Club Rules and Member Responsibilities

1. FORMAL RULES. Club rules and procedures are set forth in the "Constitution and Laws" and also by this document, each subject to interpretation by the Board of Directors. The "Constitution and Laws" by reference incorporates the "Laws of Table Tennis", as interpreted by the USATT. Members are expected to possess a working knowledge of all such rules and procedures.

2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Board of Directors is the administrative and judicial authority of the Club. It endeavors to accomplish the will and purpose of the Club as a whole. A member who has an idea or grievance that he feels is worthy of the Board's consideration should express it in writing to any Board member.

3. BULLETIN BOARD. Displayed on the Club bulletin boards are a roster of members, the team assignments, a league schedule, the current standings of teams and individuals, a calendar of tournaments and exhibitions, the USATT Club Affiliated certificate, notices to members, records of actions by the Board of Directors, the "Constitution and Laws", the USATT "Laws of Table Tennis" and his document. The bulletin boards are the principal means of communication relative to Club affaires. Members are expected to avail themselves of information, and to comply with directions, placed there. Members are not to remove or deface any posted display or, without the consent of the Board, to add a display of their own.

4. CONDUCT OF PLAYERS. Members are expected to comply with all formal rules and may call for an umpire for any match. Members may not engage in raucous shouting, profane language, petty bickering, unkind remarks, disturbing noise, distracting movements, disorderly behavior and table hogging. Persistence in unbecoming conduct, or even a single case of extreme disorder shall be sufficient cause for banishing an offending member from the Club. On the night of Schedule League play a players may not play on Open play tables during the time their team is engaged in League Play.

5. PRESERVATION OF BALLS. The club may dispense USATT approved balls, to be used in all club sponsored competitions. Take care to avoid their loss or destruction. Following each match the ball should be returned to your team captain. Members should avoid pocketing Club balls or removing them from the place of competition. Persons desiring balls for their own use may purchase them from the Board. Team captains should return balls to the Board at the end of each round of play.

6. CARE OF TABLES AND NETS. The Club has purchased at considerable expense a number of USATT approved tables. To assure long service, great care must be exercised in their use, movement and storage. Tables may not be used, other than during league contests, unless by consent of the Board and only at the Club's headquarters and may be subject to player's fees as set by the Board.

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7. USE OF TABLES. Because crowed conditions during league contests produce enough delays in competitions, and because members may not wish to remain late in the evening, warming up should be limited to five minutes prior to a first match and to two minutes prior to subsequent matches. Members must use "open play" tables until league matches have been completed. Competitors next entitled to a table should remain in readiness and proceed immediately to its use following conclusion of the preceding match. Members will be permitted no rest time before a match except for five minutes following participation in two consecutive matches having no break between them.

8. DEADLINES AND FORFEITURES. Members should be present for contest at the starting time of play as set by the Board, and matches should begin at that time. The 1st deadline for appearance of a team member is as set by the Board after the starting time. At that time, unless he/she is present, one of his/her singles matches (when playing 3 person teams) or two of his/her singles matches (when playing 4 person teams) shall be forfeited automatically. These forfeitures shall be made at the discretion of the opposing team captain. Forfeiture of all matches will occur at the 2nd deadline, as set by the Board, after the starting time of league play. No substitutes are allowed unless there is a replacement made by the Board. A member who forfeits matches on two consecutive weeks, or three times during a season, will be dropped automatically from his/her team and suspended from team competition for the remainder of the season.

9. RESCHEDULING OF MATCHES. Forfeitures (of singles only matches) may be avoided by rescheduling to a date in advance of the scheduled time. Such rescheduling may be accomplished up to one week prior to such scheduled match. Notice is to be given orally to the opposing captain. The opposition may then select on which of their regular day of competition the make up shall take place. When the required procedure is followed and the member pursues the matter diligently, the opposition must not resist the rescheduling. Any match not made up due to the absence of the opposition member on the rescheduled night shall count as a forfeit to the opposition member.


10. TEAM PLACEMENT OF NEW MEMBERS. When a team loses a member and is eligible for a replacement, the Board will endeavor to assign to it from the available supply another member in a manner that will achieve league balance (rather than necessarily assigning a member with skill comparable to the member replaced).

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11. RESPONSIBILITIES OF CAPTAINS. A team captain is expected to assume automatically these responsibilities:

a. To make certain that all team members appear for the weekly contest.

b. To notify members of changes made in the schedule of contests.

c. To cause team members to commence matches at the starting time of league


d. To act as care taker of Club balls used by members of his/her team.

e. To see to it that scores of all matches involving his/her tam are recorded on the

score sheet.

f. To convey to the Board, in writing, the grievances and recommendations of

his/her team and to advise his/her team of actions of the Board.

g. to inform members of his/her team of club rules, standards and procedures as

situations may require.

h. To make interim decisions as long as the decisions do not counter club reels,

respecting contests in cooperation with other captains.

i. To arrange for an alternate captain or some other member to fulfill his/her

responsibilities when he/she is unable to do so.

12. WINNERS TROPHIES. League contests are designed chiefly to enable members to engage in table tennis as a competitive sport and not as a route by which certain individuals may secure trophies. Indeed, following a full round of contest, the Board may reassign members among teams to achieve better league balance. Nevertheless, engraved trophies will be awarded at the close of the season to each member of two or more league teams with the best won-lost records and also to the top members on individual standings. There may be other prizes as well. Except as the Board may otherwise determine, trophies for any Club individual competition will be awarded only to persons having at that time participated in not less than two-thirds (2/3) of competed league contest.

Revised 9/01/03