central avenue to herbert avenue footpath
1.Matter for Consideration
1.1 To give consideration to the provision of a sloped path adjacent to the existing stepped path between Central Avenue to Herbert Avenue.
2. Recommendation
2.1 It is recommended that:
i) The creation of a sloped path at this location at a cost of £20,000 be approved for inclusion within the Schools Schemes category of the Capital Programme.
ii) The lighting of both the new and the existing footpaths be approved for inclusion in the Schools Schemes category at a cost of £15,000.
3.1A stepped footpath currently exists between Central Avenue and Herbert Avenue. A petition was received from a parent from St Josephs school ( Appendix B ) requesting consideration of a sloped path to be introduced at this location so that pushchairs could be used on what is a very convenient footpath for local people.
3.2A sloped path can be created alongside the existing path, as shown in Appendix A.
3.3.1 It should be noted that sloped paths such as this can be used inappropriately by cyclists and powered two wheelers. Furthermore the ability to install barriers to deter such use is restricted due to the fact that barriers can impair the access for legitimate users, and consequently there are strict guidelines on the minimum gaps required for pushchairs and wheelchair users. The affect of this occasional abuse has to be measured against the overall benefit that the path would provide to the wider community.
3.4Currently there is no lighting along this footpath. To provide lighting along both the footpaths would cost an estimated £15,000. This would need to be associated within the pruning of existing trees at this location to allow the installation of the columns.
3.5It is suggested that this scheme be considered for inclusion in the Schools Schemes category of the Capital Programme as it encourages walking and upgrades and existing footpath to allow easy pushchair and wheelchair access. This programme currently has several years’ worth of schemes prioritised in accordance with an approved method of assessment ( Appendix C ). This scheme would also be prioritised on this basis.
Head of Transportation Services
Appendix A – Existing and Proposed Paths
Appendix B – Covering letter to petition
Appendix C – Current Schools schemes programme
Background Papers - None
Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact
Steve Dean (01202) 262071
SCHOOL SCHEMES / APPENDIX CEngineering works arising from and/or proposed by School Travel Plans process.
Source / Priority / Year / Ref / School / Proposal / 2004 Estimate (including fees @ 20%) / Comments / p.a cost / Running total
STP / 1 / 1 / 1 / Merley / Provide tarmac crossing over verge at a suitable location in Sopwith Crescent / 3,400 / Dropped kerb pedestrian crossing with tactile paving to both kerblines and short lengths of footway across existing verges. / 3,400
OR (SF) / STP / 1 / 1 / 3 / St Aldhelm's / Improvements to junction of Guest Avenue and Winston Avenue / 11,200 / Dropped kerb pedestrian crossing with central refuge and tactile paving to all kerblines. NB alterations must cater for road space for cyclists. Proposal subject to safety audit. Supported by parents and children via STP. / 14,600
STP / 1 / 1 / 5 / Corfe Hills / School warning triangle on road surface / 500 / None. / 15,100
SRtS/STP / 1 / 1 / 8 / St Mary's / "Dragon's Teeth" outside school entrance / 400 / 7 timber posts to replace existing "temporary" arrangement. / 15,500
STP / 1 / 1 / 9 / Haymoor / Ashdown / Pedestrian access from Ashdown Close / Warburton Drive / 25,000 / Options need to be sought from interested parties, including schools' representative, with view to putting forward integrated scheme. Leisure Services involvement as land is Nature Reserve. There is an opportunity to link with SASS/AMP to build a continuous path into the school building. / 40,500 / 40,500
MR/STP/parents / 1 / 2 / 10 / Ashdown / Haymoor / Install trafffic calming measures to include 20mph zone whole of Ashdown Close. / 60,000 / Scheme has support of headteachers, governors, parents and officers from Education and Transportation. This could be funded from elsewhere in the capital programme following 20mph zone study programmed for 2004-5. / 60,000 / 100,500
SRtS/SoS / 1 / 3 / 11 / Ad Astra First / Install further dragons' teeth at E of existing. / 500 / Will discourage unsafe parking on pavement. / 101,000
OR / MR / STP / 1 / 3 / 15 / Carter/Hamworthy schools / Rephase ped facility lights to include crossing facility for Hinchcliffe Road. / 14,400 / Members, SF & NE highlight this issue and brought to NE attention by STP / 115,400
OR / MR / 1 / 3 / 18 / Parkstone Grammar (Girls) / Pedestrian phase on lights at junction Waterloo / Sopers Lane / 14,500 / Member request plus consideration that these lights due for refurb in 2010. May be poss to bring forward refurbishment after budget review. / 129,900
STP / 1 / 3 / 22 / St Aldhelm's / Extend yellow lines on E (shop) side of Winston Avenue / 600 / Children & parents crossing Guest Ave junction - view of on-coming traffic restricted by parked vehicles - unsafe. / 130,500
STP / 1 / 3 / 17a / Lilliput / Improvements to footpaths E/W of school / 2,400 / Fully supported by STP and parents group, incl Walking Bus drivers / 132,900
STP / 1 / 3 / 17b / Lilliput / To create access to rear of school grounds from Anthony's Avenue / 2,400 / Will contribute to numbers of people walking to school from W - most drive at the moment due to distance! / 135,300
STP / 1 / 3 / 17c / Lilliput / Re-sign SCHOOL poss on highway / 500 / Increase driver awareness of vicinty of school / 135,800
Source / Priority / Year / Ref / School / Proposal / 2004 Estimate (including fees @ 20%) / Comments / p.a cost / Running total
OR / 1 / 3 / 21a / Alderney / Re-roof cycle store / 3,000 / To be paid out of 2003/4 budget. / 138,800
AC/STP / 1 / 3 / 7a / Springdale / Parking restrictions on Lewesden Drive. / 2,000 / Recent discussions have taken place with interested parties. Request from school approved by AC. / 40,300 / 140,800
STP / 2 / 4 / 2 / Branksome Heath/Sylvan / Review parking arrangements outside of schools / 2,100 / Livingstone Road is currently under the control of 'Education'. Any parking restrictions can be enforced by BoP Parking Attendants. Costs relate to applying for a TRO and relining. / 142,900
STP / 2 / 4 / 4 / St Aldhelm's / Consolidation of path over the heath to the north of the school (from Dalling Road) / 36,250 / 2.5m wide footpath with timber footway edgings from school entrance on Winston Avenue to Dalling Road. Consultation with interested parties required. Environmental impact study already funded, and dev. must accord with this. This path is part of the Bourne Valley Greenway, and is used by those who have crossed Yarmouth Rd with the SCP. / 179,150
OR / STP? / 2 / 4 / 16 / Stanley Green / Waiting restrictions/zigzags in SG Road / 2,400 / Already approved by traffic panel. / 181,550
MR (DG, PA) poss STP / 2 / 4 / 19 / Longfleet/St Mary's / SCP facilities by Tesco Fernside Road / 12,000 / Scheme may be considered if/when Walking Bus route develops. Has member support. / 193,550
OR / STP / MR / 2 / 4 / 20 / All schools / 20mph zone / 0 / BoP policy to be decided. This may be put up the priority order if members make it a priority, following the 2004-5 study. / 193,550
STP / 2 / 4 / 23 / Broadstone First / Identify safe crossing points in Tudor Road to include traffic calming and marking (plus TRO?) - Child Safety Zone? / 12,500 / Many cars in small area - many near misses! STP suggests measures to make it more difficult for 4x4 drivers. Dinosaur footprints and then poss link with B/S Middle to bid for pel xing on Dunyeats Road / 206,050
OR / 2 / 4 / 24 / Broadstone Middle / Identify suitable new location for bus stop which currently (0304) conflicts with SCP point. / 3,600 / Risk assessment of SCP point will be undertaken before summer break. / 68,850 / 209,650
STP / 2 / 5 / 21b / Alderney / Traffic calming on Evering Avenue / 12,500 / The travel patterns to the new school are not yet settled, but arguably, there is a need to build a drop-off zone between build-outs at the front of the school. There will be a need to ask for contributions from Education to complete this scheme. / 222,150
Source / Priority / Year / Ref / School / Proposal / 2004 Estimate (including fees @ 20%) / Comments / p.a cost / Running total
STP / 2 / 5 / 21c / Alderney / Investigate opportunities for footway improvements to the school / 12,500 / Footways exist across Leisure land (the 'Rec') from Herbert Avenue, but they are in dire need of draining or duckboarding. Anecdotal evidence (and a site visit) suggest that parents and children would use this route if it were made up to a standard. There will be a need to ask for contributions from Education to complete this scheme. / 234,650
AC/STP / 2 / 5 / 7b / Springdale / Install pedestrian crossing near DCC boundary / 18,000 / Came from discussions with school, residents and AC - has DCC officer support. The scheme may cost in the order of £36,000, which is to be split 50/50 with DCC. / 43,000 / 252,650
OR / SRtS/STP / 3 / 6 / 6 / Buckholme Towers / Puffin/Pedestrian crossing crossing on Sandbanks Road - nr junc Britannia Rd. / 30,000 / Dropped kerb pedestrian crossing with central refuge and tactile paving to all kerblines. Proposal subject to safety audit. May be supported as SRtS project if/when BPMS write their STP / 282,650
STP / 3 / 6 / 13 / 6 x Senior Schools / Secure cycle storage / 52,000 / Estimate based on existing cycle storage facility (capacity 20 cycles) installed at Canford Heath Middle School. A saving of some 7% (£510 per shelter or £3060 for six) is available if all six shelters are bought and delivered at the same time.) / 82,000 / 334,650
OR / 3 / 7 / 14 / Corfe Hills / Footpath to rear of school requires attention - not conducive to walking/cycling. / 3,000 / Condition of path (bridleway) - may be part of on-going Leisure Services maintenance programme? / 337,650
MR / 3 / 7 / 12a / Baden Powell / Investigate and action One Way traffic flow system to N of school grounds (Windsor Road) / 24,000 / Does not meet any of the WoS/SS criteria re SRtS/SoS/STP/maintenance. Recommend full 3-stage safety audit if included in STP, will also require public consultation. NB Works £16K, public consultation £4K / 361,650
MR / 3 / 7 / 12b / Investigate rear access into school off Worthington Crescent / 5,000 / Linked with diversion of BR44 RoW issue / 32,000 / 366,650
TOTALS / 366,650
Source key: / Priority
STP = School Travel Plan / 1 / Needs to completed asap
SRtS = Safer Routes to School / 2 / To be achieved in first 2/3 Years
SoS = Safety outside School / 3 / Needs to be reviewed if/when WoSS/SS criteria allow
MR = Member Request
OR = Officer Request
AC = Area Committee / Officer contact: S Tite, St John's House 01202 262020