Ceramics International draft (Supplement Issues for AMEC-11)
Title in lower case letters except for first word andproper nouns
Firstname Firstauthorfamilynamea,*, Firstname Secondauthorfamilynamea,b, Firstname Thirdauthorfamilynamec
aAuthor’s Institute, Author’s University - Street and number, Postal Code City, Country
bAnother author’s Institute, Another Author’s University - P.O. Box, City, Country
cMore author’s Institute, More Author’s University - P.O. Box, City, Country
Available online date provided by the publisher
Insert your abstract here. No quotation of references is allowed in the abstract. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext.
Keywords: keywords1; keywords; keywords3
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +yourphoneumber; Fax.:+yourfaxnumber
E-mail address:emailaddress (yourname)
Pages provided by publisher
1. First section heading
This is the bodytext of first paragraph. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext.
This is the bodytext of second paragraph. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext.
2. Second Section heading
This is the bodytext of first paragraph. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext.
2.1 Subsection Section heading
This is the bodytext of first paragraph. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext.
2.1.1 Another Subsection Section heading
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This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the reference to Table 1. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext.
This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext.
This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext.
3. Third Section heading
This is the bodytext of first paragraph [1]. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytextvan der Geer et al. [1]. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext [1,3]. This is the bodytext Refs. [2].
Fig. 1. (Colour on-line) to be added for all figures to appear in colour in the on-line version only. This is the figure caption.
Table 1
The caption of the table
Description 1a / Description 2 / Description 3Row 1, Col 1 / Row 1, Col 2 / Row 1, Col 3
Row 2, Col 1 / Row 2, Col 2 / Row 2, Col 3
aThe legend of the table.
4. Fourth Section heading
This is the bodytext. This is the reference to Fig. 1. This is the bodytext [1-3]. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext Table 1. This is the bodytext. This is the bodytext.
Acknowledgments to be inserted before references.This is the bodytext.This is the bodytext.
[1]J. van der Geer, J. A. J. Hanraads, R. A. Lupton, The art of writing a scientific article, J. Sci. Commun. 163 (2000) 51–59.
[2]W. Strunk Jr., E. B. White, The Elements of Style, third ed., Macmillan, New York, 1979.
[3]G. R. Mettam, L. B. Adams, How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: B.S. Jones, R.Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age, E-Publishing Inc., New York, 1999, pp. 281–304.
CERI formula use for previous supplement issue
A full page has 57 lines, average 17 words per line for the full page wide, so a full page counts 969 words in full. Take 950 per page, thus 3,800-word is the word-limit for a contributed paper (page limit: 4 pages), 5,700-word is for 6-page limit. To play safe, we may set 3,600-word as the page limit for a 4-page contributed paper, and 5,500-word as the page limit for a 6-page invited paper.
Word-counting for papers to be included in the AMEC-11 Special Issue:
For an invited paper, 5,500-word (6 printed/typed pages) is word-counting lime for an invited paper. It should count the all equivalent word-counting below:
• 300 for the paper head, title, authors’ names, and authors’ affiliations;
• 70 (1 line for “Abstract”, 2 spacing lines, and one line for “Key Words”) + actual word-counting in Abstract;
• 27 for each Headline/sub-headline, such as Introduction, Experimental Procedure, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Reference, etc.
• 27 for each referred reference in “Reference”. For example, if 10 reference papers are cited, the total counted words are 270.
• 170 words for each typical one-column picture/figure, which is < 8.5 cm (width of the column) x 7.5 cm (vertical length of the figure);
• 430 words for each full-page wide figure/picture, which is < 17.5 cm (page width) x 10 cm (vertical length of the figure);
• 25 + (number of lines in a one-column table) x 9 for a one-column table. For example, there are 5 lines in the one-column table, and the counted words should be 25 + 5x9 = 70.
• 50 + 19 x No. of lines for a full-page table. For example, there are 10 lines in the full-paged table, and 240 words should be counted as 50 + (10 x 19) = 240.
• 25 word-counting for 1-line equation in one-column (half-page width); and 50 word-counting for 1-line equation in full-page width.
Please note:
Page limit of 4pages for a contributed paper
Page limit of 6 pages for an invited paper