Pi’s character progression in Pt 1 and Pt II- using events

Born Hindu

Lesson about tiger and goat- traumatic at first but learned something and it helps later in his traumas- show kids reality-maturity

Various religions and practicing them- believing each and interrelating them/family questions his choice b/c they are secular

Told him they have to pick one- ridiculed about it- Love God- example of independence

Ship wreck- survival- a terrible event/devastating/forced decisions to live like eating flesh of animals- can get used to anything-> not good or bad, but harmony and disharmony in oneself

Left alone- realizes his family is gone- connection between him and old life- drifting

His thoughts of his death- giving up- deteriorating physically, emotionally, spiritually

Finds island- Eden that didn’t turn out as good as you thought it would- false hope- not quite reliable

Mexico- really saved- help from others- no goodbye from RP when he runs into jungle- no closure

Pi’s name (made fun/a trial in his life and then trains people to call him what he wants)- taking on a new identity/taking on a new life

Pi’s training of animals’ dangerous behavior (tiger/goat)

Relies on zoological information and science to survive

Orange Juice- hope and loss of it-> also loss of family survival when hyena kills zebra- he’s closer to death

OJ has fight with hyena- fight for life (like surviving shipwreck)- not meant to survive but they do and they have to adapt to the situation

Behavior of the animals- first part prepares him with knowledge and helps him to deal with them- Mr. Kumar- not everyone has this information- how it relates to human behavior

Sinking of ship- importance of life and family- experiences loss and is alive to mourn-

On raft with dangerous animals and must be brave amid great loss- invites RP and Frenchman on raft- trains one but must kill the other- learns from his mistakes

Loss of hope as time goes on- 277 days

Religious beliefs- why are his various beliefs, along with secular views of parents, important? They can co-exist with each other in him and his belief system. They don’t need to be mutually exclusive. Each religion gives him a different perspective on life, which helps him to look at things in the lifeboat in a different way (each religion gives him a hold on hope). This translates to coexistence on the life boat- each can live with one another and train themselves and each other to exist/survive together

Story of how Martel gets the story- believe in God- it’s how the story gets told. W/o it there would be no story- goes against his original intentions and accidentally gets this story

Pi goes exploring and survives by accident- goes against his nature and that is what saves him

Bottle in water- message, hope, desperation, Here I am/to express yourself in some way

Anthropomorphism- need to do it to help with RP and training/survival- it’s not good as a scientific method but is important to storytelling

Interacting with priest has him interacting with information and questioning things.

Learning to swim in the pool is preparation for the ocean- his parents couldn’t swim, but he could and therefore was better prepared.

Through his journey he goes from reserved to more open- has to learn-