PGCE Primary and Early Years Programme English Audit
English tasks
1. Subject knowledge
The Professional Standards for Qualified Teacher Status specify the standards of knowledge that you are required to demonstrate by the end of your training. We ask you to carry out an audit to analyse your initial needs. Remember this is to identify what you do not know or have forgotten about so that you can revise/brush up on and complete some self-study exercises.
Please complete the online audit and bring your results to the first English sessions of the course. Please also complete the Subject Knowledge Audit pro forma. This will establish your base line needs.
You will also need to buy Doreen Challen’s book: Achieving QTS Primary English: Audit and Test. Assessing Your Knowledge and Understanding (third edition 2007). This is published by Learning Matters and the ISBN number is 9781844451104. You can order this through their website at, through the distributors for Learning Matters on 0845 2309000, through Amazon or through your own bookshop. It is strongly recommended that you also look at Jane Medwell and David Wray’s book, listed * below.
Begin the process of checking and updating your knowledge by reading the book and undertaking the tests. This will enable you to see areas in which you may need to do more revision to be secure.
Complete one section of the book at a time and carry out the practice tests. You may find other material or texts in your bookshop or library if you prefer. Keep notes of your revision work as part of your file of evidence.
Useful Revision Texts are:
* Medwell, J., Moore, G., Wray, D. and Griffiths, V. (2011), Primary English Knowledge and Understanding (5th Edition). Exeter: Learning Matters.
Eyres, I. (2007) English for Primary and Early Years: Developing Subject Knowledge (2nd Edition) London: Sage.
Appleyard, N. and Appleyard K. (2009) The Minimum Core for Language and Literacy: Knowledge, Understanding and Personal Skills (Achieving QTLS). Exeter: Learning Matters.
Wilson, A. (2004) Language Knowledge for Primary Teachers. London: David Fulton
2. Personal reading journey
Please make and bring with you to your first English session a poster that shows your own personal reading journey. You could reflect on your first memories of reading or being read to; your memories of learning to read; significant children’s books that you can remember from your childhood; significant people in your reading journey; significant positive or negative experiences that influenced your reading habits, preferences and attitudes; your secondary school experiences of reading; how you have developed as a reader as an adult and how new technologies may have changed your reading habits.
3. Children’s literature reading log
Having a good knowledge of children’s literature is an essential element of being a teacher of reading and so over the summer please begin to read a wide variety of children’s texts including fiction, non-fiction, poetry and including texts on and off screen. Below is a list of suggested authors that you might like to explore and also a number of useful website links.
Shirley Hughes, Colin McNaughton, Anthony Browne, Dick King-Smith. Anne Fine, Phillipa Pearce, Michael Morpurgo, Helen Cooper, Julia Donaldson, Jan Ormerod, Louis Sachar, Martin Waddell, Jill Murphy, Michael Rosen, Tony Ross, John Burningham, David Almond Berlie Doherty, Robert Swindells, Eva Ibbotson, David McKee, Andy Stanton, Emily Gravett, Malorie Blackman, Anthony Horowitz, Morris Gleitzman, Jeremy Strong, Phillip Pullman, Geraldine McCaughrean, Jill Tomlinson
Please begin a reading log and bring to the first English sessions your ‘recommended reads to share’.
4. Phonics skills and knowledge
During the first few weeks of your training we will be developing your skills and knowledge as a teacher of early reading. As part of this you will be learning about Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP). So that you have a context for this learning please read the following documents (available online).
The Independent Review of the Teaching of Early Reading
Reading by Six
Please also practise articulating the 44 sounds using one of the following websites:
5. Useful reading about the teaching and learning of English
The following texts will be used regularly during the course and provide you with a good overview of all aspects of language and literacy teaching:
Cremin, T (2009) Teaching English Creatively London: Sage
Goodwin, P. (2011) The Literate Classroom. 3rd ed. Oxon: Routledge
Bald, J. (2007) Using Phonics to Teach Reading and Spelling. London: Sage
Browne, A. (2009) Developing Language and Literacy 3- 8. London: Sage
Initial Needs Analysis in English 2012-13
Name: Specialism:
GCSE (or equivalent) grade: A level: Other :
(please specify e.g. TEFL)
For each of the boxes below, rate your English subject knowledge as either poor, adequate or good.1 = Poor; 2 = Adequate, 3 =Good / 1 / 2 / 3
q English Subject Knowledge
q English Knowledge of Texts for Children
Results from on line audit
Section of Audit
/The Nature and Role of Standard English / Mark out of 3
The spoken and written language systems of English / Mark out of 3
Word meanings / Mark out of 7
Mark out of 4
Mark out of 8
Grammatical Knowledge:
Sentence level knowledge (word classes)
Sentence level knowledge
(Sentence types)
Sentence level knowledge
(punctuation) / Mark out of 6
Mark out of 10
Mark out of 3
Textual Knowledge:
Cohesion and layout
Fiction, non-fiction and poetry / Mark out of 3
Mark out of 8
Critical Evaluation of Texts / Mark out of 4
Needs Analysis
Level of support needed (please tick)Ø High (personal programme)
Ø Medium (revision in peer study groups)
Ø Low (personal revision)
I am prepared to offer support to others on the course