School
Africa Safari lodge Role Play Area
Airport Role Play / Vocabulary of School
Garden Centre Role Play / Vocabulary of School
Pirate Ship Role Play / Vocabulary of School
Mini-Beast Hunters
Camp Site
Physical Development / LEAP
Indoor & Outdoor CP / LEAP
Indoor & Outdoor CP / LEAP
Indoor & Outdoor CP
Expressive Art and Design / Colour Mixing & Using tools for specific purposes
Explores colour and how they can be changed.
Selects appropriate resources & tools & adapts work where necessary.
Familiar songs rhymes and musical patterns. / Nativity Play.
Begins to build a repertoire of songs & dances.
Explores the different sounds of instruments. / Linked to All Around the World theme.
Art & Dance from African Culture culminating in Art & Dance Extravaganza. / Linked to Growing Theme / ELG: Children use what they have learnt about media & materials in original ways, thinking about uses & purposes. They represent their own ideas, thoughts & feelings through design & technology, art music, dance, role play & stories.
We recognise that some children will exceed these aims and extension/differentiated activities will be planned for throughout the year. Those children needing additional support will be targeted and interventions planned.
Understanding the world / Knows some of the things that make them unique, and can talk about some of the similarities and differences in relation to friends & family.Enjoys joining in with family customs & routines. / Comments and asks questions about aspects of their familiar world (& talk about how environments might vary from one another). Children know about similarities & differences in relation to places. / Shows care & concern for living things and the environment.
They make observations of animals & plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes. / Shows care & concern for living things and the environment.
They make observations of animals & plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes.
Technology / Recognises that a range of technology is used in places such as home & school. / Uses ICT hardware to interact with age-appropriate computer software. / Selects & uses technology SAFELY for particular purposes.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development / Settling In (Big New Adventure)
Starting school focus. Behaviour, routines, confidence & developing independence.
Share Pinhoe Core Values. / Establishing themselves in the school community.
Children talk about how they and others show feelings &, talk about their own and other’s behaviour, and its consequences, and know that some behaviour is unacceptable. They work as part of a group or class, & understand and follow the rules. They adjust their behaviour to different situations, and take changes of routine in their stride. / Seeing themselves as learners and part of the wider School Community.
Children to be confident to try new activities say why they like some activities more than others. Confident to speak in a familiar group, will talk about their ideas and will choose the resources they need for their chosen activity. They say when do/do not need help.
Discovery RE / Theme: Special People
Key Question: What makes people special?
Religions: Christianity, Judaism / Theme: Christmas
Key Question: What is Christmas?
Religions: Christianity / Theme: Celebrations
Key Question: How do people celebrate?
Religions: Islam, Judaism / Theme: Easter
Key Question: What is Easter?
Religions: Christianity / Theme: Story Time
Key Question: What can we learn from stories?
Religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism / Theme: Special Places
Key Question: What makes places special?
Religions: Christianity, Islam,
Bible Story / Bible Story
Christmas / Bible Story / Bible Story
The Easter Story / Bible Story / Bible Story