Pete Steffens Native American Scholarship

This scholarship was established to honor the legacy of journalist, professor and advocate, Pete Steffens, by providing opportunities for Native American and other Indigenous students an opportunity to attend Western Washington University and study journalism.

•Students are eligible to receive this scholarship in any year of their studies, from their freshman year through graduate studies.

•Preference given to Native American and other Indigenous students.

•Preference given to those with financial need.

•Preference given to students interested in studying Journalism.

Personal Information


Last Name First Name M.I. / WWU Student Number (if applicable)
______/ ______
Current Address / Current Phone Number
______/ ______
Permanent Address / Permanent Phone Number


E-Mail Address Native American or Indigenous Tribe Affiliation

Educational Information

Current Class Status

____ Freshman entering Western Washington University in Fall 2015 ____ Transfer student entering Western in Fall 2015

Current Western student: ____ Sophomore ____ Junior ____ Senior

___ Declared Journalism Major ___ Journalism Premajor

Proposed Occupation ______Expected Graduation Date ______

List all prior high schools, colleges and universities:

------Name of School------/ ----Location---- / Month &year attended / Year graduated / Credit Hours Earned / Cumulative GPA
From / To / Quarter / Semester

Parent/Guardian Information


Father/Guardian Name Mother/Guardian Name


Address Address

______City State Zip City State Zip

Supplemental Information

The following items must be typed on separate sheets of paper. Please note the item number or question on the page(s).

(1)List significant activities and honors attained while in high school and college. Also list volunteer activities and employment information. If you prefer, this summary may be written in résumé style.

(2)Provide a brief statement regarding your educational and career goals.

(3)Provide a brief statement describing your need for scholarship funds.

(4)Provide at least two writing samples.

(5)A 750- to 1,000-word essay on this topic: Pete Steffens’ father, the investigative journalist and

“muckraker” Lincoln Steffens, wrote: “Spurred by genuine interest and curiosity, I learned to get people to talk to me. Crooks and clergymen, blatant sinners and would-be saints … spoke candidly to me.” What special qualities and interests do you have to enhance communication, and how will you use them for your work in journalism or public relations?

Letters of Recommendation

Please list the names and positions of people from whom the Scholarship Committee will receive recommendations. You may submit letters of recommendation with your completed application packet or the recommender may mail or e-mail them to the Department office by the deadline date. We will not accept recommendations from WWU Journalism faculty.


Last Name First Name Position


Last Name First Name Position

Signed Authorization/Certification

I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize the release of my grade transcript and the extent of my financial need to interested donors of scholarships who request this information.


Signature of Applicant Date


Mail or deliver completed application to: Department of Journalism, Western Washington University, Communications Facility 255, Mail Stop 9161, 516 High Street, Bellingham, Wash. 98225.

Late or incomplete applications will be disqualified

Western Washington University is committed to equal opportunity and nondiscrimination in all programs and activities and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, Vietnam-era or disabled veteran status.