STEM Guided Pathways
Rough Draft of the Plan, Marla Dresch, Title V Activity Dir., 5-17
Phase 1: Clarify the path, and get on the path: Prior to admission to Gavilan
Students at the highschool level or that are coming to Gav after time away from school take some kind of assessment/interest survey.
Potential STEM students are identified and recruited for STEM Summer Bridge.
Students attend Summer Bridge in their first summer, which consists of two components:
Counselor taught guidance class: learn about educational and employment opportunities in STEM, hear speakers in the STEM fields, talk to students in STEM, learn about internships, Ed plan, etc. Emphasis on student skills (tutoring, learning, being involved at Gavilan)
Math Boot Camp: Students take a preparatory math class to review skills needed for math.
Phase 2: Get on the path, and stay on the path: First year at Gavilan
Students enroll in Fall Semester:
Get Intrusive (or Proactive) Counseling: Visit Counselor twice a month, visit Faculty advisor once a month. Counselor and Faculty Advisor meet to discuss how to help individual students. Some meetings are with both Counselor and Faculty Advisor, some are with one or the other individually.
Academic Support: Math Lab, STEM Center, Science Study room, Tutorial Center, Academic Excellence workshops, imbedded tutors in the classroom
Accelerated Math/English
Other classes with STEM emphasis: English 1A for STEM, Film for STEM, Public Speaking for STEM
Financial Support: Loaned books, calculators, laptop computers to defray expenses associated with college, bus pass, etc.
Career/transfer specific information: Imbed some classes with speakers on careers, transfer, internship opportunities, etc.
Clubs, Student Organizations: Rho Alpha Mu, Science Alliance, The Environmental Club (?)
End of Semester Assessment. Students enroll in intersession boot camp.
Continue to 2nd semester. Get the same services
Phase 3: Stay on the Path, ensure students are learning : 2nd summer and 2nd year
Second Summer: Students recruited and attend The Stem Academy, which consists of two components:
Guidance Class:: learn about educational and employment opportunities in STEM, hear speakers in the STEM fields, talk to students in STEM, learn about internships, Ed plan, etc. Emphasis is on narrowing STEM choice (Biology, Engineering, etc) and thinking about transfer, looking ahead to applying for internships, perhaps become a math tutor or science supplemental Instruction leader.
Math Boot Camp: Prepare for math
Students enroll in their 2nd year, and receive the same services as first years. Students begin to hone in on their major, start to think about transferring to a four year college. At this stage, some may be eligible for:
employment as Math Lab Tutor, Science Supplemental Instruction Leader, etc.
Conference (SACNAS)
Applying for Internship for the summer
Phase 4: Stay on the Path, Ensure Students are Learning, Preparing for Transfer: 3rdSummer and 3rd Year
Third Summer: Paid Internship - Students will work with Professors from San Jose State doing research or with private industry. Students will present findings of their research in August.
Students enroll in third year and get the same services. At this stage, the emphasis is on transferring to four year college. Students in 3rd year may be eligible for the same things as in 2nd year (become student tutor, attend conferences, etc.)
Phase 5: Fourth year (hopefully!), students transfer to four year institution or repeat year 3 to finish up higher level coursework (engineers, math majors, some science)