1.Purpose of Report

1.1This report updates the position on the proposed changes at Holes Bay Road North Roundabout.


It is recommended that:

2.1The changes to Holes Bay North junction take the form of improved entry lanes to the roundabout, with new wig-wag signals to cater for fire appliances on emergency calls.

2.2The performance of the revised junction be carefully monitored, and the precautionary approach to the proposed agreement with DESPI and Forelle Estates be continued.


3.1The proposed vehicular access for the Dorset Emergency Services Partnership Initiative ( DESPI ) onto the Holes Bay Road / Upton By Pass junction were presented to this Group on 12 April 2007, a copy of which is attached as Appendix A. The Group were concerned over the likely congestion arising from the proposed permanent partial signalisation of the roundabout and asked officers to look at other alternatives.

3.2 The operation of this roundabout has been tested by consultants using a Paramics model which gives a visual display of vehicles driving through the roundabout. From this it was evident that, significant peak hour queues would indeed occur. This is because predicted driver behaviour is that the additional lane entry would not be used sufficiently to prevent extensive queuing. On the basis that the DESPI proposal should have no detrimental effect to the current road network, the option of partial signalisation will now no longer be pursued.

3.3 It is now proposed to adopt a junction design similar to that originally put forward by DESPI, which includes:

(a) The installation of wig-wag signals on all four approaches to the revised roundabout, activated by an emerging fire engine.

(b) A third entry lane being provided on the approach from Upton.

(c) Changes to lane markings on other approaches.

3.4Discussions will continue with Forelle House regarding the controlled access link to this junction by their staff, because the advantages of allowing direct fire engine access to Creekmoor and pedestrian / cyclist access for emergency services’ personnel outweigh any resulting negative impact here. The situation will be closely monitored and further restrictions on the use of the link will be applied if necessary.

Julian McLaughlin

Head of Transportation Services

Appendix A - TAG Report of 12 April 2007

Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact:

Chris Francombe (01202) 262040








1.Purpose of Report

1.1This report summarises the proposals by the Dorset Emergency Services Partnership Initiative (DESPI) and the detailed changes to the road network in the vicinity of Holes Bay Road North Roundabout.


It is recommended that:

2.1The location of the new fire station, and the draft arrangements for staff and emergency access to Creekmoor be welcomed.

2.2The risk of eastbound traffic queues on the Upton bypass be noted, and the precautionary approach set out in paragraph 4.5 be endorsed.


3.1The Poole part of the DESPI proposals have required planning applications for three sites, as follows:

  • At Wimborne Road, replacement of the present fire station by a joint police/fire divisional office, incorporating the Poole Civic Centre police station and emergency services from various other sites.
  • At Marshes End, a new fire station, accessed by a fourth arm on Holes Bay North Roundabout.
  • On the Park & Share site, Creekmoor, a temporary fire station expected to operate for about 15 months.

3.2The unusual proposal for a temporary fire station is the optimum solution because decontamination of the Marshes End site is required before construction of the new fire station can commence. Funding for the DESPI projects was a Private Finance Initiative, and detailed Home Office scrutiny and approval is mandatory before any part of this complex project can be implemented.

3.3Planning consents for the three sites were given in 2005 and 2006, and site works at all three are expected to start in July 2007.

4.Marshes End Fire Station

4.1When this proposal was considered by Planning committee, officers provided several points of detailed advice on behalf of the highway authority, including the following:

  • Development of the site for emergency services use will bring exceptional benefits, including faster access to more of the road network to attend traffic accidents. Other forms of development would almost certainly be recommended for refusal on highway grounds.
  • The appropriate traffic mitigation would be partial signalisation of the roundabout – on the eastbound approach from Upton By-Pass and the corresponding circulation approach on the roundabout, as shown in Appendix A. These signals would be in permanent operation, although would incorporate an emergency call for fire appliances.
  • A new speed limit of 50mph should be applied on all approaches to the roundabout, and on the approach from Upton this should start near the Pony Drive junction.
  • The absence of pedestrian and cycle access to the site for local fire staff was disappointing. DESPI should use their best endeavours to secure a solution, assisted by the Council where necessary.

4.2DESPI consulting engineers have prepared a detailed design of the Holes Bay North roundabout proposals, and these are shown on Fig. 1. Officers have been assisted by signal specialists from Seimens in scrutinising the design, and certain standard DfT methods have been challenged and replaced by specific solutions which give better safety performance at this site.

4.3Unfortunately it has not been possible to accurately predict the impact on traffic congestion, particularly the Upton By-Pass eastbound traffic queuing in the morning peak period. While the introduction of traffic signals will inevitably have a negative effect on traffic flow, the widening to three entry lanes on the roundabout will give a significant capacity increase.

4.4DESPI have made significant progress in finding a solution for access for fire service staff from Creekmoor. Agreement has been reached in principle with Forelle Estates, the owners of Folgate House, in respect of:

  • the provision of cycle and pedestrian access for fire authority staff to gain access from Upton Road across their site
  • a gated vehicular access which would allow fire appliances emergency access to Upton Road Creekmoor. Local Members have been kept informed of the progress with this agreement.
  • staff at Folgate House would be able to access the site from Holes Bay Road roundabout, but they accept that monitoring and control of the gate by the highway authority will be essential to ensure the safety of the revised Holes Bay North Junction.

4.5This latter point is still subject to confirmation, as while Folgate House staff exiting the site onto the Holes Bay roundabout is unlikely to cause any problems, but staff entering in the morning peak could exacerbate the queuing problem identified in paragraph 4.3. Accordingly, the following precautions are suggested:

  • The detailed agreement being prepared between DESPI, Forelle Estates and the Council will be developed in conjunction with the Transportation Portfolio Holder.
  • The revised junction should initially be opened to traffic and carefully monitored without the inbound facility for Folgate House staff. Only when it has been assessed that staff can enter this site without there being a risk to safety, or of major congestion on the major road, will this full access be provided.

Stephen L Tite

Acting Head of Transportation Services

Fig. 1 - Plan of Revised Holes Bay North Junction

Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact:

Chris Francombe (01202) 262040
