PEW SHEET for week commencing SUNDAY 21st February 2016
The Parish Church of
St. Margaret's Horsmonden
Rector: Rev Sue Fauchon- Jones,The Rectory, Goudhurst Road, Horsmonden.
Tel No 01892 722274 Email
Church Wardens: Roger Marsh -01622 832497
David Bell 01892 724495
Pastoral Assistant: Pauline Bell. Tel No 01892 724495
Church Website
SERVICES today- the 2nd Sunday of Lent
Today both of our services are to be held at St Margaret's. A lovely place
to be on a Spring day.
Our 9 am service will be one of Holy Communion using the Book of Common
Prayer. It will be led by Rev Sue who will also be giving the talk. Mark will
be playing our organ for this service.
The readings will be from Phillipians3 vs 17 to 4 v 1 and from Luke 13 from
verse 31.
At 10.30 we have a Morning Service with Holy Communion again led by Rev Sue.
She will also be giving the talk. Mark will play our organ and our church bells
will greet you.
The readings are as above.
' This week let us reflect on our Church as it strives to be a focal
point of our community. To work together in harmony and to
be open and trusting in one another in all we do.'
When you read this let us hope it is a bright Spring day at St Margaret's.
What a beautiful place to be on such a day with smiling people to greet you.
It will make you glad to be in this wonderful world giving thanks with your Church family and visitors.
For the 10.30 service you will also be greeted by our church bells ringing out across the countryside. Change ringing is a skill and a sound almost only heard in Great Britain. Last week a team of ringers rang a record Kent Bob Major lasting over 9 hours! Better than going to a gym – so you might like to have a go? If so see Ken at a Friday evening practice and he will show you the ropes!
We are now in the middle of Lent but you can still attend our lent course on a Tuesday evening at the church hall. It starts at 8 pm and is based on the award winning film of Stephen Hawking. The course is titled 'The Mystery of Everything' with individual friendly sessions lasting about an hour and a half.
No need to book – just turn up and be welcomed.
Hilary works with the Kenwood Trust. They help people, with all kinds of problems, to get back into society and independence. If you have serviceable fridges, washing machines, TVs , cookers etc that you are discarding please give Hilary a call on 078771 953500. She may be able to put them to good use.
For those among you who aspire to fitness. You have surely seen the posters around the village about the Walking with the Wounded charity cycle ride. Consider taking part. Get an entry form and begin training for the event which is on Sunday 1st May. Matt Fisher, the ex soldier with the artificial leg who spoke so eloquently at the Social Club after the stage of the Round Britain Walk that ended here in October, will be taking part. If he can do it, so can you perhaps?
At long last we are being told a little about what is discussed at our PCC meetings. The minutes of the December meeting are now published on our church website In days gone by they were posted in the church porch for all those who could read to read. We have 'gone modern' and you can find them in the 'resources' section of the site. Take a look and see just what the PCC, who lead the organisation of our Church, discuss. January minutes should be there soon.
Pauline reminds us that it is the WOMENS WORLD DAY of PRAYER on Friday 4th March. There is a service at St Mary's church Lamberhurst at 10.30 that day.
It is arranged by the women of Cuba. If you have problem getting there call Pauline and she will find transport.
Every Wednesday in March (except 30th) Hilary will be praying in our church hall from 7.45 am to 8.30 am. These are general prayer meetings to which all are
invited to come.
If you look on the church website you will find a nice letter of thanks from Brian Carter of Open Doors who came to talk to us in November. We raised funds for his charity from the Frugal lunch. He will be speaking soon at Brenchey parish church and we will let you know the date. Meanwhile support that charity in any way that you can – they do so much good work for the Persecuted Church.
Our Parish Council want you to know that a tree will be planted on our village green to mark the Queen's 90th Birthday. The planting will take place at 10.30 am on Tuesday 15th of March. It is hoped that some of our school children will be there and many people from our community.
The next Pie and Pint Night will be held at the Social Club on Thursday 10thMarch. Book your place with Gary Bignell or get further details from him. His Email is These suppers are an excellent way of meeting with members of our community. The speaker at this one will be Richard Pierce who plays in the East Peckham Silver Band. He is also a farmer, steam engine enthusiast and likes old trains!
Roger Halbert will be leading a Worship Service in our church hall on Saturday 12th March in the evening starting at 7.30 pm. As always all are very welcome to attend.
Mothering Sunday is on 6th March and plans are in hand to make this a special day when we invite all from our community to join us. Our Morning service will be widely advertised and we hope to attract many families to our church that day. We ask you to do your part in spreading the word and making sure all the mothers you know come with their families.
Our usual church Coffee Morning will be held at the Social Club on Tuesday. Please call by anytime from 9.45 onwards. You will be among friends and enjoy meeting with others over Gill and Pauline's coffee.
Next Sunday our 9 am service of Holy Communion at St Margaret's will be led by Rev Sue with Brian Banks giving the talk.
Our 10.30 service is a 'Cafe Service' in the church hall starting at 10.30 with coffee and tea served. Ron will be leading this service.
Please remember that this pew sheet is a good way of communicating with those in your Church and beyond. If you are doing anything, make sure you tell Rev Sue or our Church Wardens and they will see it gets included.
Please turn over for dates and activities
CHURCH activities and other village events that may attract your interest.
Monday Table Tennis at the Social Club 2 pm
Bingo at the Social Club 7.45
Short Mat Bowls – club night at the village hall 7.30 pm
Village Choir practice (all welcome) at the Methodist Hall 7.45pm
Tuesday Church Coffee Morning at the Social Club from 9.45 am
LENT course continues in the church hall at 7.45 pm
Wednesday Wednesday morning House Group meets at 6, Angley Ct 10.30 am
Over 60's club meet in the Village hall at 2 pm for Quiz session
Thursday Morning WI craft group meets at the Social Club10 am
Friday Bell Ringing practice at St Margaret's 8 pm
Saturday Wesleys Kettle at the Methodist Church hall 10 am
Sunday Service of Holy Communion at St Margaret's 9 am
Cafe service in the church hall 10.30 am
DATES for your DIARY
SUNDAY 6th March Mothering Sunday
SUNDAY 20th March Palm Sunday
SUNDAY 27th March Easter Sunday
SATURDAY 23rd April St Georges Day. FoHPS Dog and Pet show
MONDAY 25th April Annual Parish Church meeting
Week end of 10th /12th June Horsmonden Summer Festival