Report No. 2626September 3, 2003
Petitionsfor Reconsideration and Clarificationhave been filed in the Commission's
rulemaking proceedingslisted in this Public Notice and published pursuant to 47 CFR
Section 1.429(e). The full text of this document is available for viewing and copying in
Room CY-A257, 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. or may be purchased from the
Commission's copy contractor, Qualex International (202) 863-2893. Oppositions to these
petitions must be filed within 15 days of the date of public notice of the petitions in the
Federal Register. See Section 1.4(b)(1) of the Commission's rules (47 CFR 1.4(b)(1)).
Replies to an opposition must be filed within 10 days after the timefor filing oppositions
has expired.
Subject:In the Matter of the Commission’s Rules-Competitive Bidding Procedures
(WT Docket No. 97-82)
Filed By:-Stephen G. Kraskin for Cable & Communications Corporation, Northeast Nebraska Telephone Company, and Poka Lambro Telecommunications, Ltd.
on 06/09/03[*]
-L. Marie Guillory for NTCA, Caressa D. Bennet, Attorney for Rural
Telecommunications Group, John A. Prendergast for Blooston, Mordkofsky,
Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, and David Cosson for Kraskin, Lesse & Cosson, LLC on 08/20/03
Subject:In the Matter of the Implementation of Sections 309(j) and 337 of the
Communications Act of 1934 as Amended (WT Docket No. 99-87)
Promotion of Spectrum Efficient Technologies on Certain Part 90 Frequencies
Filed By:-Kimberly Bahrami for State of Florida, State Technology Office on 03/27/03
-Dennis C. Brown for Kentec Communications, Inc. on 04/22/03
-Dennis C. Brown for Kentec Communications, Inc. on 07/25/03
-Julio “Rick” Murphy and McRae Smith for the Federal Law Enforcement
Wireless Users Group(FLEWUG) on 08/01/03
-Steven Proctor and Donald Pfohl for Public Safety Wireless Network (PSWN)
on 08/01/03
-Kathy Smith for the National Telecommunications and Information
Administration on 08/13/03
-John C. Gallagher, Vincent R. Stile, and John E. Logan for SuffolkCounty
Police Department on 08/13/03
-Thomas J. Keller, Attorney for Association of American Railroads on
-Robert J. Speidel for M/A-COM, Inc. on 08/18/03
-Elizabeth R. Sachs, Attorney for Ipmobilenet, Inc. on 08/18/03
-Richard D. Rubino for Private Paging Coalition on 08/18/03
-Robert M. Gurss for Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-
International, Inc., Chief Joseph Samuels, Jr. for International Association of Chief of Police, Martin W. Bercovici, Attorney for International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA), Chief Harold L. Hurtt for Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCC), Sheriff Kevin E. Beary for Major County Sheriffs’ Association (MCSA), Sheriff Wayne V. Gay for National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA), and Marilyn Ward for National Public Safety Telecommunications Council on 08/18/03
-Alan Shark for American Mobile Telecommunications Association, Inc. (AMTA), Jay Kitchen for Personal Communications Industry Association (PCIA), and Laura L. Smith for Industrial Telecommunications Association, Inc. (ITA) on 08/18/03
-Christopher D. Imlay, Attorney for Kenwood U.S.A. Corporation on 08/18/03
-Steve B. Sharkey for Motorola, Inc. on 08/18/03
-Leon M. Bloomfield for Allied National Paging Association and Kenneth E. Hardman for American Association of Paging Carriers on 08/18/03
-Wayne V. Black, Attorney for The American Petroleum Institute and Jill M. Lyon for The United Telecom Council on 08/18/03
-Christopher D. Imlay, Attorney for Tait North America, Inc. on 08/18/03
-Jeffrey E. Rummel, Attorney for The Private Wireless Mining Coalition on 08/18/03
[*] Filed in accordance with Section 1.106(a)(1) of the Commission’s rules.