Helena Talaya-Manso


Phone: 1 832 878 5023



Ph. D. Hispanic Literatures, University of Houston 2011

M.D. Art History, Universidad de Valencia, Spain 2002

M.D. Catalan Philology, Universidad de Valencia, Spain 2002

B.A. Licenciatura: Education. Escuela Universitaria del Profesorado María Díaz Jiménez, University Complutense Madrid, Spain 1998

Areas of Expertise

20th and 21st c. Literature, Culture and Film in Spanish

Cultural Studies


Visual Culture

Teaching Experience

·  Assistant Professor of Spanish. Oxford College of Emory University. Developed and taught undergraduate elementary and intermediate Spanish, advanced conversation, introduction to the literary analysis and special topics on Spanish culture. Semester-long and summer courses. 2012 – present.

·  Visiting Tutor. Quest University Canada. Taught undergraduate elementary and intermediate language courses. 2011 – 2012

·  Faculty Instructor. Fountain Valley School, Colorado Springs. Taught Spanish and French AP courses. 2010 – 2011

·  Visiting Instructor. Colorado College. Developed and taught advanced language, literature, culture and summer courses. 2006 – 2010

·  Instructor of Spanish. University of St Thomas, Houston, TX. Intensive Elementary and Intermediate Summer courses, 2007

·  Spanish Instructor. Continuing Education Studies Program at Rice University. Taught advanced conversational Spanish for adults. 2005 – 2006

·  Lecturer. University of Houston-Downtown. Taught undergraduate elementary and intermediate language courses and graduate survey courses on Peninsular Spanish Literature. 2004 - 2005

·  Adjunct Lecturer, University ofHouston, Main campus. Taught undergraduate language and literature courses. 2005 – 2006

Awards and Recognitions

·  Recipient Faculty Development Award from Oxford College to participate and present in two conferences: at the at the VIII Cine-Lit Conference in Portland and at V Congreso Internacional Individuo y Sociedad in Puerto Rico, March 2015

·  Recipient Faculty Development Award from Oxford College to travel to Havana to establish the academic contacts to develop a course about Cuban contemporary culture, February 2014

·  Recipient of an stipend for developing pedagogical innovation: the creation of a INQ-Ways of Inquiry new course at Oxford College, May 2014

·  Recipient Faculty Development Award from Oxford College to travel to Madrid Spain to present in the 75th Congress of the end of Spanish Civil War, February 2014

·  Recipient HEC, Research Funds Award from Colorado College to travel to Michigan State University to research La Luna, a Spanish magazine as preparation for a new special topics course on La Movida, February 2009

·  Recipient CJE Grant from Colorado College for a Project to develop an upper division Spanish course to be taught abroad, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, 2008

·  Conference Colorado College Travel Award, to present at the UC Berkeley Graduate Colloquium on Hispanic and Lusophone Literatures, Linguistics, and Cultures, 2007

·  Conference Travel Award from Comparative, Critical & Cultural Studies (CCC), University of Houston, 2006

·  Special Service award. LACASA Student Editorial Group, University of Houston, 2006

·  Certificate of Appreciation. Volunteering at the Study Abroad Fair, University of Houston, 2006

Selected Publications

·  “Narrativas Visuales de la Guerra civil española”. Trabajo publicado en las Actas del Congreso Posguerras. 75 aniversario del fin de la guerra civil española. Gutmaro Gómez Bravo y Rubén Pallol. Editorial Pablo Iglesias, marzo 2015

·  “Una aproximación didáctica a la Guerra civil española (1936-1939) a través de imagenes: fotografía y cartel propagandístico” in Cómo ver cómo. Textos sobre cultura visual latinoamericana Coordinadores Antonio E. de Pedro y Elena Rosauro. ISBN 978-84-15634-35-5

·  Book Chapter “Utopías y Distopías en Elefante Blanco (2012) de Pablo Trapero” in Agentes de Cambio: Perspectivas cinematográficas de España y Latinoamérica en el siglo XXI. Madrid, Editorial Pliegos. Print 2014 ISBN: 978-84-96045-31-6

·  Book Chapter: “Rosa Montero, cronista aleatoria de la posmodernidad” in La incógnita desvelada. Ensayos sobre la obra de Rosa Montero. New York, Peter Lang Publising, 2012 [ISBN-10: 1433118947]

·  Review of Memorias de las presas de Franco by Alicia Ramos Mesonero. In España contemporánea. Revista de Literatura y Cultura, 24.1. 99-100. Print 2011

·  Review of Dublinesca by Enrique Vila-Matas. In España contemporánea. Revista de Literatura y Cultura 23.1. Spring 2010: 108-110. Print 2010

·  “Crónica y Violencia” in Osa Mayor, Graduate Student magazine, University of Pittsburg, Núm18: 77-82 2007

·  “La Mirada y el vacío” in Gaceta de los Museos, México, núm. 28: 133-39 2002

·  “El valencià i el català, dues llengues a debat” in Papers d’Educació. Ed. Generalitat Valenciana, n° 301: 23-27 2001

·  “Cómo enseñar arte en la escuela primaria” in Escuela Española, n° 185: 172-179, 1999


·  Agentes de Cambio: Perspectivas cinematográficas de España y Latinoamérica en el siglo XXI. Fátima Serra y Helena Talaya, ed. Madrid, Pliegos. Print 2014 ISBN: 978-84-96045-31-6

Selected Presentations

·  “El Calentito, un espacio utópico de consolidación de nuevas identidades”. 35 Congreso Internacional ALDEEU, Segovia, Spain, 8-11 July, 2015

·  “Punk music and Identity in the Spanish Transition”. Paper presented II Bridges Across Cultures”, Florence, Italy, July 2-5, 2015

·  “Un espacio de libertad entre la Transición y la Movida madrileña: El Calentito”. Paper presented at V Congreso Internacional. Universidad de Puerto Rico at Arecibo, March 18-20, 2015

·  “La lucha entre la utopía y la distopía en Elefante Blanco”. Paper presented at the VIII Cine-Lit Conference, an International Conference on Hispanic Film and Fiction organized by Portland State University and Oregon State University, February 19-21, 2015

·  “The Art of Picasso and Dalí, an interdisciplinary approach to build bridges across disciplines”. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies, Michigan State University, October 16-19, 2014

·  “Una aproximación a las imágenes de la Guerra Civil: el estudio de la fotografía y los carteles”. Paper presented at Coloquio Internacional Imagen y Culturas. Pachuca de Soto, México, June 25-27, 2014

·  “Narrativas Visuales de la Guerra Civil y el Franquismo”. Paper presented at the Congreso Posguerras, Seminario Complutense, Madrid, Spain, April 3-5, 2014

·  “Following the Steps of Picasso and Dalí”. Paper presented at the First International Conference Bridges Across Cultures. Perugia, Italy, June 27- 30, 2013

·  “Explorando el concepto de lectura activa y el papel de los blogs: ¿Una nueva manera de leer y entender la obra literaria?” Paper presented at III Congreso Internacional de BETA. Asociación de Jóvenes Doctores en Hispanismo: “Horizonte(s) literario(s): la obra y su entrono”. University of Valencia, Spain, May 22-24, 2013

·  La revista La Luna como expresión mediática de la Movida en el Madrid de los 80. Paper presented at the III Four Corners Conference, Colorado Mesa University, CO, Oct 28-29, 2011

·  Rosa Montero: Cronista aleatoria de la Posmodernidad. Paper presented at IV Congreso Internacional. Universidad de Puerto Rico at Arecibo, Nov 18-20, 2010

·  Hacia un estudio semiológico del 9 Arte. Paper presented at the Graduate Students Conference, University of Houston, Sept 17-19, 2008

·  La Movida Madrileña de los 80 ¿Movimiento Contracultural? Paper presented at the Graduate Student Colloquium on Hispanic and Lusophone Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics. University of Berkeley, CA, March 12-23, 2007

·  Mensaje revolucionario en la correspondencia de Emilia Casanova de Villaverde. Paper presented at the ninth Conference of Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Joint Conference with the Western History Association, Saint-Louis, MI. Oct 11-14, 2006

·  La Movida Madrileña: Un estudio multidisciplinario. Paper presented at the II Spanish Graduate Students Conference, University of Houston, Houston, TX, Sept 29-30, 2006

·  Narrativas cinematográficas: Buñuel y Gaviria: Distintos modos de narrar la violencia. Paper presented at the Vernacular Conference, Puebla, México, Oct 29-30, 2005

Academic and Professional Development

·  2015 Invited to present and lead a Job Talk about The Spanish Civil War, at the Atlanta Cuban Club, March 13, Doraville, Georgia

·  2015 Guess speaker at the luncheon organized by the association Casa de España en Georgia, in celebration of the International Women’s Day. March 7, Atlanta, Georgia

·  2014 Invitation to Guest Lecture at Saint Louis University, Madrid campus. Los ideales del 98 un siglo después: la Movida en España de la posmodernidad. April 3, Madrid, Spain

·  2013 Chair of the session at the “85 SAMLA Congres Cultures, Context, Images, Text: Making Meaning in Print, Digital, and Networkde Worlds” November 8-10, Atlanta, GA

·  2011 Invitation to participate in the exposition Claves de la desaparición del claustro de la Catedral Vieja, round table at the University of Salamanca. Other invited speakers Dr Jesús A. Jiménez; Dr Gaspar Alonso; Dr. Jesús G. Maldonado. June 18, Salamanca, Spain

·  2009 Invitation to participate at a round-table at the Institut Touraine about French as a Foreign Language with Professor Juliette Detouches, and members of the Institute Turaine of Languages. June 25, Tours, France

·  2008 Invitation to Guest Lecture and to teach a seminar class Picasso en su etapa Barcelonesa. May 25-28- Asociació Cultural Constantí Llombart. Valencia, Spain

Department, University and Professional Service

Oxford College of Emory University

·  Co-organizer of the 2nd international interdisciplinary conference Bridges across cultures in Florence July, 2015

·  Organizer of the one Lyceum-Oxford Studies cultural event bringing the Italian Puppets Company Burattini di Riccardo, with Maestro Pazzaglia from Bologna, November 2014

College Committees:


·  Member, Organization and Procedures Committee (help with the online faculty modules for faculty to post membership and preferences for committee service. Help to run elections for standing committees)

·  Member, Curricular Theme Committee (incorporating Sustainability into curriculum approving courses, and partnering with Sustainability Subcommittee to discuss Oxford opportunities for sustainability initiatives).

·  Faculty representative to College Honor Council (hear evidence of accusations of academic dishonesty; deliberate with student members to determine fault and propose sanction, advise accused as to the defense of charges)


·  Academic Advisor (help 20 students plan academic schedules and academic goals)

·  Organizer of the Cine-Fest (Coordinating Oxford language faculty to collaborate across languages showing foreign movies pertaining to the foreign languages taught at Oxford College. Presenter of the Spanish movies and colloquium post-viewing)

·  Responsible for placement of all incoming students into Spanish languages

·  Part of the Search committee for Mathematics Lecturer position (as a outside of the division member) and Art History faculty position

Colorado College

·  Co-director Senior Honor Thesis (2010)

·  Runs weekly the Spanish table, an space of informal conversational Spanish integrating students and faculty talking over lunch

·  Collaborate organizing monthly Movie –night and thematic dinners at the Spanish house

·  Organized, publicized, advice students prior to departure to the Study Abroad Program, Valencia, Spain

·  Organized, publicized, advice students prior and upon return to the Salamanca Summer Program in Spain


·  Translator for a series of 50 radio episodes from English into Spanish. for KUHF's radio program Engines of our Ingenuity fo John Lienhard, University of Houston. http://www.uh.edu/engines/episodes-spanish.html (2012- Present)

Study Abroad

·  Study Abroad Director of the Colorado College Summer Program in Spain and SE France. Organized, publicized, advised and accompanied and tutored students before and during stay in Spain (2010)

·  Coordinator at the Colorado College Summer Abroad Program, Salamanca (May-June 2008). Coordinated weekend trips and museums visit in Spain. Accompanied and tutored students prior to departure and upon their return (2008)

·  Assistant Director of the University of Houston (Main and Downtown campus), Spanish Summer Program in Salamanca, Spain (May-June 2005 and 2006)

Additional Educative Experience

·  Director of Language Laboratory, University of Houston-Downtown. Supervised and coordinated instructional material for the Language Laboratory (2003 – 2006)

·  Coordinator of Collaborative Project between Texas Education Agency and The Spanish Ministry of Education to bring public school teachers from Spain to USA (2002-2005)

·  Co- founder and Financial Administrator of the Puppets Company La Tarantana, Madrid, Spain (1985-88)

Professional Memberships

Asociación Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en Estados Unidos (ALDEEU) http://web.aldeeu.org

American Council of Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) www.actfl.org

Asociación Jóvenes Doctores del Hispanismo (BETA) http://asociacionbeta.com

Casa de España en Georgia (CEG ) www.espanaengeorgia.com

International Association Language Learning (IALLT) www.iallt.org

Modern Language Association (MLA) http://www.mla.org
Red de Estudios Visuales Latinoamericanos (REVLAT) http://revlat.com

South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) http://samla.memberclicks.net


Spanish (Native)

English, Catalan (Native, near-native fluency)

French, Italian (Intermediate)

Portuguese (Reading)