PhD Program Full-Time Study (9 hours or more) for Students Entering AY 2014-2015beyond

Students: This is your official plan for completing coursework in the PhD program. Anychanges must be approved by your advisor. You are responsible for sending an electronic copy to JoeAnn nd a hard copy to the Office of Student Affairs.

Advisors/Chairs: Provide an electronic copy to the student and keep one for your files.

NAME______E-MAIL______BLAZER ID ______

Course Number / Course Name / Semester/ Year / Prerequisites/
Co-requisites / Credit Hours / Completed
NUR 751Q** / Philosophical Foundations of Science / Fall 1 / Admission to PhD/
NUR753Q / 3
NUR 753Q / Nursing as a Scientific Discipline / Fall 1 / Admission to PhD/
NUR751Q / 2
NRM 752Q** / Responsible Conduct of Research / Fall 1 / Admission to PhD / 2
NST 778Q** / Data Management / Fall 1 / Admission to PhD / 2
NRM 750Q** / Foundations of Quantitative Research / Spring 1 / NUR751Q,
NUR753Q/ NRM 750Q / 3
NUR 755Q** / Critical Analyses of Theories, Models and Frameworks / Spring 1 / NUR751Q,
NRM750Q / 3
NUR 742Q** / Writing a Career Development Grant Proposal / Spring 1 / NUR 751Q,
NRM 752Q,
NUR 753Q / 1
NST 758Q** / Inferential Statistics I / Spring 1 / NST 778Q / 3
NRM 798QL / Research Immersion / Summer 1 / NRM 750Q/
NRM 780Q / 3-6*
NRM780Q** / Application of Research Design Principles I / Summer 1 / NRM 750Q, NUR 755Q / 3
NUR 760Q / Scientific Dissemination / Summer 1 / 1
Elective / Substantive Core / Summer 1 / 3
***Students are encouraged to form and meet with their committee in year 1 depending on their clarity of their dissertation idea.
Qualifying Exam at End of Year 1 (Summer 1)
Total Year 1 / 29*
NRM 781Q** / Quantitative Measurement / Fall 2 / NRM 750Q / 3
NST 779Q** / Statistical Modeling 1 – Linear Models / Fall 2 / NST 758Q / 3
NRM 783Q** / Foundations of Qualitative Research / Fall 2 / NRM 750Q / 3
NRM 782Q** / Application of Research Design Principles / Spring 2 / NRM 770Q,
NRM 750Q / 3
NUR 758Q** / Research and Health Policy / Spring 2 / 3
Elective / Substantive Core / Spring 2 / 3
NRM 798QL / Research Immersion / Summer 2 / NUR 750Q / 3-6*
NST 780Q** / Statistical Modeling II – Topics in Multivariate Analysis / Summer 2 / NST 779Q / 3
NUR 797Q** / Writing the Dissertation / Summer 2 / 3
Total Year 2 / 27*
***Dissertation Proposal Defense (Summer 2) may occur during this time.
Comprehensive Exam at the End of Year 2 (Summer 2)
NUR 799Q / Dissertation / Fall 3 / 9
NUR 799Q / Dissertation / Spring 3 / 9
***Dissertation Defense (Summer 3) may occur during this time.
NOTE. The UAB Graduate School requires all course work and dissertation be completed within 7 years. / Program Total Credits (minimum) / 74

*Students may elect to complete the six hours of research immersion all in one summer or they may complete 3 credits during each of two summers.

**These courses are open to non-nursing PhD students with permission of the course instructor and the PhD Program Director.

***Individual progress varies upon the student’s motivation, competencies, accomplishments, writing skills, data analysis skills, and clarity of dissertation topic. In addition, some students may elect to take additional course work that may delay progression.


Student Signature DateAdvisor/Chair Signature Date

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