LJ BerlinAnnotated CV 7/17 1


University of Maryland

School of Social Work

525 W. Redwood St.

Baltimore, MD 21201

(410) 706-6392


Ph.D.Human Development and Family Studies, Pennsylvania State University

& M.S.

B.A.Psychology, Barnard College, Columbia University


2011-Associate Professor,University of Maryland School of Social Work

2000-2011Research Scientist, Center for Child and Family Policy, Duke University

1993-2000Research Scientist, National Center for Children and Families, Teachers College, Columbia University

Representative Research Grants:

Principal Investigator, Buffering Children from Toxic Stress through Attachment-Based Intervention: An Early Head Start-University Partnership.

Funded by the U.S. Administration for Children and Families (90YR0059/01, 2011 – 2017).

Investigator, SouthernMaryland BRIDGE (Building Resiliency through Development, Growth, and Empowerment).

Funded by theU. S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to Charles County, Maryland (1U79SM062471/2015-2019)

Principal Investigator, Mental Health Prevention Science for Child Maltreatment.

Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (K01MH70378, 2005-2010).

Representative Research Publications:

Berlin, L.J., Martoccio, T.L., Appleyard Carmody, K., Goodman, W.B., O’Donnell, K., William, J., Murphy, R.A., & Dodge, K.A. (in press). Can typical U.S. home visits affect infant attachment?Preliminaryfindings from a randomized trial of Healthy Families Durham.

West, A. L., Aparicio, EM..,Berlin, L. J., & Jones Harden, B. (in press). Implementing an attachment-based parenting intervention within home-based Early Head Start: Home visitors’ perceptions and experiences. Infant Mental Health Journal.

Berlin, L.J., Zeanah, C. H., & Lieberman, A. F. (2016). Prevention and intervention programs for supporting early attachment security: A move to the level of the community. In J. Cassidy & P. R. Shaver (Eds.), Handbook of attachment (3rd ed.) (pp. 739-758). New York: Guilford Press.

Aparicio, E.M., Denmark, N., Berlin, L. J., & Jones Harden, B. (2016). First-generation Latina mothers’ experiences of supplementing home-based Early Head Start with the Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) program. Infant Mental Health Journal, 0, 1-12. DOI: 10.1002/imhj.21586

Berlin, L. J., Shanahan, M., & Appleyard Carmody, K. (2014). Promoting supportive parenting in new mothers with substance-use problems: A pilot randomized trial of residential treatment plus an attachment-based parenting program. Infant Mental Health Journal, 35, 81-85. DOI: 10.1002/imhj.21427

Berlin, L. J., Dodge, K. A., & Reznick, J. S. (2013). Pregnant women’s hostile beliefs about infants predict offspring maltreatment.JAMA Pediatrics. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.1212

Buffering Toxic Stress Consortium Principal Investigators, Meyer, & Fortunato (2013). Parenting interventions in Early Head Start: The Buffering Toxic Stress Consortium. Zero to Three, 34, 73-86.

Berlin, L. J., Appleyard, K., & Dodge, K. A. (2011). Intergenerational continuity in child maltreatment: Mediating mechanisms and implications for prevention. Child Development, 82, 162-176.

Berlin, L.J., Whiteside-Mansell, L., Roggman, L.A., Green, B.L., Robinson, J., & Spieker, S. (2011). Testing maternal depression and attachment style as moderators of Early Head Start’s effects on parenting. Attachment and Human Development, 13, 49-67.

Appleyard, K., Berlin, L.J., Rosanbalm, K., & Dodge, K.A. (2011). Preventing early child maltreatment: Implications from a longitudinal study of maternal abuse history, substance use problems, and offspring victimization. Prevention Science, 12, 139-149.

Berlin, L. J., Ispa, J., Fine, M., Malone, P. S., Brooks-Gunn, J., Brady-Smith, C., & Ayoub, C.A. (2009). Correlates and consequences of spanking and verbal punishment for low incomeWhite, African American, and Mexican American toddlers.Child Development, 5, 1403–1420.

Duggan, A., Berlin, L. J., Cassidy, J., Burrell, L., & Tandon, D. (2009). Testing maternal depression and attachment insecurity as moderators of home visiting impacts for at-risk mothers and infants.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77, 788-799.

Berlin, L.J., Ziv, Y., Amaya-Jackson, L. M., & Greenberg, M. T. (Eds). (2005). Enhancing early attachments: Theory, research, intervention, and policy. New York: Guilford Press.

Representative Service Activities

2017-Technical Expert Panel, Baltimore City Early Childhood Social Emotional Health Landscape Analysis, Baltimore City Health Department

2012-Research Advisory Group, Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Early Childhood Development

2006-Editorial Board, Attachment and Human Development