Physics, Engineering and Geosciences Department

ES 100 – Introduction to Engineering Design

Fall 2008

Engineering Your Future Post-Project evaluation

Please select a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 for each of the following questions.

1: Strongly Disagree 2: Disagree 3: Neutral 4: Agree 5: Strongly Agree

Questions / Response
1.  This project helped me realize my potentials of becoming and engineer
2.  This project helped me focus on a particular engineering discipline
3.  This project helped me know more about different branches of engineering
4.  This project helped prepare me for a career in engineering
5.  I learned about aspects of engineering I had never known before from this project
6.  This project increased my interest in engineering
7.  This project increased my knowledge about fundamental concepts and ideas in engineering
8.  This project was of great value to me
9.  I believe I have a better chance of attaining my career goals as a result of this project
10.  I would recommend this project for all introduction to engineering courses
11.  I wish I had carried out this project before getting into college (MC only)
12.  I enjoyed carrying out this project

1.  What engineering discipline were you interested in before participating in this project and why? ______

2.  What engineering discipline are you interested in now and why? ______

3.  Why did you or didn’t you change your mind? ______

4.  What was the most important fact you learned from this project ______

5.  What aspect of this project would you change, and how?______

6.  What was the best part of this project for you, and why? ______

7.  How do you think this project can be improved to make it more interesting and exciting for students? ______

8.  How do you think this project can be improved to make it more effective in getting students prepared for a career in engineering early in their academic pursuit? ______

9.  How likely is it that you will pursue engineering as a career? ______

10.  What do you know about engineering that you didn’t know before? ______

11.  What was the most challenging part of this project? ______

12.  In addition to engineering, what other things you learned from this project?
