Team Up for a Healthy You / America On The Move™ / Lighten Up America™
A team based physical challenge to encourage employees to increase their physical activity level. / In-house administered fitness challenge.
Basic program templates provided.
Tracking completed by internal staff. / 6 Week online fitness challenge that tracks steps (or equates an activity to a number of steps).
America On the Move offers free, personalized online resources and interactive tools such as virtual trails.
Group leaders set up their group online and receive a toolkit.
Group members then register individually. Participants check on the entire group's progress as well as view progress of individuals who opt in to the My Challenge Buddies feature.
Administrators can monitor group progress in "real time" and generate reports at the completion of each group Challenge. / 4 monthonline based fitness and/or weight loss challenge.
Challenge begins in January and ends in May.
Entity administrator sets up the group and receives a start code. Toolkit is available online.
Team leaders set up their own teams under the start code.
Entities have their own webpage that includes all team standings for the entity.
Administrator can access reports at any time, no additional reporting fee.
Participants receive weekly nutrition and physical activity tips, and are entered in drawings for monthly incentives and prizes.
All Programs:
  1. Survey employee needs and interests.
  2. Meet with committee to assign roles and responsibilities.
Management Approval
Announcement format
Prizes /
  1. Announce program sign up.
  1. Have kick-off event and announce teams based on sign up participation.
  2. Post motivational signs, send reminders and team standing updates via email.
  3. Tally results.
  4. Have a wrap up event announcing winners.
  5. Survey participants.
  1. Register on website.
  2. Group leaders set up their group and receive a Group Registration Code.
  1. Announce program sign up.
  2. Have kick-off event and announce teams based on sign up participation.
  3. Group members register individually using the Group Registration Code.
  4. Post motivational signs, send reminders and team standing updates via email.
  5. Individual team members report their results online.
  6. Group leaders view reports via an administrative website.
  7. Have a wrap up event announcing winners.
  8. Survey participants.
  1. Register on website. Entity administrator sets up the group and receives a start code. Toolkit is available online.
  1. Announce program sign up.
  2. Have kick-off event and announce teams of 2-10 people, based on sign up participation.
  3. Select team captains. Team leaders set up their own teams under the start code.
  4. Post motivational signs, send reminders and team standing updates via email.
  5. Team captains forward weekly emails from LOA.
  6. Members report their results weekly; captains report results for team members who do not have computer access.
  7. Download report for results.
  8. Have a wrap up event announcing winners.
  9. Survey participants.

Cost / Incentives/Prizes – determined by the group.
Supplies (posters, printing, event refreshments). / The Self Administered option is free and allows you to set up your group online.
Optional program guidebook and pedometer - $15 per person.
Pedometers can also be purchased through other vendors - $3 and up.
Incentives/Prizes – determined by the group.
Supplies (printing costs, event refreshments). / $15 per person, plus $10 per team shipping for T-Shirts.
Incentives/Prizes – determined by the group.
Supplies (printing costs, event refreshments).
Employer Involvement / Communications.
Set up and clean up for events.
Manual tracking. / Communications.
Set up and clean up for events.
Online tracking. / Communications.
Set up and clean up for events.
Online tracking.
Data Management / Collect and tally survey results.
Collect and track participation data. / Collect and tally survey results.
Access online reports. / Collect and tally survey results.
Access online reports.
