Persuasive Speech Rubric Name: ______

Category / Above Average (90-100%) / Average(70-89%) / Needs Improvement
(69% and below) / Not Present
(0%) / Score
Introduction / Engaging, states the main topic and previews the structure of the speech. (18-20 points) / Mildly captures the audience’s attention. States the main topic but does not preview the structure of the speech. (14-17 points) / Does not capture the audience’s attention nor introduce the main topic. (13 points and below) / Absent
(0 points) / /20
Thesis Statement / Clearly and concisely states the speech’s purpose in a thought-provoking sentence. (9-10) / Clearly states the speech’s purpose in a thought-provoking sentence. (7-8) / Incomplete and/or unfocused. (6 and below) / Absent
(0 points) / /10
Body / Has thoughtful supporting detail sentences that develop the main idea and persuade the audience. (22-25) / Has sufficient supporting detail sentences that develop the main idea and persuade the audience. (17-21) / Fails to develop and support the main idea/position taken. (16 and below) / Absent
(0 points) / /25
Research/Support / Uses plenty of outside resources (articles, interviews, surveys, etc.) to support points and persuade the audience. (22-25) / Uses a sufficient amount of outside resources (articles, interviews, surveys, etc.) to support points and persuade the audience. (17-21) / Lacking in outside resources (articles, interviews, surveys, etc.) to support points and persuade the audience. (16 and below) / Absent
(0 points) / /25
Organization / There is a logical and subtle sequencing of ideas. The speech is easy to follow. (9-10) / There is a logical sequencing of ideas, but the overall flow of the speech needs work. (7-8) / Organization is weak. (6 and below) / Not applicable / /10
Conclusion / Engaging and restates the thesis; leaves the audience feeling as though the speech has ended. (18-20) / Restates the thesis; leaves the audience feeling as though the speech has ended. (14-17) / Incomplete and/or unfocused. (13 and below) / Absent
(0 points) / /20
Originality / Very creative and original. (9-10) / An effort was made to be creative and original. (7-8) / Minimal effort was made to be creative and original. (6 and below) / Not applicable / /10
English / Few to no grammatical errors were present. (18-20) / Some grammatical errors were present but the speech was still understandable. (14-17) / Many grammatical errors were present which distracted from the overall speech. (13 and below) / Not applicable / /20
Clarity / Easily understood; excellent pronunciation. (9-10) / Easily understood but some errors with pronunciation. (7-8) / Numerous and distracting pronunciation errors. (6 and below) / Not applicable / /10
Volume / Easily heard from anywhere. (9-10) / Could be a little louder. (7-8) / Needs to speak up! (6 and below) / Not applicable / /10
Speed / Spoke with a natural speed and didn’t rush. (9-10) / Seemed to speak too quickly or too slowly at times. (7-8) / Often spoke too quickly or too slowly. (6 and below) / Not applicable / /10
Posture / Stood straight and tall throughout the speech and did not fidget or move around distractingly. (9-10) / Stood straight and tall throughout most of the speech. Some fidgeting and distracting movements. (7-8) / Did not stand straight and tall, fidgeted at times or had other distracting movements. (6 and below) / Not applicable / /10
Eye Contact / Maintained eye contact throughout the speech. (9-10) / Maintained eye contact throughout most of the speech. (7-8 points) / Spent most of the speech reading the essay. (6 and below) / Not applicable / /10
Confidence / Appeared confident throughout the speech. (9-10) / Appeared mostly confident throughout the speech or had wavering moments of confidence. (7-8) / Lacked confidence during large parts of the speech. (6 and below) / Not applicable / /10