PFSA AGM Meeting Minutes: 8th Jan 2018

Attendees:AS, TC, KJ, CP, CA, LA, FF, SR, JJ

Apologies:EW, KW, LL, AH, KW, CL, GH,

Craft Event:

Date: Tuesday 20th March

Time: Juniors: 3:05-4:00, Infants 3:25-4:00

Theme: St Joseph/Father related

Key learnings from last time, to be implemented this time

  • Separate Infants and Juniors (different sides of the new hall) and do not let them mingle/flow between the two
  • Have age appropriate crafts
  • Only have a small number of crafts (2-3 per age group)

The following people have volunteered to help:

  • Katie
  • Ali
  • Lucy
  • Francesca
  • Catherine

ACTION: CP to set up Wisepay (once price determined): 80 Juniors, 60 Infants

ACTION: ALL to Send ideas for crafts to KJ

ACTION: FF to create poster

ACTION: AS to pop in Newsletter

Glow Show:

Date: Friday 9th March

Time: 5:30-7:30 (Sunset 6pm)

Theme: International Dance and Music

Format: Stalls outside, Performance arena inside (main Hall)

Suggested stalls:

  • Chocolate tombola
  • Kids bottle tombola
  • Adult bottle tombola
  • Mobile Face painting
  • Jolly Jars
  • Bar
  • Bake Off (to match theme)
  • Glow Sticks
  • Mulled Eine
  • BBQ

Suggested Entertainment:

  • Disco
  • Hungarian Dance
  • Rachael’s dance club plus extras

Price: £1 for adults, children free, Pay on gate (no Wisepay)

Bottle Mufti: 9th March

ACTION: TC to discuss date of choc Mufti with MC and inform KJ/AS

ACTION:KJ to sort out all Entertainment and timetable, including booking DJ and Rachael

ACTION: AS to speak to Amos and let him know that Dad’s BBQ is the only food so to stock accordingly and to please staff to keep queues to a minimum

ACTION:AS to speak to Renata re: Hungarian dance

ACTION: FF to create poster

Christmas Market Summary:

The Christmas Market was a complete success!

Lovely atmosphere and £7.5k raised, which with a gift from Barclays of £1k, takes it to £8.5k, a record amount!! (£7k in 2016)

There were lots of volunteers who helped the event to run smoothly.

The fact Father Christmas’ gifts were free was VERY well received and should be duplicated next year.

The food was fab, but the queues were too long, so need to figure out a better flow next time.

Funding Requests:

Shelving for the Shed

This has been discussed previously, but we need to spend money on shelving for the shed, to ensure that everything has a place and it can be kept tidy, and stock is not accidentally left to go out of date because it can’t be seen etc.

£1k approved to spend on catering modular shelving

ACTION: AS to measure shed

ACTION: CP to get some prices and ask RC if she could source for cost

Any Other Business:

Phil the Bag

We have more Uniform we can get rid of so time for a new Phil the Bag date.

ACTION: CP to book for a week or so after Easter

ACTION: FF to do poster

ACTION: AS to give FF access to Dropbox

Easy Fundraising

Briefly discussed how to better publicise this, but didn’t really come up with a plan, so need to carry this over/assign an owner

Match Funding

The £1k match funding from Barclays might be available from other companies, so need to come up with a plan for parents to ask their places of work. This needs to be discussed further or assigned an owner

Previous expenditure

The storage sheds and movable fencing, plus eht House point boards have arrived and have been well received.

ACTION: AS to mention in Newsletter that these items were PFSA funded

Other Fundraisers

JJ has a cheque from MH for Christmas tree cutting

JJ has money from school uniform

ACTION: JJ to give AS the money

Date for next meeting: