2017-18 PIE Associate Application
Name (first/last):
Approximate number of TAs in your department:
FSU email address:
Preferred contact phone number:
What stage are you at in your program (coursework, prelims, prospectus, etc.):
Anticipated graduation date:
Degree working toward (e.g. M.S, M.A., Ed.D., Ph.D.):
What courses have you assisted for or taught (at FSU and/or elsewhere)? What were your duties (briefly explain)?
Briefly explain how participating in the PIE Associate Program would help you further your professional goals in academe:
Please list 2 items that you and your department want to enhance during your tenure as a PIE Associate and clearly explain why these items are important to the department at this time:
Department liaison (person you would work most closely with if selected) information:
Name (first/last):
FSU email address:
Office phone number:
Note: You must obtain written departmental approval/support to serve in this position! Have your department chair/or TA adviser send a support statement, which can be sent to us in the body of an email message or in an attached document. The statement must address the nominee's attributes that make him/her a good fit for this position, and the department’s willingness to require that ALL TAs in the department attend at least one workshop to be organized by the PIE Associate. Have the department chair/advisor send the email to with subject line PIE Associate Support_your last name. This email must be received by PIE by the application deadline of 11:59pm, Sunday, April 23, 2017.
Name of department chair or TA/faculty advisor that will be emailing your support statement to PIE:
**IMPORTANT: To be eligible to be a PIE Associate for 2017-18 you must be available to attend a mandatory three day PIE Associate training two weeks before fall classes start (Wed. 8/16/17 - Fri. 8/18/17)!And you must also be available to assist with the 2017 Fall PIE Teaching Conference/TA Orientation (Wed. 8/23/17 & Thurs. 8/24/17), and the Spring 2018 TA Training Workshop on Friday, 1/12/18.
**Deadline for the submission of the 2017-2018 application - including the emailed support statement from your academic department - is 11:59 PM Sunday, April 23, 2017.
Also, we will hold an optional PIE Associate Information Session on Wednesday, 4/5/2017, from 3:30-4:30 pm in room 3009 of the Honors, Scholars & Fellows House to answer any questions you may have about this position. Attendance is not required to apply.