Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Pool/Canoeing Grade: 7

Enduring Understandings:

·  Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.

·  Quality lifelong movement is based on scientific concepts/principles.

Essential Questions:

·  How can physical activity choices impact my life as an adolescent?

·  How can you improve the quality of complex movements?

·  How does participating in physical activity affect you?

·  How are your present choices connected to your health throughout your adult life?

·  Why do people choose group activities over individual activities or individual activities over group activities?

Common Core Standards / Pennsylvania Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. / 10.3.6. B. Know and apply appropriate emergency responses.
·  basic first aid
·  Heimlich maneuver
·  universal precautions
10.3.6. C. Describe strategies to avoid or manage conflict and violence.
10.3.6. D. Analyze the role of individual responsibility for safety during physical activity.
10.4.6. E. Identify factors that have an impact on the relationship between regular participation in physical activity and the degree of motor skill improvement.
10.5.6. A. Explain and apply the basic movement skills and concepts to create and perform movement sequences and advanced skills.
10.5.6. E. Identify and use scientific principles that affect basic movement and skills using appropriate vocabulary
10.5.6. F. Identify and apply game strategies to basic games and physical activities / ·  Knowing the safety features and equipment
·  Paddling
·  Getting in the canoe
·  Rolling the canoe and getting back in / ·  Helmets and Life Jackets
·  Forward paddle and back paddle and pull stroke on side of pool
·  Holding gunnels and getting properly
·  Rolling canoe and getting back in front shallow water and deep water / 7th Grade Canoeing Assessment
***District Assessment***

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Square Dance Grade: 7

Enduring Understandings:

·  Health concepts are essential for wellness and a health-enhancing lifestyle.

·  Community well-being is dependent upon a balance of personal and social responsibility.

Essential Questions:

·  What can you observe and infer about the way your personal choices affect the functioning of the body?

·  What can we do to improve our health and environment?

Common Core Standards / Pennsylvania Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. / 9.13.9. A. Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and humanities:
·  dance
·  energy/force
·  space
·  time
·  choreography
·  form
·  genre
·  improvisation
·  style
·  technique
9.13.9. B. Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate arts elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works in the arts:
·  dance
·  move
·  perform
·  read and notate dance
·  create and choreograph improvise
10.5.9. A. Describe and apply the components of skill-related fitness to movement performance.
10.5.9. B. Describe and apply concepts of motor skill development that impact the quality of increasingly complex movement.
10.5.9. C. Identify and apply practice strategies for skill improvement.
10.5.9. D. Identify and describe the principles of training using appropriate vocabulary.
10.5.9. E. Analyze and apply scientific and biomechanical principles to complex movements. / Square and Creative Dance / Square Terminology
Basic calls:
·  honor
·  circle ½
·  circle full
·  partner
·  corner
·  gals
·  guys
·  chain
·  promenade
·  swing / Create a dance
Peer Assess
Written Assessment
7th Grade Square/Creative Dance
***District Assessment***

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Skating Grade: 7

Enduring Understandings:

·  Safety impacts individual and community well-being.

·  Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.

·  Health concepts are essential for wellness and a health-enhancing lifestyle.

Essential Questions:

·  What choices should you make to act and grow responsibly?

·  How can physical activity choices impact my life as an adolescent?

·  How can I prepare my body for safe physical activity?

Common Core Standards / Pennsylvania Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. / 10.4.6. A: Identify and engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities that contribute to physical fitness and health.
10.4.6. B: Explain the effects of regular participation in moderate to vigorous physical activities on the body systems.
10.4.6. C. Identify and apply ways to monitor and assess the body’s response to moderate to vigorous physical activity.
10.4.6. D. Describe factors that affect childhood physical activity preferences.
10.5.6 A. Explain and apply the basic movement skills and concepts to create and perform movement sequences and advanced skills.
10.5.6 B. Identify and apply the concepts of motor skill development to a variety of basic skills.
10.5.6 C. Describe the relationship between practice and skill development.
10.5.6 D. Describe and apply the principles of exercise to the components of health-related and skill-related fitness. / Intro Skating
Step Glide to Brake Position
Swivels to A frame turn
Various turns
Jumping and Ducking
Advance Stopping Styles / Sizing, proper fit, helmet
Standing, ready position, v walk
Heel Stop
-  right skate out in front
-  bumpers up
-  knees bent
-  weight down
From ready position push legs apart and then pull together. Bend knees and keep bumpers up as swiveling. Intro that swivels lead into A frame turn
From out position in swivel, legs make an A. Turn upper body to right for right turn or left for left turn and body follows.
Advantages: Easy because of wide base
Disadvantages: possibility of tripping someone in crowded situation
Progression: A frame
One legged balance
Small jumps and ducks
a. Maintain balance
b. knees bent on start and land
-over lines then progress to rope, stick
-ducking to whistle system
-ducking under tunnel
Review heel stop
Introduce T stop / Peer Observations
Written Assessment
7th Grade Skating Assessment
***District Assessment***

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Invasion Strategies Grade: 7

Enduring Understandings:

·  Community well-being is dependent upon a balance of personal and social responsibility.

·  Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.

Essential Questions:

·  What choices should you make to act and grow responsibly?

·  How can strategies affect the outcome of a game or physical activity?

Common Core Standards / Pennsylvania Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. / 10.4.6. E. Identify factors that have an impact on the relationship between regular participation in physical activity and the degree of motor skill improvement.
10.4.6. F. Identify and describe positive and negative interactions of group members in physical activities.
10.5.6 A. Explain and apply the basic movement skills and concepts to create and perform movement sequences and advanced skills.
10.5.6 B. Identify and apply the concepts of motor skill development to a variety of basic skills.
10.5.6 C. Describe the relationship between practice and skill development.
10.5.6 D. Describe and apply the principles of exercise to the components of health-related and skill-related fitness.
10.5.6. F. Identify and apply game strategies to basic games and physical activities. / Invasion Games / Throwing
-  moving to space
-  cutting, faking
-  teamwork
-  man to man
-  zone, area
-  teamwork / Peer Assessment
7th Grade Invasion Games Assessment
***District Assessment***

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Recreational/ Lifetime Activities Grade: 7

Enduring Understandings:

·  Community well-being is dependent upon a balance of personal and social responsibility.

·  Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.

·  Quality lifelong movement is based on scientific concepts/principles.

Essential Questions:

·  How can exercise be used to improve health and fitness?

·  How does participating in physical activity affect you?

·  How can you become an advanced mover?

·  How can exercise be used to improve health and fitness?

Common Core Standards / Pennsylvania Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. / 10.4.6. A: Identify and engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities that contribute to physical fitness and health.
10.4.6. D. Describe factors that affect childhood physical activity preferences.
10.5.6 A. Explain and apply the basic movement skills and concepts to create and perform movement sequences and advanced skills.
10.5.6 D. Describe and apply the principles of exercise to the components of health-related and skill-related fitness. / Recreational/ Lifetime Activities / Rules
·  Bocci
·  4 Square
·  Shuffleboard
·  Disc Golf
·  Horseshoes
·  Walking with activity monitors
·  Canoeing or kayaking – pool schools only
·  Pickleball
·  Whiffleball / Peer Assessment
7th Grade Recreational/ Lifetime Activities
***District Assessment***

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Racquet Sports Grade: 7

Enduring Understandings:

·  Community well-being is dependent upon a balance of personal and social responsibility.

·  Safety impacts individual and community well-being.

·  Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.

Essential Questions:

·  What types of strategies would you use to be successful in a complex game situation?

·  How does participating in physical activity affect you?

Common Core Standards / Pennsylvania Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. / 10.4.6. E. Identify factors that have an impact on the relationship between regular participation in physical activity and the degree of motor skill improvement.
10.4.6. F. Identify and describe positive and negative interactions of group members in physical activities.
10.5.6 A. Explain and apply the basic movement skills and concepts to create and perform movement sequences and advanced skills.
10.5.6 B. Identify and apply the concepts of motor skill development to a variety of basic skills.
10.5.6 C. Describe the relationship between practice and skill development.
10.5.6 D. Describe and apply the principles of exercise to the components of health-related and skill-related fitness.
10.5.6. F. Identify and apply game strategies to basic games and physical activities. / Racquet Sports/Games / Forehand Rally
Scoring / Peer Observation
Written Assessment
7th Grade Racquet Sports Assessment
***District Assessment***

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Scooters (School without a Pool) Grade: 7

Enduring Understandings:

·  Safety impacts individual and community well-being.

Essential Questions:

·  What can you observe and infer about the way your personal choices affect the functioning of the body?

Common Core Standards / Pennsylvania Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. / 10.4.6. A: Identify and engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities that contribute to physical fitness and health.
10.4.6. B: Explain the effects of regular participation in moderate to vigorous physical activities on the body systems.
10.4.6. C. Identify and apply ways to monitor and assess the body’s response to moderate to vigorous physical activity.
10.5.6 A. Explain and apply the basic movement skills and concepts to create and perform movement sequences and advanced skills.
10.5.6 D. Describe and apply the principles of exercise to the components of health-related and skill-related fitness / Scooters / Safety
·  forward
·  backward
·  stomach
·  knee
Upper body strength development
Lower body strength development / Relays
7th Grade Scooter Assessment
***District Assessment***

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Snorkeling Grade: 7

Enduring Understandings:

Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.

Essential Questions:

How does participating in physical activity affect you?

How can physical activity choices impact my life as an adolescent?

Common Core Standards / Pennsylvania Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. / 10.3.6. B. Know and apply appropriate emergency responses.
·  basic first aid
·  Heimlich maneuver
·  universal precautions
10.3.6. C. Describe strategies to avoid or manage conflict and violence.
10.3.6. D. Analyze the role of individual responsibility for safety during physical activity.
10.4.6. E. Identify factors that have an impact on the relationship between regular participation in physical activity and the degree of motor skill improvement.
10.5.6 A. Explain and apply the basic movement skills and concepts to create and perform movement sequences and advanced skills.
10.5.6. E. Identify and use scientific principles that affect basic movement and skills using appropriate vocabulary / Snorkeling / Fins sized
Masks fitted
Clear masks
Snorkel usage
Surface dives
Deep water exploration / Peer Observation
7th Grade Snorkeling
***District Assessment***

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Swimming/Stroke Refinement Grade: 7

Enduring Understandings:

·  Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.

·  Safety impacts individual and community well-being.

Essential Questions:

·  How can physical activity choices impact my life as an adolescent?

·  How does the application of scientific principles impact complex movements?

·  How are your present choices connected to your health throughout your adult life?

Common Core Standards / Pennsylvania Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. / 10.3.6. B. Know and apply appropriate emergency responses.
·  basic first aid
·  Heimlich maneuver
·  universal precautions
10.3.6. C. Describe strategies to avoid or manage conflict and violence.
10.3.6. D. Analyze the role of individual responsibility for safety during physical activity.
10.4.6. E. Identify factors that have an impact on the relationship between regular participation in physical activity and the degree of motor skill improvement.
10.5.6 A. Explain and apply the basic movement skills and concepts to create and perform movement sequences and advanced skills.
10.5.6. E. Identify and use scientific principles that affect basic movement and skills using appropriate vocabulary / Stroke Refinement / Rules and procedures of the pool will be addressed and roll procedures
Deep water testing will be administered
Front Crawl
Back Crawl
Elementary Backstroke
Sidestroke / Guard and observe the students for safety
Written Assessment
7th Grade Stroke Assessment
***District Assessment***

Physical Education