Pine Ridge Family Church

Senior Pastor Profile


This document has been created to provide prospective pastors an understanding of Pine Ridge Family Church.

This is the guiding document for the Board of Elders. Interested pastors may contact the Superintendent of the Eastern District ; Chair or Vice Chair of Pine Ridge Family Church as Board representatives. Confirmation letters will be sent out upon receiving your resumes.

Contact Information:

Dr. John Healey Superintendent Canadian Eastern District


Pine Ridge Family Church

Chair: Curtis Prins

Vice Chair: Michael Kelley

Table of Contents


1.Mandate of the Board of Elders

(acting as the pastoral search committee) 2.The Pastoral Search Process

II.Who Were We? Story of PRFC

III.Who is PRFC today?

IV.Community Context

V.Vision and Core Values

VI.What kind of Pastoral Leader Do We Need?

Executive Summary

Pine Ridge Family Church has been without a senior pastor since May of 2013.This Pastoral Profile document has been developed through a careful process of research,

congregational engagement, discernment and prayer.

All candidates will be required to be accredited with the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church of Canada.

The Purpose of this Pastoral Search Profile

To help guide the Board of Elders and congregation to explore God’s direction in seeking of a Senior Pastor

To help present an accurate introduction of the major aspects of PRFC to prospective pastors.

To help the Pine Ridge Church family have a better understanding of itself as a church body.

1. Mandate of the Board of Elders Acting as the Pastoral Search Committee (PSC)

A)Upon completion and affirmation of a Pastoral Profile document, the PSC will review appropriate resumes and conduct preliminary interviews with

prospective candidates. The PSC will then produce a short list of

Candidates(3-4) with rationale and ranking of each candidate

B) Upon presentation of the short list, the work of the Board as PSC is

complete unless additional resumes may be required.

C)The Board Acting as the PSC is responsible to PRFC and the Eastern District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

Creation and Structure

The PSC will consist of all elders with each having equal say and vote.

Personnel - Elders acting as the PSC should be able to

Develop a Pastoral Profile document including clear statements of vision and mission based on research, congregational input, discernment and prayer

Evaluate prospective candidates through the vetting of resumes and interviews with the prospective candidates and appropriate references

Maintain a high level of confidentiality throughout the Search process

Be a representative reflection of the congregation

Search Process

The Board acting as the PSC is to facilitate and develop an effective Candidate Search for a future Senior Pastor for PRFC. The PSC will develop and implement an interviewing process concluding with the presentation of a short list to the Board for the final interviewing and candidating process.


To hold a search process orientation for the PSC members at the outset of its work.

To conduct its work in a prayerful , Spirit-led manner

To operate in a manner consistent with its mandate

The Pastoral Search process will follow the official search policies and protocols of the Eastern District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance

Develop an effective process to attract appropriate candidates

Ensure a high level of confidentiality and compliance with the Privacy Act

Evaluate candidates based on the Pastoral Profile and Job Description

To do further work if any candidates on the initial short list are not accepted
2. Pastoral Search Process


… an instructional guide for Elders’ Boards

ARTICLE IX- Local Church Constitution
“The District Superintendent shall suggest to the Board of Elders the names of such workers as in his judgement have proper qualifications as pastor of that church. The Elders shall give consideration only to candidates approved by the District Superintendent. The pastor of the church shall be called by the Board of Elders and appointed by the District Superintendent. Upon his appointment by the District Superintendent, the pastor and his wife become members of the church.”
1 / Consult with District Superintendent / At the resignation/leaving of a pastor to discuss procedure
2 / Meeting with District Superintendent / At this meeting, a “Profile Worksheet” of the church and community is developed.
3 / Board of Elders/Search Committee along with the congregation, finalize profile worksheet / Board forwards to the District Superintendent the final worksheet, which includes a suggested list of potential candidates.
4 / District Superintendent contacts any pastors for which we do not have resumes / Superintendent will contact District Superintendents and Senior Pastors, as appropriate, before approaching potential candidates.
5 / Pre-candidating interview with the Board/Search Committee / Pre-candidate means no public exposure of candidate to the congregation. Church may pre-candidate more then one person
6 / District Superintendent contacts individual for candidating experience / Sufficient time is allowed to the candidate to consider and give a response. (Only one person can candidate at a time.) If affirmative - next step. If negative - next candidate is approached.
7 / Candidating “Experience” / Board interviews candidate and notifies District Superintendent of decision. If affirmative - next step. If negative - back to step 5 or 6.
8 / Arrival and installation of the new Pastor / Board and District Superintendent “work out” details of arrival time, installation service, etc.

Note-Gather resumes in consultation with District Superintendent

-conduct initial interviews who fit Pastoral Profile done in confidence to

form short list to present to Board for short list pre-candidating(private process

where names are not made public.)

-District Superintendent contacts individual for candidating.


History of Pine Ridge Family Church

The following is informal historical information gathered from present and former members of Pine Ridge Family Church ; it also contains material supplied by the District office.

In the 1940’s there were regular mid-week meetings in Wesley United Church in Pembroke which consisted of Bible study and prayer . Missionaries who had returned to the area or were preparing to go to foreign countries were often present.A quartet from Ottawa’s Gospel Tabernacle often accompanied the speakers.Through this ministry interest in missions grew.

Over the years a number of contacts were made with the Christian and Missionary Alliance through the Ottawa Gospel Tabernacle,Canadian Bible College and the Christian Business Men’s group.

In the fall of 1957 Rev. George Constance presented the missionary challenge. Early in 1958 Rev. R.G. Simpson held an Evangelistic campaign and a number of interested individuals stated their desire to have an Alliance Church open in Pembroke .On June 8, Rev. P.R. Barley assumed responsibility as the Pastor of a small congregation .They met for Sunday morning and evening worship in the Legion Hall on Pembroke Street East and a week night Bible study in homes.

Mr. Don McKecknie had a special interest and discussed the plan with Rev.R.G. Simpson .He gave Rev. Simpson $100 to come to Pembroke and plant an Alliance Church .Rev. Simpson found a Union Hall on Miller Street which was available. It was here that the first meetings were held .A more suitable place was later found at the Canadian Legion and meetings were held there for the next several years.

In 1959 a property was purchased at 222 Dickson Street .The building was originally built as the Cottage Hospital; later it was turned into the nurse’s residence.Renovations were done and the church met there until 1978.

Rev . P .R .Barley was called to be the first permanent pastor in 1958 . He ministered until 1965 . He was followed by Pastor Roger Rooks , Rev. Alan Parker and Rev. Don Peake.Rev.R.G. Simpson returned as interim pastor in 1971-1972. Rev. Robert Roswell served from 1972 -1978.

Rev. Ben Kononoff was here from 1978-1984 . It was under his ministry that the church moved to 27 Brumm Road. The property was purchased in 1980 from the Renfrew County School Board. By January 1981, a renovation project was completed adding a

new sanctuary, an additional foyer, office, nursery and library space.

Rev. Jack Shepherd followed in 1984-1986. Rev. Ken Watson was here from 1986-1995. Pastor Art Cooke came in 1995 and gave his resignation in April 2007. Pastor Dave Darlington was interim from June 2007 until March 2008. Rev. Robin Newnes served from March 2008 to Sept 2008. Rev Jamie Hargrave served August 2009 until May 2013.


Pine Ridge Family church is a intergenerational church with average Sunday morning attendance of 100 people (60-70 adults the rest children mostly under the age of 12 years).

We have a excellent Sunday School children’s program as well as a new Youth program starting the fall 2013. We have a part time family worker on staff working with these groups. We have over the last year, started small group Bible Studies and will continue in the 2013-2014 season. They appear to have been well received. As for Women’s Ministry it is marginal with sporadic events. Men’s Ministry is non operational at the present time.

Mission program needs to be revamped but the congregation gives very well to missions.



Through this transitional process the Board of Elders has addressed the question of the church’s vision. This has included a process of prayer, discernment and a comprehensive survey of the congregation.

Following statements about vision are intended to provide the broad strokes of vision and values. These are starting points for discussion to further refine and develop the vision and a strategic ministry plans. PRFC is seeking a Senior Pastor who resonates with these broad strokes of vision and who will embrace a collaborative process to work with the Board of Elders and the congregation to develop greater clarity of vision. PRFC is not seeking a Senior Pastor who desires to be the sole visionary leader and bring his vision to the church.

What is PRFC called to do in years ahead?

Find ways to develop effective ministries to address the diversity of PRFC

PRFC is a diverse church and needs to be innovative, diverse and broad in its range of ministries

There is a desire to offer effective ministries for children, youth, men, women, seniors, families and counsel. Also we need to continue to work on evangelism,small groups,leadership development and missions.

On Church core values, the Board has identified a need for readdressing and updating values with the Pastor, Board of Elders, and Congregation


The following material will guide the Board. It will also assist prospective candidates to determine if they will be a good fit for PRFC.

This question is presented with humility recognizing that in addition to matters of Character and Competency Pastoral leaders are in “process” as they continue to grow and develop in their pastoral calling. Ultimately, it is the guidance of the Holy Spirit that will shape the decision about who to call as the new Senior Pastor and who will accept that call. The following list of Character qualities and Competencies are based on:

The vision and core values of the church

The size and nature of the church

The needs of the church at this time

Theological and ministry values

The needs of a diverse intergenerational congregation

Character Qualities / Leadership Qualities
A person who demonstrates the following
We seek a senior pastor with the character qualities outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 / We require an equipping, collaborative leader who
In addition, we are searching for a senior pastor who embodies the following qualities: / Engages in team ministry, deliberately developing elder and staff teams to fulfill their ministry roles, and mentoring the elders and staff to personal growth
A life of spiritual growth & vitality, prayer, and dependence on God that inspires others to do the same / Has effectively worked with church boards to develop, communicate and implement strategic plans to fulfill a church’s mission and vision
A deep commitment to, and practice of, personally interacting with God’s word / Believes in and practices “equipping the saints for ministry” according to their gifts, abilities and passions
A consistent demonstrated pattern of personal integrity, accountability, authenticity, transparency, and honesty / We are looking for a pastor with whom our vision and values will resonate and who has the ability to lead us to fulfilling these visions and values
A demonstrated level of significant spiritual maturity and stability that builds trustworthiness in both the public and private spheres / We need a strong, Bible-based preacher/teacher who can communicate effectively to an inter-generational congregation
A demonstrated pattern of commitment to spouse and family that nurtures a healthy growing marriage and a vibrant family life / We are looking for a person who models and leads in the area of prayer
A deep love for the local church and the congregation / We want a person who naturally engages with the non-church community as a natural part of who he is
Has the support and encouragement of spouse and family to move to our community and accept this position. / We need a leader skilled in navigating the challenges of a multi-generational congregation containing diverse personal values, styles and preferences
We desire someone with proven ability in conflict resolution
We need someone with moderate administrative ability who can effectively manage a church that grows from a small to moderate size.