Physics Syllabus 2016 - 2017
Instructor: Mr. K. Owen Nix
Room 409
T: (912) 754-6404
Course Description:This course is a study of physics a field of science that investigates the close relationship between energy and matter. Physics is a mathematically based science and students should have a general knowledge of algebra and trigonometry before taking this class. The students will use a variety of equipment in lab activities to explore the topics covered. Each unit covered will require a project-based assignment/assessment that demonstrates skills, knowledge and understanding of the content learned. The skills involved in completing scientific studies will be taught. An LEOCT will be administered at the end of this course.
Course Rationale: Science is a dynamic, collaborative human activity that uses distinctive ways of valuing, thinking, and working to understand natural phenomena. Science is part of human experience and has relevance for everyone. Knowledge of science enables us to value the systems and processes that support life on our planet, and to take a responsible role in using science and its applications in our daily lives.
Course Outline:
- 1D Motion
- 2D Motion
- Circular Motion
- Forces and Newton’s Laws
- Work and Energy
- Momentum and Impulse
- Waves
- Sound
- Light
- Electricity and Magnetism
Required Materials:
- 3-ring binder
- Tabbed dividers (5)
- Loose leaf paper
- #2 pencils
- Scientific calculator
- Blue or Black ink pens
- Note Cards
Class work and Quizzes:15%
This course will have an End of Course Test that will be given at the end of the class. This exam will count as 20% of your course average.
Your final grade will be calculated as follows:
The average of your 2 semester grades:80%
Tutoring is available to all students by the instructor. Tutoring will be by student request or as mandated by the instructor. Tutoring will be available in the morning before school by appointment or Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30 – 8:10.
Science is a challenging subject for many students. From the first week, it builds new ideas on previous ideas and concepts. The understanding of new material is based on a thorough understanding of previous material. Do not get behind in class. See me if you are having problems. I am here to help you learn.
Class Rules:
A. Note from the Instructor
I will lead a respectful and disciplined classroom. To achieve this I have established a few simple policies. As a student, it is your responsibility to comply with these policies. If you decide not to comply, there will be logical consequences. By enforcing these policies, I promise you fairness and order in our classroom.
B. Class Rules
Electronic Devices: Keep cell phones, iPods, tablets, Laptops, Kindles, and other devices put away in this classroom. If it is seen in this classroom, it will be taken up and turned into the office unless we are using them for a class activity.
Watch Your Mouth: Students will exhibit courtesy and respect toward all other students at all times. Hateful comments concerning race, gender, political views, appearance, or of any other type will not be tolerated; this applies to serious as well as “joking” comments.
Stay in Your Seat: Students are to sit in assigned seats every day. Do not walk around during class unless directed to do so. Have everything you need ready before class begins.
Food: Students may have water in the classroom. No food is allowed.
I Need to See Your Eyes: Students may not sleep in class. To prevent this, students’ eyes must be open and visible to the instructor at all times. Do not lay your head down on the desk.
Talking: Talk only when permitted. Raise your hand if you have a question.
Cleanliness: Students are required to keep the aisles clean and to pick up after themselves.
Late Arrivals: A student who is not in the classroom when the bell rings is considered tardy unless in possession of a tardy pass from the front office or a teacher.
Academic Honesty: It is expected that students will use genuine, sincere, and fair means for the accomplishment of the tests, tasks, or projects from which evaluations of progress shall be determined. Students found plagiarizing, copying, or cheating in any way will receive an automatic zero for the assignment.
C. IfYOU CHOOSE to Break a Rule:
Punishments will always fit the crime. Of course there are behaviors that will warrant an Office Referral immediately. Examples of this include gross insubordination or violent behavior. Behaviors that are less severe, but in violation of the basic rules of the class will be dealt with in the manner described below. This format is in no way all inclusive and is subject to change:
1st Incident – Verbal warning
2nd Incident – 30 minute detention
3rd Incident – Second detention and phone call or email home.
4th Incident – Office referral and phone call or email home.
Warnings carry over for the entire week. Each student will begin each week with a “clean slate”. However, continued violations will be noted and dealt with appropriately.
Class Procedures:
A. Note from the Instructor
As an instructor, I pride myself on an efficient and smooth running classroom. To achieve this I have established a few simple procedures. As a student, it is your responsibility to learn and perform these procedures. Through these procedures, I promise to you a more organized and effective learning experience.
B. Most Common Procedures
Entering the Classroom: You are to enter the classroom without screaming, running or otherwise causing a commotion. Students who do not do this will be asked to leave the room and reenter as expected. You should get anything you need around the room (pencil sharpening, book, etc.). Once seated, check the screen for the day’s bell work. You can also use this time to briefly speak with me or make an appointment to make up a test or get extra help.
Bell Work: Everyday will begin with bell work. You will find the bell work on the screen. Bell work should be started as soon as the bell rings. Most bell work will involve two to three questions from the previous day’s assignments. You are to write the entire question and the answer. Bell work is required.
Tests: Tests will be given every two to three weeks. Tests will generally cover an entire unit.
Coming to Attention: When I need to quiet the class, I will say “Eyes Up”. This is only complete when the entire class is quiet and looking up frony.
Arriving Late: When you enter the room late you need not disturb the class. Simply place your pass in the basket on top of the file table by the door. If you must speak with me, go to your seat, and raise your hand when it is appropriate to do so.
Leaving the Classroom: The bell does not dismiss the class, I do. Do not pack up until I tell you to do so. Do not leave your seats until I dismiss the class. “People who pack fast shall leave last.”
Absences: On the day you return from an absence you should arrive early to class. The first thing to do is check the Class Log. The log will likely answer any questions regarding “what we did” when you were gone. If there are any questions beyond the log, speak with me before class begins or after class.
Extra Handouts: If you need a handout, because you were absent or just lost your first one, go to the notebook marked “Extra Handouts”. Do not ask me for handouts, go straight to the notebook.
Makeup Work: Students shall be permitted to make up work when absent. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up the missed assignments. The student has five days after each date of absence for the completion of makeup work.
Makeup Tests and Quizzes: If you are absent for a quiz or test (not the day before a test or quiz) you will have to arrange for a makeup quiz or test. Makeup quizzes or tests are done in the mornings before school by appointment or Tuesday and Thursday mornings before school.
Late Work: Assignments may be turned in late with a penalty of one letter grade for each day late up to 5 school days. After 5 school days the missing assignment will be assigned a grade of “zero”. The exception to this is homework assignments that are discussed the day they are due. These homework assignments may not be turned in late and will be a zero regardless.
Required Materials: You are required to bring all necessary supplies to class every day. These include pencils, pens, notebook, paper, and calculator.
Calculations: In this class you will perform many mathematical calculations. On your assignments you are required to show all work required to complete the problem. If you do not show your work and only give the final answer you will be given half of the points for the problem.
“Question of the Week”: Each week you will be given the opportunity to earn bonus points on unit tests by answering the “question of the week”. Each question is worth 2-1/2 points for a total of 5 bonus points each test. Every Monday a question is posted on the bulletin board and will be due on Friday at the beginning of the period (you must have the question ready when class begins). Your paper must include your name, the question, answer, and a source (must be a book or an internet source).
Physics Syllabus, Rules and Procedures
I have read and understand the contents of the PhysicsSyllabus, Class Rules, and Class Procedures.
Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Name: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______