Physical Education
Class Syllabus
Course Description: This course is designed to give students the opportunity to learn through a comprehensive Physical Education program in accordance with the NJCCCS for Physical Education. Students will be empowered to make choices, meet challenges and develop positive behaviors in fitness, wellness and movement activity for a lifetime. Emphasis is placed on students analyzing skills for effective movement. Units of instruction include: fitness (including fitness technology), and individual and dual activities.
NJCCCS: 2.5.12. A 1-4, B 1-3, & C 1-3 and 2.6.12.A 1-5
Course Objectives: Students will be able to recognize and employing the various avenues of physical activity available in the promotion and maintenance of lifetime personal well-being. Students will gain enjoyment and appreciation of physical activity through experience with a variety of selected activities.
Grading Policy: Ability: 10% (Skills Test)
Knowledge: 10% (Written/Verbal Tests, Homework, Exams)
Participation: 80% (Proper Attire / Class work )
The following issues will result in minus (-)6 points from grade:
• Non-Participation
• Unprepared
• Late (s) (-2pts)
• Partial Participation (-3 pts)
Late (if you are 7 minutes late or more, it is considered a cut): 2 cuts within one marking period results in an “F”
Excessive Absences (10 days or more) will result in a written report assigned to student
P CODE – Students who blatantly choose not to participate in the last marking period of gym will fail for the year.
Detention may be assigned for behavior issues
Classroom Policy/Student Responsibility:
STEM Academy students will not be changing for Physical Education class. The following are the REQUIRED appropriate attire students are to wear.
1. School uniform must be worn at all times (in an event that students would like to change their shirts or pants it is up to their teachers to give permission to do so)
2. Athletic sneakers with laces is a MUST (NO boots or sandals, if worn you will be marked unprepared)
3. No jewelry is to e worn while participating in class
4. No cell phone use (including texting) or I-pods allowed in PE/Health Classes ( ONLY 1 WARNING)
5. NO hats are allowed in the gym area
An “A” will be recorded when you are absent. If your name does not appear as absent on CrossPointe, it will be considered as a cut. Cut policy, as per administration, is posted near locker room. 2 cuts within one marking period results in an “F” (school policy).
Late: If student is late and class has already left the building, the student MUST stay with another teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm their attendance with their Phys Ed teacher.
Written Excuses
1. Doctor’s note should be brought to the school nurse with a copy to the teacher within one week.
2. Students may not bring in a medical excuse after the marking period has ended to change failure
3. All students with medical excuses shall be assigned written work by their physical education teacher (i.e. Study Hall, Home Instruction)
4. Students that have an extended medical excuse (2 weeks or more) shall be assigned to a study and written work will be assigned by a physical education teacher
All classes and grade levels participate in a mandatory physical fitness test twice a year. A pre-test at the beginning of the year will determine your child’s baseline score. The post-test at the end of the year should demonstrate improvement.
Please fill out the portion below and return to your teacher immediately.
We understand what is expected in ______(health / PE) and realize that it is a graduation requirement. Failure will result in the attendance of a summer school class.
Student Name______Signature______
Parent Signature______Phone/ E-mail______
Guidance Counselor ______Grade______