Pomfret Community School
In the interest of safety, please comply with the following rules:
1. Parents/guardians must remain in the pick-up line in a vehicle. Do not park your vehicle and walk to get your child(ren), this slows down the process.
2. Students may NOT be picked up in the school lobby. Please wait in your vehicle.
3. Parents/guardians must remain in their vehicles while students are loading.
4. Vehicles are required to pull up to the designated spot indicated by a staff member to allow us to fill the maximum number of vehicles at one time.
5. Students are asked to enter their vehicles as quickly as possible.
6. Students must enter the vehicle from the passenger side. Students are not allowed to go around vehicles to enter.
7. Vehicles in the second line must wait until the first line moves and exits.
8. Use both parking lot exits to keep traffic flowing. Do not back up from your position to exit from the lot.
9. Do not pass other vehicles unless directed to do so by a staff member.
10. Children in grades PK-2 are not allowed to re-enter the school for forgotten items. If they need to re-enter they will be required to wait for a parent/guardian or responsible adult to escort them back into the school after the pick-up line is empty. The parent/guardian will need to park the vehicle in a parking space.
11. Parents/guardians who must occasionally sign out their child(ren) early are asked to leave prior to the 3:10PM dismissal to ensure safety for all.
All students are encouraged to ride the bus to/from school. All buses are finished with their runs shortly after 4:00PM. Due to the increasing safety concerns, we urge you to use the pick-up line only when necessary.
Thank you for your cooperation!