Petition: Trees along Trungle Moor in Paul, Penzance.

At full Council on Wednesday 16 June 2010 the Council considered and adopted a Petition Scheme following the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 which introduced a duty on all Councils to respond to petitions.


I have contacted colleagues who worked in the former Penwith District Council and I am informed that Trungle Moor was not formally adopted by District Council. The District Council and now Cornwall Council have continued to manage this area and carryout reactive works as required.

To enable us to understand if there is a registered owner I have requested that a land search is carried out; if the land has no registered owner then Cornwall Council may be in a position to demonstrate that it has maintained it for significant number of years to enable it to register the title.

With reference to the condition of the trees the council has included the area into the tree inspection programme. It was inspected in May 2011 and a partial inspection in 2012 to address safety concerns. Whilst works have been identified they are not considered high priority safety works. Cornwall Council will need to address safety works as categorised in line with its Service Standards and inspection regime.

Jon James

Environment Manager