PGMHA Coach Code of Conduct Contract
- I am responsible for my conduct at all times. I will always be a positive representative of the PGMHA and the City of Prince George.
- I will remember that players need a coach they can respect. I will be generous with praise and set a good example.
- I will treat everyone fairly within the context of activity, regardless of gender, place of origin, color, sexual orientation, religion, political belief or economic status.
- I will abstain from the use of tobacco products or alcohol in the presence of the players, and refrain from using abusive language on the bench, in the rink, or at any team function.
- I will ensure that all players get fair playing time, equal instruction and equal support from all team staff.
- I will not ridicule or yell at my players for making mistakes or for performing poorly.
- I will provide positive instruction and support to address performance concerns. I will direct comments or criticism at the performance, not the person.
- I will remember that players play to improve their skills and have fun. They must be encouraged to have confidence in themselves.
- I will ensure that players receive appropriate medical attention when required, and that the advice of medical practitioners is followed with regards to a player returning to play.
- I will do my best to prevent any form of recording device to be used in the dressing rooms and prevent players from posting recorded media of team events on the internet or social networking applications without the consent of the PGMHA Executive.
- I will ensure that players are sufficiently supervised to ensure their safety and that the team members maintain a standard of appropriate behavior representative of PGMHA and the City of Prince George at all times.
- I will teach my players to play fairly and to respect the rules, officials and opponents.
- I will work in cooperation with officials for the benefit of the game. I will refrain from lashing out at any official no matter the call. I understand that I can talk with the officials in a respectful manner to fully understand why a call was made and I can pursue a complaint process if I feel the call was incorrect or unreasonable.
- I will be reasonable when scheduling games, practices or extra activities, remembering that players (and their families) may have other interests and obligations.
- I will ensure that I maintain open and frequent communication with the parents of the players about the team and the players. Parents have a right to know how the team as a whole is developing and how their child, individually, is developing.
- I will ensure that the team’s budget is being followed at all times. Any over expenditures will immediately be reported to team parent/guardians via the team treasurer or manager.
- I will ensure that equipment and facilities are safe and match the players' ages and abilities.
- I will obtain necessary and appropriate training and commit to continue to upgrade my coaching skills.
Team staff members violating conduct expectations may be subject to disciplinary action.
Team staff members who knowingly conceal information or fail to report an incident involving a player or team staff member may be subject to disciplinary action.
Team Staff Member Name SignatureDate Signed
PGMHA Player Code of Conduct Contract
- I am responsible for my conduct at all times, I will always be a positive representative of the PGMHA and the City of Prince George.
- I will always play by the rules of hockey, and in the spirit of the game. I will do my best to be a team player.
- I will be role model to my peers.
- I will treat everyone fairly within the context of activity, regardless of gender, place of origin, color, sexual orientation, religion, political belief or economic status.
- I will refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking, chewing tobacco and/or the use of illegal substances, including performance enhancing substances, at or for any hockey related function.
- I will refrain from participating in any illegal or inappropriate behavior that may bring disrepute to me, my team, PGMHA or the City of Prince George.
- I will use access to social media (internet, television, etc.) in a responsible, age-appropriate manner during all team functions.
- I will not use any form of recording device in the dressing rooms and will not post any video, audio or other forms of media from my hockey events on the internet or other social networking applications (such as Facebook) without consent of the PGMHA.
- I will respect my coach(es) at all times and remember that my coach(es) are providing me with the opportunity to learn and play the game of hockey; I will accept their decisions as they relate to the game of hockey and the activities associated to the team.
- I will control my temper, behaviour and language at all times.
- I will respect the decisions of officials; I will let the coach and/or team captain(s) address officials when appropriate. If I receive a penalty, I will skate directly to the penalty box without conflict or resistance.
- I will, regardless of the outcome of the game, congratulate my team-mates, coach and coaching staff, as well as the officials and the players, coach and coaching staff of the opposing team in a genuine and positive manner.
- I will respect the rights and consider the safety of all players; I will not set out to intentionally injure another player, whether by actions, words, or conduct, and I shall not encourage, support or approve of such behaviour by others.
- I will remember that winning isn't everything - improving skills, making friends, having fun, and doing my best are just as important.
- I will work at achieving my personal best and will not get discouraged if it’s not the best.
- I will work hard to improve my skills at practices and in games. I will communicate with my coaches on what I can do to improve.
- I will make reasonable effort to attend all scheduled practices and games, and arrive on time. I will contact the team manager or coach if I am late or unable to attend for any reason with sufficient and reasonable notice.
Players violating conduct expectations may be subject to disciplinary action.
Players who knowingly conceal information or fail to report an incident involving a team member may be subject to disciplinary action.
Player Name Date of Birth Player SignatureDate Signed
Parent Name(s) Parent #1 SignatureParent #2 Signature