Pet Zen: How to Help Your Pets Cope with the Holidays

The holidays are often a stressful time for pets. If you have an anxious dog or a fearful cat, you’re probably all too familiar with the challenges that come with the hectic holiday season. Whether you’ll be taking a trip out of town to visit friends or family, hosting overnight guests at your home, or hosting a holiday gathering, there are a few ways you can make the holidays a bit less stressful for your beloved pets to put your mind at ease.

Understand Your Dog’s Needs

Dogs can be particularly challenging if you’ll be entertaining guests at your home. Some dogs don’t cope well with strangers or with busy environments, which can be quite confusing for a pooch who’s used to having you all to himself.

If your dog has a tendency to exhibit fear aggression, you’ll need to take some precautions to ensure the safety of your guests and your pup. For instance, you might set your dog up in your garage or outdoor kennel (provided these accommodations won’t expose your pet to bitter cold temperatures or other harsh conditions).

If you don’t have an area where you can keep your pet safely, consider boarding your dog over the days when you’ll have visitors. Alternatively, look for a pet sitter who will have a quiet, comforting environment where you pup can feel at home without being exposed to the stressful events happening at home.

Help for Anxiety-Prone Dogs and Cats

If your pets aren’t aggressive but tend to get anxious and nervous when there’s a lot of commotion, there are some natural remedies that may benefit your four-legged friends. Rescue Remedy, for instance, is an over-the-counter product that helps dogs and cats (with specific formulations for each) relax in stressful situations.

Another option is a ThunderShirt, a snug-fitting vest that wraps your pet in a warm embrace to help them feel more secure under stress. ThunderShirts are designed with anxious pets in mind, such as dogs who experience severe anxiety during thunderstorms or fireworks, but they’re also useful for calming pets in a variety of anxiety-inducing situations. ThunderShirts are washable and reusable, so your investment will pay off for years to come.

ThunderShirt makes anxiety vests for cats, too, but for some cats, being forced to wear clothing can backfire, causing more anxiety rather than relaxing them. If your kitty is accustomed to sporting sweaters and shirts, however, a ThunderShirt can be quite effective.

Tips for Traveling with Your Pets

If you’re taking a trip over the holidays, you have three options: take your pets with you, board them, or get a pet sitter. Depending on the circumstances, all can be workable solutions. Your first step is determining whether your trip is pet-friendly. Traveling by air with pets can be expensive and stressful, but many people do it. If you’re traveling by car and staying in a hotel, be sure that your hotel is pet-friendly and that you reserve a pet-friendly room or suite.

If you’re visiting friends or family, talk with your host about any allergies or other problems (such as a family member who is fearful of large dogs) and what kind of setup they have for pets at their home. If you’re sharing a room with other people, they might not appreciate sharing their bed with your dog – especially if you have an overly friendly dog who lacks an understanding of personal space, as many do. Always take a pet carrier or crate for your pets to travel in, which will double as a safe space for them to hide out in when they’re anxious.

If taking your pets along isn’t an option, consider boarding your dog or hiring a pet sitter. Some pet sitters will come to your home to care for your pets, while others will keep your pets at their home to provide a homey, comfortable environment with the personal attention your pets are accustomed to.

The holidays are a scary time filled with strange people and strange places for many pets. As a devoted pet parent, you want your pets to be comfortable throughout the holiday season. Evaluate the happenings this holiday season and develop a solution that works best for you and your pets.

Image via Pixabay by thehrpaul