Piner Fiskburg Fire Protection Board Meeting

February 2, 2015

Meeting was called to order at 7:35p.m. by Chairman Tom Collins.

Members: All members present.

Secretary’s Report: Motion made by Cris Wolsingto accept the Secretary’s report, second by

Lorne Wolfe. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance: $102,594.84 and Savings Account Balance: $248,302.91 as of January 31, 2015. Motion made by Cris Wolsingto accept Treasurer’s report, second byLorne Wolfe. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Tanker – Chief Schleue stated that we are waiting on The Forestry Department to receive paperwork.

New Pumper – The truck is out of design process and is getting ready to start building.

New Business:

Chairman Tom Collins mentioned about replacing the sign in front of the building. Chief Schleue stated he would like to have a permanent sign in the front. Chief Schleue stated he will check into prices on replacing the sign and Board Member Cris Wolsing will look at the sign regarding losing power to the sign.

Chief Schleue passed out the Audit Review and everything is okay. Chief Schleue also stated that the contract is up for the audits and the price increased $200.00. The cost is now $3,100 instead of $2,900.00 for reviews and $4,800 from $4,600 for the complete audit. Motion was made by Mary Miller to have Chief Schleue sign the new contact, second by Cris Wolsing. Motion carried.

Chief Schleue brought to the Board’s attention that we having problems with our e-mail with Time Warner Cable. Chief Schleue would like to set-up a webpage for the department and use e-mail through the website. Chief Schleue would like to use and cost would be $145/year for the first two (2) years and then the cost would be $75.95/year. Motion made by David Stahl to get website through, second by Janice Friedman. Motion carried.

Chief Schleue also brought the Board’s attention regarding the thermostat. Chief Schleue stated that someone keeps changing the temperature on the thermostat, and he would like to get a programmable one and only certain people would have access to the codes. After much discussion, this was tabled until Spring.

Chief’s Report:

There wereseven (7) fire and eight(8) EMSruns for the month of January.

Chief Schleue is going to donate the orange cones we have to the Public Works Department.

Chief Schleue received the CD from Paycor for our records and the final cost of the CD was $300.00

Chief Schleue is going to advertise the Old Pumper beginning in April and will ask between $15,000 to $10,000.

Board member Cris Wolsing asked when should we start checking into financing the new pumper and Chairman Tom Collins mention around May of this year.

Chief Schleue passed out to the Board and copy of the Fire Board Calendar for 2015.

Motion made by Cris Wolsingto adjourn the meeting, second by Lorne Wolfe. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.