Pets are allowed according to the following guidelines:

·  Most apartment buildings allow cats, but not all allow dogs. Permission must be granted by Gaslight Property BEFORE any pet is brought onto the property. No vicious breeds (such as pit bulls) will be allowed and are at the discretion of Gaslight Property.

·  When signed below by tenant(s) and landlord, this becomes an addendum to your lease. All other terms of the lease shall remain.

·  The pet fees are $10 per cat and $25 per dog, each month. This amount is to be paid with your rent.

·  Any damages caused by your pet will be your responsibility to repair or to pay for.

·  Violation of these rules can be just cause for eviction


1.  Your cat shall remain in your apartment. Any loose cats may be taken to the pound. The halls are stairways are NOT equipped for pets.

2.  All cats must be neutered/spayed as soon as they reach the proper age.

3.  Litter boxes must be kept clean. If any tenant has a cat odor problem, which can be detected in halls or in other units, the problem needs to be corrected immediately or you will be asked to remove your pet from the building permanently.

4.  Littler cannot go down the plumbing, regardless of any instructions from any maker of cat litter! Do NOT put litter down any drains. You may be held liable for any plumbing repairs deemed necessary by Gaslight Property as a result of putting litter down drains.

5.  Do not leave your cat outside on the balcony when you are not home.


1.  Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times when they are outside of your apartment.

2.  Tenants is responsible to escort dog outside and to immediately pick up and discard of all waste. First time offenders caught not picking up after their pet will be charged a $50 fine. A second time offense is grounds for eviction.

3.  Dogs shall not be left on your balcony without being supervised.

4.  Dogs shall not be allowed to use balconies for a place to relieve themselves.

5.  If any tenant has a dog odor problem in their apartment, which can be detected in the halls or in any other units, the problem needs to be corrected immediately or you will be asked to remove your pet from the building permanently.

  1. Dogs shall not be a nuisance to other neighbors. If your dog is continually barking, you must correct the problem immediately. Repeated violations may result in asking you to remove the pet permanently.

Apartment Address: ______Apt. #: ______

Monthly Rent Goes from ______to ______Effective ______

Tenant Name: ______Total # of Pets: ______

Describe Your Pet: ______

(color, size, breed, age)

Manger Signature: ______Date: ______

Tenant Signature: ______Date: ______

· 311 Howell Ave. · Cincinnati OH 45220 ·

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