Physical and Health Education Teacher Education (PHETE)
Report by Dr. Tim Hopper
The PHETE SIG is presenting one symposium, one paper presentation and one roundtable in the CSSE program this year (see Appendix A for program overview). Every three years CSSE clashes in the same month as the PHE Canada national conference. This year the earlier deadline and clash made it challenging for the normal cohort of 20+ members. However, we are preparing for next years conference in Regina making plans to re-energize the membership with one of our legendary pre-conferences focused on physical engagement through mindfulness activities.
One innovation this year is to try a flipped conference format where papers are sent to SIG members prior to the session. This willfacilitate greater discussion of ideas after a short overview from the authors. Focus this year is on ecological perspectives in physical health education.
Summary of key information:
- Budget - $717.04. Last year spent $129 for AGM.
- Membership –13 listed in 2016-17
2015 membership for PHETE was 23 members (16 regular, 7 students)
PHETE membership (2014—2007)…37, 22, 26, 19, 24, 19, 19, 26
- 2017 conference call resulted in 8 proposals. One proposal was rejected.
- This year there will be a hosted lunch with a discussion of motion from 2016 AGM to consider adding “Ecology” to the PHETE tittle.
- Plans are for a pre-conference in PHETE at CSSE when we have a Faculty of Education to draw on at University of Regina (Regina, SK) – Pre-conference 26 May, main conference May 27 – May 30.
Appendix A
PHETE Sessions at CATE
Monday May 29
8.15 to 9.30 -Experiential learning in PE teacher education: Learning through local community and international partnerships
in Kerr KHE - East 119
Paper presentations followed by discussion.
Ashley Johnson and Dr. Nancy Francis -Three Sides to Every Story: Exploring Experiential Education in the University PE Curriculum
Daniel Bruce Robinson -Teaching outside of the box: a short-term international internship for pre-service and in-service physical education teachers
11.15 to 12.15 -Ecological perspectives in PE and health teacher education
Kerr KHE - East 119
Flipped symposium session followed by PHETE AGM at 12.15 to 1.15.
We will have lunch served at this session.
LeAnne Petherick:Ethno-culturally Diverse Girls’ Experiences in Secondary School PHE: Expanding ideas of Inclusion, Belonging and Identity.
Tim Hopper:Self-study of an elementary generalist physical education teacher educator: School-integrated teacher education and structural coupling
Tuesday May 30 -
9.45 to 11.00 -University-School-Community Partnerships for Healthy Active Kids: The Impact of Pre-service Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) in High Needs Schools.
in KHW - Kerr West 271/273 - Combined Gym.
Round-table discussion
Wendy Barber