PETA and the Bible
I want to talk about a group that appears on the news now and then.
PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
They have three million members. Five per cent of Americans are vegetarians. From the PETA website: “Animals are NOT ones to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any way.” Common PETA beliefs: Humans and animals are equal. Animals have human-like feelings.
Look at Bible verses concerning PETA’s beliefs.
- Genesis 1:26-28 God gave us dominion over all animals. We are created in God’s image; no other creature is. To say that animals are equal to humans is an insult to God and to us as humans.
- Genesis 9:2-3 God gave us animals to eat. That is one of their purposes.
- Acts 11:5-10 God allows Christians to eat animals without old Jewish restraints.
- Genesis 3:21 God gave us animals for clothing, too.
- Ecclesiastes 3:21 Animals do not have souls. They will not go to Heaven or Hell. They will go back into the earth from where they came.
But while we have dominion over animals, we must remember that it is our responsibility to be good stewards over the earth and animals that God created for us.
- Genesis 2:19-20a Adam watched over the animals and he named them.
- Job 12:7-10 We can learn from animals.
- Use animals not just for food and clothing, but also for industry, agriculture, recreation, entertainment [ride horses, zoo, etc.] and as pets. Conservation of animals, such as deer and fish, is important.
- But as stewards to these animals, we should not abuse them. We need to use them in the proper way but also remember that they are created by God and do not deserve abuse.
- We must also be good stewards and take care of the land.
- We are commanded to do so in Leviticus 18:26-28.
- Psalm 107:33-34 Not taking care of the land comes with consequences.
- Deuteronomy 22:9 Keep crops separate or it will reduce yields and burn out the soil.
- Hauling hay taught me that crops such as hay, corn, and soybeans should be planted in rotation. Deserts in the Middle East used to be fertile. The people were not good stewards.
We must remember God has dominion over us. He watches over us. Does God have dominion over your life? Put on Christ in baptism or repent and be restored in Him. Let Him rule in your life.
Zane Berner June 1, 2014