Supplementary information

Phytotoxicity of arsenic compounds on crop plant seedlings

YoungdaeYoon, Woo-Mi Lee †, Youn-Joo An*

Department of Environmental Health Science, Konkuk University, 1 Hwayang-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 143-701, Korea

1Equally contributed

*Corresponding author

Youn-Joo An

Tel: +82 2 2049 6090

Fax: +82 2 2201 6295


Contents of Supplementary Information

Table S1. Physicochemical properties of test soils in this study.

Table S2. Test plant species and organization recommending their use for toxicity testing.

Figure S1. Seedling growth ratesin (a) mung bean, (b) wheat, (c) cucumber, and (d) sorghum exposed to arsenite (As(III)) in soil B for 5 days. Bars represent standard deviation of the four replicates

Figure S2. Seedling growth rates in (a) mung bean, (b) wheat, (c) cucumber, and (d) sorghum exposed to arsenate (As(V)) in soil B for 5 days. Bars represent standard deviation of the four replicates.

Figure S3. Seedling growth rates in (a) mung bean, (b) wheat, (c) cucumber, and (d) sorghum exposed to dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) in soil B for 5 days. Bars represent standard deviation of the four replicates.

Table S1. Physicochemical properties of test soils in this study

Parameter / soil A / soil B
Soil pH / 5.08±0.07 a / 4.30±0.02
Percent organic matter / 2.95±0.21% / 0.3±0.08%
Texture class / Sand / Sandy-loam

aMean ± S.D (n=3replicates)

Table S2. Test plant species and organization recommending their use for toxicity testing

Family / Common name / Scientific name / Recommended by
Fabaceae / Mung bean / Phaseolus radiatus / OECD a, ASTM b
Cucurbitaceae / Cucumber / Cucumis sativus / US FDA b, US EPA c, OECD, ASTM
Brassicaceae / Chinese cabbage / Brassica campestris var. chinensis / OECD, ASTM
Brassicaceae / Broccoli / Brassica oleracea
Brassicaceae / Mustard / Brassica nigra / OECD, ASTM
Brassicaceae / Kale / Brassica campestris
Fabaceae / Pea / Pisum sativum / US EPA, OECD
Poaceae / Wheat / Triticum aestivum / US FDA, OECD, ASTM
Poaceae / Sorghum / Sorghum bicolor / OECD, ASTM
Poaceae / Barely / Hordeum vulgare / OECD
a OECD (OECD, 2008)
b ASTM (OECD, 2008)
c US EPA (US EPA, 2012)

FigureS1. Seedling growth rates in (a) mung bean, (b) wheat, (c) cucumber, and (d) sorghum exposed to arsenite (As(III)) in soil B for 5 days. Bars represent standard deviationof the four replicates

FigureS2. Seedling growth rates in (a) mung bean, (b) wheat, (c) cucumber, and (d) sorghum exposed to arsenate (As(V)) in soil B for 5 days. Bars represent standard deviation of the four replicates.

FigureS3.Seedling growth rates in (a) mung bean, (b) wheat, (c) cucumber, and (d) sorghum exposed to dimethyl arsinic acid (DMA) in soil B for 5 days. Bars represent standard deviation of the four replicates.